[1.0.2] Tri Element Trapper
OK you guys make sense. I have been using Chance to Ignite while leveling up but now that I reached Merciless I notice that I barely do any damage vs mobs with Fire Res or Elemental Res.
So Fire Pen basically increases the initial damage of my fire trap by a lot? And the inherent burn effect from Fire Trap is thus increased as well? If I understand correctly. It looks like I will be using a 5L as i can't afford a decent 6L yet. so I was thinking Fire trap - Multiple Traps - Fire Pen - Elem prolif - Conc Effect i guess it's that or Fire trap - Multiple traps - Chance to Ignite - Elem Prolif - Conc Effect I assume Conc Effect beats Increased Burn damage gem? Currently I have 25.2% crit chance on Fire Trap but that will increase a little soon with new dagger, and one of my rings doesn't have crit yet. and Rhadoo yes I think just casting Temp Chains would be better to be honest. CWDT is better linked to enduring cry + immortal call imo. self casting it gives you much more control over temp chains. BTW how much life are you guys rolling with? right now i only have 1805 but I'm only level 48 still. so i have some life nodes to pick up and i'm using goldrim + tabula rasa atm so 2 pieces with 0 life. the build is fun indeed, much more fun than other builds i tried so far. in this build you actually use several skills where as in most other builds you just spam 1 skill over and over. |
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Oh yes, I think u have enought crit chance to swich chance to ignite and put up fire pen...
For what I understand, conc effect it's better then burning damage in a 5L then: 5L: fire trap - multitrap - ele prolif - fire pen - conc effect (<---- huge amount of dps, I read in some previuos post, 1k dps without ---> 1.7k dps with conc effect in 5L, daaamn i need to 5L my carcass, f*ckn' fusing orbs -.- lol) 6L: fire trap - multitrap - ele prolif - fire pen - conc effect - burning damage (for even some more amount of damage when mobs burning, helped by fire pen, ele prolif and conc effect) ..yeah, self casting temp chain make me feel more "safe", and I know CwDT + immortal call + enduring cry was the best, but with temp chain up I have only 2 socket empty, so I have to decide wath is the best option... I already think about in CwDT with cold snap to istant freeze mob, but maybe a defense skill will be better... enduring cry or immortal call, that's is the question... :) ..btw I have now 3.1k of life and 2.5k of mana, more or less... Last edited by Rhadoo#2345 on Jan 7, 2014, 9:52:32 AM
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" Initial damage of fire trap is affected by Fire Penetration, however burning damage from ground is not affected, it is degeneration effect. Ignite is affected by Fire Penetration because ignite scales from initial crit damage of fire trap. For me, absolute must links are: Fire Trap - Fire Pen - Conc Effect - ( Multiple Traps ). I'm trying to make single Fire Trap ( with Increased Area of Effect ) with multiple Cold Snaps work better than multiple Fire Trap with single Ice Nova. In the end I think it will work better ( similar AoE damage, but better single target damage and more freeze/chill ), however I don't have a lot of time to test that. For 5th and 6th link I would think a little bit. If you have a lot of critical strike chance, for 5th link I would definitely put Elemental Proliferation. If you don't have, my 5th link would be Chance to Ignite. 6th link would be the other one or you can try, if you're rich or high level, Empower level 3. Don't think that level 2 Empower is good enough to beat Chance to Ignite or Elemental Proliferation, but level 3 Empower may beat those 2 support gems. |
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cool. well i did try some replacing Chance to Ignite with Fire Pen but it feels like Elem Prolif never procs when I take out Chance to Ignite. So for now I'm using that. but I'm currently only level 49 hopefully it can feel more natural to use Fire Pen on later levels instead of Ignite gem.
also I only have 336 mana left after Clarity so I can cast like 2 Fire Traps and I'm oom lol. i guess i am missing some mana nodes and some ES on gear to get more. i'm doing alright though currently on Shipyard (55) on level 49 and mobs die fairly quickly and its quite fun to play this build. i just bought a 5L Carcass so I have it ready for 62. Not great rolls on it but its OK for 3ex. got the colors i needed too just a few chromes spent. (G-G-B-B-R) i also feel really squishy right now but i guess that comes with being underleveled for the zone i'm in. doing OK though just running around and throwing my traps around. gonna try replacing Increased burning damage with Fire Pen now. Shame about the high mana multiplier on Fire Pen though. It really does feel like I need the Chance to Ignite gem currently but hopefully that changes soon. Edit: after a few zones it definitely feels like Fire Pen is better than Increased Burning Damage. Last edited by magflue#7555 on Jan 7, 2014, 11:00:30 AM
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" ..u'r in Act1 merc? maybe u had took all the crit node too quickly...btw act1 is still viable, but 2 and 3 will be extremely painfull if u have low life, low mana (remember Mind over Matter) and obv low res... ..if u reach those act and u'r in trouble i suggest to respect some crit point and even the entire High Explosive wheel (if u already tooked it) and respect them with tons of life (and mana/auras) node u miss... ex: the big life wheel near "scion start" with "path of warrior" and the "golem's blood" wheel up the usefull "diamond flesh" node... ..trust me, damage and crit node will be usefull only on act3... in plus, the livelling time progression become hard and long and if u miss too much life and mana it will took u too much time to get 1 node at the time when u livelling 75+... safety first!! ;) LIFE MANA/ES and RES on gear (throw away iir/iiq item, u will use them when u'r pretty good geared) and in passive tree nodes, your skill gems will do the rest of the job very well since late act3 merc... :) ..my 2 cent, obv :P Last edited by Rhadoo#2345 on Jan 7, 2014, 11:41:57 AM
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yeah i did pick most of the crit nodes kinda early. might use some respec points to get more life, probably should. in act 2 now merveil went down easily but the act 2 mobs don't die as fast as act 1. i like the challenge though :)
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My main goal is to increase Fire Trap initial damage as much as possible. In groups most of the mobs are dying way too fast and your burning part of damage means almost nothing. That's why I'm not a huge fan of Increased Burning Damage support gem.
