[1.2.0] How to Smash Heads.Guide for a CI Facebreaker Witch with Infernal blow2

KorgothBG wrote:
If you want a marauder facebreaker build you should really check out my other facebreaker build :)


because CI BoR Marauder is impossible

But if you lose the BoR and get abyssus and the needed chest it is possible to play as a marauder too.. it's just that you'll lose some passive skill points ( exactly 5 actualy ) to get to the right "path" of the build. So basicly you'll have 16% less mana; 40% less mana regen and 10% less enegry shield... all that is not that big of a deal actualy.
That was what I wanted to hear. I can just sell that BoR anyhow, Im not attached to it in anyway.

IGN : thephilosopher
Last edited by 09acolby#1188 on Dec 31, 2013, 6:42:43 AM
KorgothBG wrote:

About the mana. Do you have mind drinker alreay? If you have huge mana problems and don't have it maybe you should "rush" to it. 2% mana leech will really make a huge difference.
I suspect that the transition to CI without the Aegis Aurora will be tough but it is possible. Just get Rathpith Globe and grind The Ledge Merciless until you can put it on. And yea i know what you mean .. i hate trading too.. i always feel like i've made a bad deal...

Have mind drinker now and switched back to the Crest of Perandus shield, everything is fine. ;) I guess I will keep this shield for a while on, 40% block is not bad. Wish me luck for an Aegis Aurora drop, may be more likely than getting access to this insane helmet.
Yup i think that you'll be fine.

Good luck! :)
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"

will is ring work for this build? or maybe the damage is kind too low for it?
Last edited by amituofo#1802 on Dec 18, 2013, 10:49:38 AM

will is ring work for this build? or maybe the damage is kind too low for it?
Last edited by amituofo#1802 on Dec 18, 2013, 10:54:51 AM
bugziiio wrote:
How much would cost (More or less) a guy to buy all the items to play this build( if not going for legacy, and having all the gems)?

30-40 exalted?

Meginord is 15c
Abyssus 4l- 1ex
Rings/ammy - Half descent 1-2c each if you spam poe.xys.is People will try and ask for 10c but just spam everyone with a 1c-2c offer.
Rainbowstride 1ex
Aegis Aurora..8ex+++
GEMS : they cheap if you dont go for the quality one yet. ( im doing fine atm with no % gem..- Might just have trouble with merciless general and dominus.)

Facebreaker : 780% 4l for 3c. Lots of people ask for 10-15c but you just gotta keep spamming everyone having one on poe.xys.is. Bought 2 pair for 3c actually ,sold one 5c lol.

So overall its pretty cheap. Just the aegis is troubling me atm i cant afford it just yet.
Not a bad ring but not a good one eighter .. the flat physical damage is WAY to low.

You seem to forget the 6L chest which is very expensive ... 5L will work too but a good one with the needed high ES is not cheap too :)
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Couple of questions.

1) Would this build not be better as templar with the increased AOE nodes? I mean you go inf blow and picked neither those nor the ones from witch tree.
2) Assuming you went for Shavs (6L, right colours) would you still choose that shield or go for a different one? I mean you would drop CI, most likely also blood rage and have less armour.
3) Is this a fun build, i.e. can you run it for months without getting bored?

I played an insanely geared high dps discharger before that quicksilver'd constantly with 14 charges but it simply got boring after a while. Budget for this wouldn't matter, I got 2 mirrors, so ~300ex give or take.
Hello darkness my old friend..
IGN: Anita_Dick
KorgothBG wrote:
Not a bad ring but not a good one eighter .. the flat physical damage is WAY to low.

You seem to forget the 6L chest which is very expensive ... 5L will work too but a good one with the needed high ES is not cheap too :)

Ya i forgot the chest.

I bought a 5l saintly chainmail for 20c.need to roll for "descent roll" til i can afford a end game one.,
Last edited by Deadbringer#6937 on Dec 18, 2013, 12:20:37 PM
MyTeacherTouchesMe wrote:
Couple of questions.

1) Would this build not be better as templar with the increased AOE nodes? I mean you go inf blow and picked neither those nor the ones from witch tree.
2) Assuming you went for Shavs (6L, right colours) would you still choose that shield or go for a different one? I mean you would drop CI, most likely also blood rage and have less armour.
3) Is this a fun build, i.e. can you run it for months without getting bored?

I played an insanely geared high dps discharger before that quicksilver'd constantly with 14 charges but it simply got boring after a while. Budget for this wouldn't matter, I got 2 mirrors, so ~300ex give or take.

1) You can always take the AoE nodes ( i plan to take them on a higher level ) but there are just more important things to spend your passives on.. the damage really isn't an issue ( i think that 1-2 shotting packs of monsters in 78 level maps is good enough )

2) I really don't see how you can go with Shav .. the needed colors are impossible to get on a full ES chest ... you can try and do RRRRBG ( which is again insanely difficult to get ) and play with concentrated effect instead of melee physical but i would not recommend it. No armour + Abyssus = insta death in many cases. Losing Blood Rage is also not an option because you need high life leech value in order to stay alive. If you don't run Blood rage you'll need to use life leech gem wich will mean less damage ( alot less ). And actualy why would even want to use Shav? Having low life has pretty much no use in this build.

3) Can't answer to that question because i'm getting bored of every character and build pretty quick...
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Last edited by KorgothBG#4084 on Dec 18, 2013, 12:27:18 PM

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