[1.2.0] How to Smash Heads.Guide for a CI Facebreaker Witch with Infernal blow2
Your guides are awesome. About to start doing this one, but I really want to incorporate a 6L Deaths Oath into this somehow. Anybody have any advice for that?
I'm kinda thinking about PvP a little too, so thats why I really want the Deaths Oath. But I want it to be a CI FB thing. Here is some gear I plan to use for this
I can go out an acquire an Aegis, but not sure if thats enough ES if I'm doing CI and with the deaths oath and helm. Or maybe not go CI and stock up on chaos resist maybe? What do you guys think of this idea? I have an 83 witch, and 83 shadow and a 80 ranger all with full respecs in standard just sitting there and I want to do something fun with them. Rampage IGN: RIP_Stannis_Baratheon Last edited by AntonChigur#4612 on Dec 18, 2013, 1:32:12 PM
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Well with that gear setup you'll be better off aegis aurora ... with it you'll have very low ES.
Your shield is kind of nice but it has low block :/ maybe if you are able to find something like this it would be better I don't know what rings/amulet you have but with death's oath you'll need ES on them for sure. In the end i guess it would work but i doubt it that it would be better then the gear that i'm proposing ( btw Aegis aurora is awesome in PvP .. and very discouraging for your opponents ) BTW if you want a fun PvP idea i'll give you one for free :) Death's Oath + Aegis aurora + The anvil + full es gear + +2 melee skill gem weapon ( viper strike in it) + punishment curse + vulnerability ( go 2 curses ) + tempest shield Go full tank with zealot's oath and life regen use Vitality and Discipline as auras Of course there's the problem when you face CI characters but there is a way to deal with them too ( this part i'll leave it a secret :) ) Oh man why did i gave that idea away... i should've made that build :D Oh well it's up already .. and i don't plan to play much any time soon so... if anyone wants to try it out - be my guest! Just 1 condition - give me feedback please! :) "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!" Last edited by KorgothBG#4084 on Dec 18, 2013, 1:58:20 PM
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" thanks for the response, I like the way you think! I'm going to take your advice. I have at least 3 characters in standard 80+ with respecs, so trial and error isn't that terrible! I'm gonna give that a shot haha and I will give you feedback Rampage IGN: RIP_Stannis_Baratheon Last edited by AntonChigur#4612 on Dec 18, 2013, 2:15:36 PM
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" pls.. IGN: Ayumix
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There are some other cool uniques that can be used for that build now when i think of it.. @laurinwow ok "doDge" ... kill me for a missed letter :D "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
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" ya? what you have in mind? I just picked up an Aegis. Looking for an anvil now Rampage IGN: RIP_Stannis_Baratheon
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I'm about to start this build thanks to the nice comments it has recived on reddit and comments here, also its really well polished and well made and you seem like you spend some time to update it daily too.
Anyway was wondering how it works in full groups in higher level maps? | |
I actualy start the build myself too :D It turns out to be awesome in pvp... but i still have to figure a way to kill CI casters... now i can only reach a draw against them... anyway another cool unique would be the Shavronne's Revelation ring(im trying to get one now). And i'm using a character with 37 skills that are uselesss for the pvp... just imagine if it was with a character with proper passives :D @Pjey On Reddit you say.. .can you give me a link i never new that i was mentioned there :) And on the question... well it works pretty well in groups - you deal very damage damage and you can practicly tank everything... it's hard to be a DD tank but with this buil - you can! "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
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http://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1t4z8o/how_to_smash_headsguide_for_a_ci_facebreaker/ | |
" nice, yes I'm also searching for a Shavronne's ring. This is going to be a cool PVP build once I get my passives straight and a proper weapon. Still not quite sure which main skill to use with the 6 link yet. I think I have the idea for my passive tree, going to get unwavering stance and the node where they cant leech life. Grabbing the DoT nodes up by CI and the rest all ES and block chance nodes. Rampage IGN: RIP_Stannis_Baratheon
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