[1.0.2] Tri Element Trapper
" ..personally, lose EE will "kill the point" of this build... we will rotate 3 different elemental damage costantly... EE: "Enemies you hit with Elemental Damage temporarily get +25% Resistances to those Elements and -50% Resistances to other Elements" I can't imagine a more usefull node to pick istead of this... no? :O Last edited by Rhadoo#2345 on Jan 8, 2014, 9:19:21 AM
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EE is the main Keystone of this build.
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" EDIT, DID SOME MATH: Not sure if I can agree with that. The main point of the element rotation is to proc status ailments - in some cases EE has no impact on the dmg, just a few examples from the top of my head: - Dark Forest Oak - all you have to do is to throw fire traps in front of you and run through them, he will just leap slam triggering all 3 of them rinse, repeat. If you try to throw other elements in rotation, while standing in place you will take shitload of dmg, if you rotate traps each distance it will take forever to kill him (fire trap is the main source of dmg). - Any hight ES boss/mob - you HAVE TO burst dmg through the shield asap, which you usually do with stacking bear traps/fire traps anyway So it is not that obvious. I dropped EE in my variation. Also remember about that, the EE does not stack: " This does not have to be right, I'd appreciate any experienced player to confirm or neglect that: If we combine it with fire penetration gem, which is a must-have-linked on fire trap imo, EE only reduce the resists of a regular mob by 40% (fire pen 35%), and this is only in case when the mob has his resists at 75%. In most cases, regular mobs just melts anyway, so it is not that much of a problem. According to WIKI, some mobs like rares and boses have resists on 120% (capped at 75 tho, just like the characters ingame). Fire penetration does not lower resistances - it just ignores a portion of it (-35% at lvl 20). So now the scenario 1: - mob 120% fire resist, 75% cap - EE hits, fire resist gets -50%, so goes below cap to 70% - fire penetration goes in leaving effective mob resists at 35% - damage dealt = 65% And scenario no2: - no EE, mob fire res overcapped at 120% - fire penetration kicks in on the capped resists lowering effective res to 40% - damage dealt = 60% So even if we consider shock stacked target, the difference is only 5%-9%. Other way around, dropping the EE lowers your fire trap/bear trap dmg by up to 5-9% on rare/boss mobs and up to 40% on regular mobs if we consider going full rotation with perfect timing (nova trap needs to hit the ignited target immediately for res reduction). Now the real question is... if it is really worth to spend 3-5 nods on that, keeping in mind that full rotation is not always possible and that regular mobs are not a problem anyway. Last edited by mr00wek#6590 on Jan 8, 2014, 2:00:14 PM
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Tried this build in the one-week. It's not quite as good as I was hoping simply because it is not very versatile. I found an exalted orb so I was able to purchase a 40% Sunblast.
Positives: + shock stacking is insanely good + EE can be managed easily with traps even in parties + insane pack clear speed solo (if you are over-leveled for the content) Negatives: - single target damage is very bad, especially if you prioritize traps over remote mine - really hard to get life/resists by the time you are ready for maps - insanely slow leveling progression - nearly useless in close quarters, such as the tunnel map - cannot use traps over ledges or through doorways/jail cells - extremely frustrating trying to get precise trap placement with so much desync in the game - very difficult to set up sockets to make each trap viable and have enough room for things like curses/codt/auras Things I noticed: * this build is highly effective if you are grouping with both a perma freezer and a heavy single-target DPS melee * when leveling get all the EB/damage nodes before getting IR (get IR once in cruel a3 or merciless) * bear trap just doesnt do enough single target damage and picks up on party auras, use it for rarity culling instead of damage * consider using remote mine + storm call, though probably not very effective unless you 5-link it in offhand staff * i wanted to use cold snap, but ice nova worked much better since i did not take any radius nodes on the tree * socketed culling strike with ice nova, as the third trap in cycle, very effective when solo I think if you want to solo farm easy maps this build is great. Primary function in parties is just to shock everything and debuff to lightning. Not good for much else and really hard to stack life in my opinion. Finally broke 3k hp at level 77. Hard to manage life considering no leech and very little regen. My character finally died after getting offscreened by a bird. Would I try this build again? Probably not unless they fix desync (GGG never will) and if traps can be thrown over ledges (multitrap seems to break that). IGN @dime Last edited by dime#0720 on Jan 8, 2014, 1:56:19 PM
