[1.2.0] How to Smash Heads.Guide for a CI Facebreaker Witch with Infernal blow2

Last edited by Pjey#1125 on Dec 19, 2013, 6:19:36 AM

I'm not sure if anyone has asked this question

but can you explain the differences between this guide and the other facebreaker guide of your's? Is CI the only difference?

And which one do you think is better?

Ha ! People talking about my build! Cool :)

Well being a CI changes the build ALOT! You can have blood rage + ghost reaver + vaal pact which means tons of survivability.
You can stack alot more ES than Life.
YOu can use Aegis Aurora and have cool ES per block
You can use Rainbowstrides for spell block
You don't have to worry about life regen
You don't have to worry about chaos damage
You can use Melee damage on full life instead of Added fire damage! Having 50-50 phys-fire is better than having more fire . More fire means less life/mana leech, it mean practicly less damage beacuse there are alot of fire res monsters, you suffer alot more from elemental reflect
Another cool part is that you have the Mind Drinker node so you don't need mana leech on your gear, and you have blood rage so you don't need to have life leech on your gear.

In the end this build is just better!
Slightly more offense.
Alot more defense.

The problems are
this build is more expensive
it is harder to level it up to level 62
it is more gear dependant making it unplayable for a new player with no items/currency
You can't use Dominating Blow .. which in my opinion is inferior to Infernal Blow but it's still a very cool and fun attack

You don't see some very important things about the PvP build :)
I'll send you a privite massage later today with all the details and my thoughts on the build( i promise :) ) I'll keep the details of the build a secret from now on. Once i perfect it i'll make a guide :P That way i'll stimulate others ( and myself ) to try and make new builds instead of sitting on just one viable "secret" build.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Last edited by KorgothBG#4084 on Dec 19, 2013, 11:59:48 AM
Deadbringer wrote:
bugziiio wrote:
How much would cost (More or less) a guy to buy all the items to play this build( if not going for legacy, and having all the gems)?

30-40 exalted?

Meginord is 15c
Abyssus 4l- 1ex
Rings/ammy - Half descent 1-2c each if you spam poe.xys.is People will try and ask for 10c but just spam everyone with a 1c-2c offer.
Rainbowstride 1ex
Aegis Aurora..8ex+++
GEMS : they cheap if you dont go for the quality one yet. ( im doing fine atm with no % gem..- Might just have trouble with merciless general and dominus.)

Facebreaker : 780% 4l for 3c. Lots of people ask for 10-15c but you just gotta keep spamming everyone having one on poe.xys.is. Bought 2 pair for 3c actually ,sold one 5c lol.

So overall its pretty cheap. Just the aegis is troubling me atm i cant afford it just yet.

mmhh honestly thats shooting for the very basics and some very low prices on some stuff ( abyssus even shitty 50% ones cost 2ex unlinked/socketed, a 40-41% one is more like 4-6+ for example)
proper 900+ breakers are getting really exepnsive too. also imho unless your chest and/or jewelry totally rocks legacy rainbows are imho strongly recommended.

and since this build is pretty much all about great scaling and endgame i wouldnt recommend it if you cant afford proper gear,gems and atleast a 5l.

sure you COULD run with a 4l chest, crappy breakers,abyssus,gems,jewelry etc but then again for the same money you can go other builds that will run way more efficient at that budget.

if you got the dough tho this build really shines at high levels and with proper gear without going crazy expensive like some others.

ign: Lucador / Zashah
Last edited by Xobeh#7095 on Dec 19, 2013, 1:35:21 PM
KorgothBG wrote:
Well with that gear setup you'll be better off aegis aurora ... with it you'll have very low ES.
Your shield is kind of nice but it has low block :/
maybe if you are able to find something like this it would be better

Nice shield, I could need something like that. I started to craft some of this kind for later when I go CI, not much luck so far but at least more ES than the Crest Shield. Cheaper than an Aegis Aurora anyways.

Before going CI I guess I need much more ES, it seems to melt much faster than life (is 1ES= 1 life?) I just tested it and had some mean one-shots from evil act 2 mobs, the great white beast hits like a truck! And a Rare Devourer in the forests is not much better. For a little Witch at least. Of course this was a "dry test" without CI, Vaal Pact and without Ghost Reaver of course. Normal life leech seems to be really to slow to tank these guys, I hope with Vaal Pact it will get better, even with not tat much Energy Shield right now (~1300 with Discipline).
However, I guess even instant leech does not help if mobs can oneshot you, it's PoE. :D
Last edited by Fusion_Power#0294 on Dec 19, 2013, 2:02:04 PM
Xobeh wrote:

and since this build is pretty much all about great scaling and endgame i wouldnt recommend it if you cant afford proper gear,gems and atleast a 5l.

if you got the dough tho this build really shines at high levels and with proper gear without going crazy expensive like some others.


1 life = 1 ES indeed

VP+GR+CI is pretty awesome combo you'll see :)
don't forget that when you go there you'll also get the ES nodes behide the CI so you'll have slightly more ES ;)

btw the shield wasn't that cheap too :) 6 ex i think ? or 5 maybe.. can't remember now
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Well, I'm happy when I can spare 3 passives to get the big nodes. :D I already have taken the 2 ES nodes near the Witch start 6%+18% and the lonely 12% node near the CI cluster. Better have some ES before choosing CI. I guess I will use the Shield block nodes later, ES seems more important at the moment with my build. At least as long as I have the 40% block shield. :D

You hav buyed this shield? Oh, I always think that people only buy Uniquer Items. I personaly throw such stuff to the vendor, selffound in the past you know XD. I better don't want to know what treasuers I already have trashed to the NPCs. But stash is full and I'm to lazy to trade, seriously, it takes ages, the Unique Belt and the Unique Boots were enough for my nerves already. ^^"
Last edited by Fusion_Power#0294 on Dec 19, 2013, 2:47:34 PM
Well from my experience few uniques actualy worth something .. while with good rares... therea re endless posibilities of huge profit!
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
For anyone curious about the potential damage output you can expect with maxed out gear in domination/nemesis

This is my domination witch

*Note that this is with 3 frenzy charges and the 8% AS bonus from Kraityn in cruel difficulty.
I chose the 8% attack speed because it gives a slightly higher DPS bonus (~1.8k) than the 18% physical damage reward and adds a bit of survivability due to the faster multistrike.


The 6 link chest is obviously the hardest piece of gear to get, without the last link DPS is 54% lower.

Major thanks to KorgothBG, the creator of this awesome build
IGN: HarroHarbinger
Last edited by Catharsis#3356 on Dec 19, 2013, 4:31:08 PM
That Pain Hold Topaz ring is pretty awesome! You have to eternal and exalt it at some point! i now i would ;)
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"

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