[1.0.2] Tri Element Trapper
" Wow, 6L, I'm jealous :). How do you mean against huge group of ranged monsters? Archers aren't same as Voidbears or Devourers. I usually don't have problems, but if I notice really huge group of enemies, I back up a little bit and throw traps behind me. Multiple Traps aren't necesarry I think, Increased Area of Effect should give you enough AoE radius. |
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I'm lower level so not experiencing the same level of difficulty as you, but against heavy ranged or magic packs I have been starting with the ice nova. Once thrown my movement speed is up so I side step a bit and then go through the normal rotation.
Ice nova gives a decent chill/freeze chance, but if you are having particular issues, it may be worth switching out to a multiple trap cold snap with elemental proliferation. When I ran this setup you dam near freeze the whole screen. To run this setup with reduced duration I put cold snap in the boots and sub out shock nova for lightning trap, multiple traps, elemental proliferation, and reduced duration in one of my 4 links. For this reason i keep a lightning trap and cold snap in my second weapon set to keep them leveled. |
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Just wanted to say thanks for the guide! I have 3 chars 80+ and this is definitely the most fun I've had with a character yet and he's only level 53. Thanks for sharing an awesome build!
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Simple question : Why not going for double Divinarius?
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- mana issue
- all ress hard to cap - less evasion(armour), life, ecc... But if u have a very good gear with awesome stats... maybe, it's not a bad idea.. :) |
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For those of you who have taken the build to maps, what lvl and hp did you have before you started? I am currently 66 and 2.2k life running a level 10 artic armour, discipline, clarity and have 45% estimated mitigation. I have grace leveled but have not used it since discipline gives me huge mana regen (~150 m/s) and ~1k mana unreserved.
Last edited by nosrek_scirocco#1209 on Jan 17, 2014, 2:45:36 PM
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try taking off multiple traps, you will realize the huge difference on your dmg especially against rare and unique mobs.
6L will be empower lv3 if you can buy, or just lv2 is ok. Fire trap-fire pen-conc.effect-inc.critdmg-ele prolif-empower AoE is not a problem with carcass jack and ele prolif, so i won't opt for increased AOE. Still cant grasp if ele prolif should be replaced by burn dmg, but some other suggest ele prolif is better. as per cold snap vs ice nova. if you want more defense from hard hitting mobs, go for coldsnap, it is awesome, you can freeze the entire screen with it 4L cold snap-ele prolif-increased AOE-cold pen 3L cold snap-ele prolif-increased AOE (on weapon with +2 cold gem) Level your arctic armour as high as your mana regen can sustain, it will save your life numerous times at high level maps. i rarely die since I put lv 15 arctic armour up. I am at 87 and i have no hard time with maps <76 (exception is for temple's piety, torturechamber lightning beam, labyrinth EK spell etc etc other insta kill boss) Last edited by kopisusu#7688 on Jan 20, 2014, 11:29:31 AM
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" i honestly dont have problem,but i am not a solo player so I might be wrong. Unless you dont use carcass or divinarius you should not need increased AOE. Since you have them, try it without increased AOE gem and put inc.crit dmg. It upscale your dmg by a lottttt. my firetrap avg.dmg still at 6700-ish right now which i think pretty low compared to other build. But ppl said trapper dmg at 10000 is already end-game gear with 6L armor (mine is 5L). So I think my dmg is not that bad (my gem not even level 20 yet). by far the most enjoyable build i've played,make you so busy pressing buttons, no idle time ^^ |
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Great guide, I appreciate you taking the time to do this. If a person could not afford a 6l Chest what gem would you remove? I am thinking Inc Burn or Conc Effect.
Thank you. |
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" ;) ...btw burning damage 20%Q have 10% chance to ignite the enemy on hit with fire damage: very very interesting for our build! Last edited by Rhadoo#2345 on Jan 22, 2014, 9:06:20 AM
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