[1.0.2] Tri Element Trapper
" This build is not really strong VS bosses, however you can try to change your setup a little bit. Drop multitrap from fire trap, use Cold Snap instead of Ice Nova and change your rotation into something like this: Shock Nova-Bear Trap-Cold Snap-Fire Trap. Consider dropping Added Fire Damage from Bear Trap so you can drop your Bear Trap freely to snare her and prevent her from dicking around. |
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" Thanks this did make it much easier. Will also only be getting easier when I get level 20 Bear Trap and Fire Trap. How about setting up a Searing Bond in Searing Touch in weapon set number 2? Would be hard to make use for on Piety but could be very good for other bosses that doesn't run around like a headless chicken. Searing Bond + Inc Burning Dmg + Remote Mine + Trap. Massive damage but hard to use. Edit: I bought level 20 Bear and Fire Traps now, massive difference in Piety kill time. She goes down pretty easily now. Also hit level 70 today, instead of taking the 12 AR node and the Aura Effectiveness Nodes I took Life nodes instead. Seems like the better choice really. 3 nodes to get 12 AR doesn't seem worth it when you can get 24% Life instaed. Avg dmg on Bear Trap is 7k, On Fire trap 2.2k (without Multiple Traps 3.4k). 4k Life 1.6k Mana. Not using Grace, doesn't feel like I have the mana pool to support it yet. Only 719 mana left if I use grace. Current tree: http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgYADkgRlhUgGNsZhhzcHpQkPCaVJ6ko-imlKk0s6TGeNZI_J0GHRitGcUlRSn1KyE3jTipOm1BCVUtWLVptW69d8mKsZ6Buqm-ecFJwu3DVdPF_xoIegseDCYPbhTKHdohCiPGMNpLNkvOTJ5itnaOdqqIuplenXKw_rEesWax_tAy0OLXytz63dcHFwzrKStVP1p3bC9xX3Q3ed-OE5RnnY-ss7hXyHfno-_X8q_zF_gr-jw== And gear
Last edited by magflue#7555 on Jan 10, 2014, 9:21:43 AM
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" Nice! ...go left (MoM) and take golem's blood and the relative 8%-8%-12% life node, them will help u a lot... ;) (and diamond flash of course) Your life it's so good, but maybe i will sacrifice a little quantity of life for a better mana pool... that will help u a lot: running 2 auras, survivability (MoM), regen mana (% of total) and of course spam trap.. ..for example I've 3.1k life and 2.5k mana (liv. 86), and in most situation I'm feeling pretty tanky Last night most of my gem finally reached liv. 20 (oh man, I was sooooo excited, lol)...and I immediatly GCP some of these: shocknova, firetrap, icenova, beartrap and some support, like ele prolif, multitap on firetrap ecc... average liv it's now 13... but shocknova Q20% it's truly awesome, now it's really a "shock party"... no way, that's change all... ;) Waiting for temp chain liv 20.. :) Next big step: try to 6S my carcass (now 5S - 4L) and then try to get 5L... that's will be amazing!! Last edited by Rhadoo#2345 on Jan 10, 2014, 1:28:28 PM
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GL with the Fusings! I think I will go for the Golem's Blood next, and then the 8-8-12 nodes. Maybe the 12 AR node so I could drop some res on gear for more mana perhaps.
I think for next item I will try to get a 6L rare chest. Seems much better than a 5L carcass. So I could use Inc Burning Damage gem. But also much more expensive. Also just killed Dominus with no problems at all. Well second phase I had to use a portal but overall very easy. In all my other chars I had problems with Dominus. This build is just very very strong. Really shines with level 20 Fire trap at least, a 20 Bear Trap helps a lot too. Also a ton of fun, the whole screen is always shocked, frozen or burning. |
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Finally bought Rime Gaze, it's really awesome item for cheap 5L Fire Trap! A lot of additional mana is just icing on cake.
My current gear at lvl 70:
I really need better jewelery and shield, using this shield only because I absolutely need it to boost my resistances. Flasks are quite random, will probably take some of them from my Marauder and reroll others. Also need to level my traps a little bit more ( especially Cold Snap ) because my damage is bit low right now. Fire Trap 1,5k ( without Multiple traps ), Ice Nova 420, Shock Nova around 700, Bear Trap 2,8k. I feel like Fire Trap doesn't necesarry need Multiple traps, however you need to get used to it. I'm quite satisfied with my mana regen ( 110 with Clarity on ), have 660 unreserved mana which is completely fine. 3.1k life isn't a lot, however you shouldn't take a lot of damage with this build because you are really mobile. |
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I think this will be my tree on level 85. Difference is 43% more Trap damage vs 16% Evasion Rating, 18% ES, 20 All Res, Aura Cost Reduction and Effectiveness. I don't need the AR, the 18% ES would be nice for more mana, the 16% Eva would be OK for defense, and I only run Clarity so Aura cost reduction is not that important. What do you guys think? Worth it? 43% Damage is a LOT! My Fire Trap average damage would go from 2377 to 3377 with Multiple Traps. 3598 to 5145 without Multiple Traps. That is pretty big. My Bear Trap would go from 7530 average damage to 10.7k average. Also planning to get Rings with Fire spell damage, and an Amulet with Fire spell + Spell damage. Will turn out real nice in the end. And a Shield with Spell damage would be sick too. This build has really good damage potential with the right items and nodes. |
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first of all, this build is powerfull and fun. thank you introduce!
Now my fire trap is linked multiple traps + sire penetration + concentrated effect + increased burning damage. (with carcass jack) Increase burning damage is good? I am wondering I should replace other gem instead of inc burn dmg. It is challenge to change 5L socket color...for me sorry I have poor English. thx |
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You should use elemental proliferation instead of increased burning damage.
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" That is not 43% more damage, it's 43% increased damage, it is additive with other damage sources. For example, lets say that you have perfect Divinarius, Sunblast and your passive tree. 70%+40%+126%=236% increased damage. Multiply that with average Fire Trap damage and you will get your average damage ( I'm not counting critical strikes ). It is not Fire Trap average damage * 1.7 ( Divinarius ) * 1.4 ( Sunblast ) * 2.26 ( passive tree ). Multiple Traps says 40% less damage. That's another thing. It's less damage, so it will multiply your damage with 0.6. That's why I'm trying to make this build work without Multiple Traps on Fire Trap. If you want to know more about damage calculation, read this article on PoE wiki. |
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This build is great for mobs like other builds
but when it comes to single target/bosses, it gets unwieldy especially if that enemy does lots of fast moving/teleporting/leapslam. Always forced to remove multiple traps when it comes to bosses. shock nova can also become unwieldy and i find lightning trap to be better in this scenerio, constant dmg is better than waiting for that lucky shock hit. (although if the boss spawns with plenty of minions around shock nova wld still be superior since its much easier for get a hit) and with such enemies even bear traps and cold snap trap is not a guarantee thanks to desync. Worst if you miss your traps, you cannot always lead your enemy to where u land your traps because certain enemies have random nature of movement (and before u can lead to him the trap already triggers thanks to reduced duration) and have to wait for that annoying cooldown before being able to throw again therefore like someone said this char wld work best with in a party with someone (freezeminer) that can freeze/halt single targets. then u can actually use your lovely shocknova/firetrap/ice nova with impunity. |
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