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Ok, the build is good and I based mostly on this one and partly on POHX's build.
Just a few points to discuss, sorry for the grammar fails and the style if your eyes are going to bleed after reading this I will correct it tomorrow: - dropping EE - ok the res thing, but that doesn't really lower clearing speed on regular mobs that much, helps a lot with bosses tho (fire trap - main source of dmg, also bear trap does fire dmg so add fire res with the added fire gem if using EE) - dropping multitraps on fire trap for increased critical dmg/crit chance (yet to test) - makes it easier to hit on a single target, make it easier to crit (if dropping EE - putting 3 on top of eachother, while throwin 1-2 sets of multitraps sometimes only trigger 1 or 2 - better control on targeting), a lot more dmg but with possible lower clearing speed - dropping carcass jack for a decent ev/es chest - after playing a lot with carcass, I feel like this build needs more mana and mana sustain overall than carcass provides, the boost in aoe is really awesome and makes shock nova multitraps cover like the whole screen but the farther you go, the more survivability you need (MOM + high mana pool + high mana regen = profit). - dropping aura effect increase nods - not much to say, respeced them and didn't feel much difference. Just for the record: - for most of the time I used cloak of defiance (was low on currency)- works perfect, up to the point when u can invest in 5l carcass/good EV/ES chest - the build IS item dependent if u want it to shine, you can run low maps with medicore gear tho and easily farm the currency up (probably works for most builds, not sure - still kinda new to POE :)) - aoe from divinarius is fun, but in my opinion its better to invest less currency in a rare dagger with high crit/spell dmg, critting is really important - q20 shock nova - buy it asap if u can afford it, because critting is really important Currently LVL 88 gear. It is not GG, probably over average, till lvl 75-80 was running with much worse gear, and still worked fine, posting this for suggestions what could be changed etc. not to show off (and yeah, ring no2 sucks) :) Still switching and mixing things up, going to test the no-multitraps on fire trap next, just need enought chromes to make it happen:) Last thing, when it comes to maps, most can be done, I agree that the mods listed are difficult/annoying, the 50% is not a problem with high mana regen, blood magic and 0 regen is close to impossible tho. From my experience for solo play in 66-76 maps (any lvls, any mods): - Orchard - skip the boss - Museum - lure bosses 1 by 1 or skip, and still be careful even if you are high lvl - Villa - skip the boss, super annoying trap wars, takes some time - Temple - skip the boss, even when capped on light res, high risk no reward - Labyrynth - skip the boss, never killed that one and this map just sucks overall - Jungle Valley - again, skip the boss or be really quick with insta life recovery potion spam - Residence - skip the boss, feels like just in case of the labyrynth - impossible to kill with this build - Torture Chamber - really hard due to op lightning dmg, but possible - Crematorium - just skip the boss and this time I mean it, ridiculously overpowered - Precinct - never did that map on solo, in groups tho bosses dmg seems crazy + she is fast so it is really hard to kite - Ghetto - never did that map - Dark Forest - avoid multiple projectiles/vulner/added dmg in combinations or you will get 1shot by a suprise party of devourers Ok, done for now. Last edited by mr00wek#6590 on Jan 7, 2014, 6:22:08 PM
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Can someone tell me if this will work? I put it into a builder and the stats don't seem that much different i just lose EE.
Running as a ranger instead of shadow. Opinions appreciated. | |
Got a question about Shock. If I shock an enemy that is previously Ignited, will the Shock increase the current Ignite effect? I assume not because the Ignite damage is already calculated? Not sure about this though.
And thanks for the map info mr00wek, good stuff. Also you could just try your Fire Trap variations in Tabula Rasa instead of wasting Chromes! Last edited by magflue#7555 on Jan 8, 2014, 6:06:07 AM
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