TSC: Giving away the chance to make a unique and a custom Avatar! *EVENT* *Winners Announced*
Geographer's Utility Apron
Belt +15-65% Quantity of items found +15-65% Rarity of Items found Has 10 slots to hold maps. chisels and orbs No other stats “Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”
—Leo Buscaglia Contact support@grindinggear.com to report issues relating to the game or forum. Thanks! My beloved pets.... ![]() |
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" +1 to that. I also edited in a second map idea in the previous page (or two). |
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![]() Inspired by Mike Myers Unique 3D art- http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/342452
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" yeah thats what i was going for. you could switch from aoe to single target to keep some of your minions alive while building up more, and then release them from death slowly for the sustain of health and charges. anyway i have a few more build enablers i am working on (hope i make it in time) , we need more build enablers! |
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![]() Unpleasant Surprise: Unique Map (randomly drops with Level 64-68) A large round room with 4 frozen statues. Northern statue: Chris ( he is a true shapeshifter and buildtester and can spawn as any boss in the game ) Southern statue : Mark ( he is a giant diamond kiwi and as the master of skills he will get 7 random skills to use to his - or the AI´s - best knowledge) Western statue: Rory ( he knows every bug we send in and in this process has become a giant bug that uses brutus skills incl. the mighty Desync-Attack) Eastern statue: Russell ( as the master of effects he looks like a giant fountain of pure chaos-energy. he is able to vanish every 10 sec for 3 sec and regenerate life and creativity. He uses falling leafs and fiery rain and a huge poison cloud around him to damage his enemies.) All of those have normal bossloot. Now... If you touch one of the frozen statues the boss will come to life and starts fighting the player(s). And if you clear all 4 of them while killing 1 boss at a time a chest with guaranteed 5 maps in it (guaranteed same level as the unique map had - or higher) will spawn in the middle of the room. But: If you touch all 4 and don´t bring any of the bosses below 90% HP before you activated all 4 of them - Mr Vaal Oversoul will spawn in the middle to join the team. If you have managed to kill them all the chest will be loaded with 8 maps and 2 guaranteed uniques. cya Deathtiny level fast, die young and leave a nice looking corpse! Tinyshideouts: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3260135 Last edited by Deathtiny2266#6783 on Dec 13, 2012, 4:01:03 PM
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"A metal case for a broken skull, a battle can bring a spark of genius" Dyscalculia Fugue Armageddon Casque -10% Light (Reduced view like lack of HP causes) -10% ToHit (Global) -10% Dmg (Global) -10% Mana OnDmgTaken: 10% Chance for 1 Power Charge, 1 Endurance Charge, 1 Frenzy Charge. (Up to devs if its 10% to gain all 3, or 10% for each seperate charge type.) ------------------------------- "Looking into the empty flask, the mind and body was gripped with doubt." Quartz Flaskus nervosa Cloth Belt +20% Flask fill rate +20% reduced stun on self (To add further to the cloth belt -stun modifier) 10% HP restored from flasks as 2 s -% Spell cast speed 10% MP restored from flasks as 2 s -% Attack speed -------------------------------- "Few walk in these halls of wisdom, even fewer find me." Cyclothymia's Bibliomania Vaal Regalia +20% Skill gem XP gain +20% Skill Damage +200 Energy shield (On top of the already existing Energy shield from the armour itself) Always 6 Linked Sockets (random colors) Cannot use Charges at all Loose all armour Dmg reduction -------------------------------- Last edited by Planetsurvival#1516 on Dec 13, 2012, 5:53:31 PM
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You asked for maps.
![]() This map can only be gotten by using orb of chances on a map ( all maps will do!), but it has an extremely small chance This is so that you always have a small chance to hit the jackpot whenever you use a chance on a map, should increase demand in orbs of chances and give a use to low level maps :D And this way this map is available for everyone! So basicly this is a map whit all bosses thrown into it somewhere ( so not all at once, but not one on one either) Should be fun, right hell raiser, brutus, merveil and vaal? Drops are done this way so that this map is more accessible, you dont need to start stacking ridiculous mf to get the most out of it. This way players might actually consider running it instead of selling it to the top players. Level should be the throne room looking place in act 3, whit lots of gold everywhere. At the end there should be a large golden chest that contains only 1 gold coin This coin cannot be traded to other people or dropped. Also Reaper could i ask a question? why make it a random draw between the best 12? why not just have all partys discuss and choose the most intersting one? (whit the 2 runner ups getting a avatar) Or put up a poll whit the chosen 12 Having them chosen random is kinda,, meh. Last edited by dragonbite#0484 on Dec 13, 2012, 5:15:42 PM
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![]() This is one for the tanks, aimed with one single thing in mind: to void out physical critical attacks (while at the same time providing some defence from elemental damage). This unique got one new feature that might not be in game, the "Bonespawn" mod. With this mod in place, critical hits "shatter" the armour and create lvl 1 skeletons under the player's control. This could be achieved by creating a generic corpse stack and setting off a lvl 1 skeleton spawning skill on auto when ever the user takes a physical critical hit, shouldnt be too backbreaking to code this skill in...probably. And the new cosmetic feature: Gore Eater. Players using items with the Core Eater mod, have a permanent (as long as the item is equipped) blooded effects on their character, especially near the facial region where there is a constant stream of blood gushing out. And all monsters that are killed by the player, exhibit no gore effects but instead break and disintegrate into dust (like skeletons/shattered mobs on death) and the player instead exhibits gore instead of the slain mob. Not particularly a necro based armour, but more of a 'corpse-generator' for skills that require bodies for whatever reason (for fellow necromancer party members or for the exploding skills, etc.) and the reduced move speed and Conduit mod should make it more of a team oriented piece rather than for solo gaming, but it should work on a item-balanced standalone character too. And this is not for the Resolute Technique tanks, but for crit hitters since this piece can generate Endurance charges on crits and thereby boosting defence with Endurance passives. |
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"This once belonged to the very founder of Wraeclast, now only a mere legend..."
Biorr's Legacy Unique Chest Armour Armour- 140 Evasion- 120 Level 70-75 (random boss drop) Increased mana regeneration (maximum of 20% increased rate) duel wielding weapons will result in an upwards of a 20% increase in damage Ability to poison, freeze, or set a target ablaze on-hit Bonus to damage output if the character has skills involving attack speed (Maximum of 40%) 25% of ANY elemental damage leeched back as life Has 6 (Random) linked sockets Last edited by Gman8215#1872 on Dec 13, 2012, 8:59:29 PM
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Again, the stats aren't so much of interest as the puns/low-brow amusement...
Bumbershoot low level shield mediocre base stats 80% block (w/animation) of attacks from above I'm laughing at the clouds, so dark up above So it won't help you most of the time, but Rain of Arrows and the like are dramatically reduced. A "bounce" animation for any creatures dropping on you would be amusing (monkeys, heh). Man, I need to get out more. Why do the heathen rage?
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