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" Only one week and u just know everything about this build? Impressive... Btw I'm a little bit in disagree with u: not versatile build? Sorry but, what's your definition of versatile? When I run maps the only thing I check is the NO REGEN mod (only cuz I've not the unique flask who allows u to no consume mana on flasq effect) and BLOOD MAGIC... other mod are just a joke... almost everytime one or two people in party are scary about reflect mod, reflect enemy, thorns, elem eq mod... i called these "not very versatile builds", c'mon... ;) " Why u'r worry about trap precision? We use sunblast,reduce duration, multitrap and increase AoE bonus (divinarius-carcass) just for spamming trap in every direction and to be not afraid of where the trap landing... obv if the mob r straight forward u don't throw your traps back... :D Maybe u desinc veeeery bad... " I think one curse it's fine... temp chain or ele week, chosen by safety or more damage playstile...then we remaining with 2 empty socket for a defensive combo (es. CwDT) or 2 defensive skills...or anything other may help us (light warp, ecc...) " Never had a problem with tunnel map and similar...:O ..our AoE will do grat job, and temp chain meke mob really slow when they try to engage us.. " ..not understand this 2 points... but if u want some sort of turbo farming/levelling build 10k life and all res capped with only the passive skill tree, maybe u need to search more into the forum... :) " Agree! Sometime I feel a little week in boss or elite fight with harsh mod... but this happened expecially in party, and it seems to me it's a little natural cons of our build, in party we have many others ways to become usefull... not only dps.. ;) ..obv my 2 cent!! :) Last edited by Rhadoo#2345 on Jan 8, 2014, 3:48:28 PM
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i tried this build in 1 week race and used modified form on it. I started as a witch and got all the area of effect radius nodes. Also used the holy fire node to increase burning damage. Then I`ve used power siphon (linked with lmp, chain, added cold) for culling and to gain power charges. This is my replacment for icenova/coldsnap. Unfortunately i had no curreny to buy sunblast or chroms for the trapper boots. But regardless, it worked quite well this way. My firetrap was just linked with firetrap, fire pen, ele prolif und increased crit damage. Due the high critchance i could oneshot most monsters. Shocknova is same setup as suggested and works good. I made it to 67 and farming docks just now. Looking forwad for merging with Nemesis League to try this build with right gear. :) Edith: Died to LMP Predator Dog... Last edited by Karst96#6571 on Jan 8, 2014, 5:08:25 PM
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My progress so far with this build has been very pleasant.
Just hit 62 now and this is my current gear setup
Notice I don't have Ice Nova setup properly right now, I'm waiting to buy some good eva/armor+ ES gloves. I dont have EE yet in my build but i'm going for that next, will have it soon after I kill Piety. I'm not too sure about using Carcass Jack though, but it might be worth it, haven't really tested it yet. Might get a 6L Rare chest instead so I can use Inc Burning Dmg or Chance to Ignite. Also waiting to Q20 shock Nova, just have to find someone to sell me 5gcp. So far though, awesome build. Way more fun than other builds I've tried. Gathering a whole bunch of mobs and just burning them to the ground is very satisfying and fun. Shocking the whole screen is great too. When I get EE the build will really shine I suppose. But Carcass Jack 5L vs Rare chest 6L. Basically it would be 41-44% Chance to Ignite OR 55-58% Increased burning damage VS 12% Increased Area Damage and 20% AoE radius. Honestly thinking about it a 6L rare seems like the obvious choice here? Any input appreciated. Edit: I actually got lucky with 5 Chromes on the gloves so I can use the Ica Nova setup properly now. Edit2: I just killed Piety at lvl 62, but I need some tips on how to deal with bosses I think. She just runs around like crazy, and I had to use 4 portals to go back and refresh potions to be able to kill her. How do you guys deal with Piety and map bosses? Last edited by magflue#7555 on Jan 9, 2014, 2:31:25 AM
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I just dont see why someone would drop EE if using this build. When you reach endgame maps (76-78), EE gives you probably the biggest DPS boost.
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" Explained some of the reasoning in my post, including some math (right or not :)). I am not that positive, as most endgame maps have shitloads of high res mobs (pretty sure they are overcapped, as i didn't see that much of a difference in terms of dmg on 76/77 maps, can't find information in wiki or in the forum tho) It is not about dropping just EE, but about dropping other 5 leading nods (with the regen from EB and Golem's Blood, Shaper can easily be dropped). Instead you can go for Throatseeker and the 70% multiplier increase for example, will test this route as soon as I have more time. |
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Just done 5 or so Piety runs and holy mother of fuck she is annoying with this build. If desync doesn't make my Fire traps not trigger, she runs away from them. Takes several minutes for me to kill her. Very very annoying.
Any tips? I am considering a different item to swap in for Single targets like Piety. Not sure what though. |
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