TSC: Giving away the chance to make a unique and a custom Avatar! *EVENT* *Winners Announced*
ring of the dao: all 3 resists are averaged together. so if, for example, you add 30 fire resist, then it actually adds 10 to each. also, 50% chaos resist.
flavor text: "the dao thrives in chaos and births heavenly order from it.". a few ideas for more modifiers: 50% of physical damage (about to be) taken is instead converted into fire/lightning/cold maybe even chaos, and either evenly split or randomly one of them. possibly add the same modifier for damage you deal all damage incoming and outgoing is split evenly between fire/lightning/cold/chaos/physical a slingshot (that's not the name. will think of one when flavor text comes to mind). unique animation for wielding and firing required, but the projectiles can be rocks like the ones thrown in act 1. a ranged physical attack incapable of doing elemental damage (and all added elemental damage modifiers won't work). a two handed weapon that should have the same base damage of one handed melee weapons. cannot equip quiver with it. cannot use any bow skills and instead uses strength melee skills like ground slam and heavy strike (though sweep wont work because a rock cannot stop and sweep) - turning them into projectiles but losing some damage effectiveness for it. can be linked with projectile support gems like lesser multiple projectiles to execute three melee skills as ranged. but none of the elemental support gems would work (maybe added chaos damage should be permitted). maybe skills used with this weapon must be blood magic, or every use of the weapon drains 0.1%/0.2% life or some other balanced number. the price of executing your melee attacks from a range, and being able to use the multiple projectile support gems on them. can't think of flavor text at the moment but something about throwing rocks drains your blood. EDIT: the slingshot could also be a bag of rocks so that no unique animations are required the path that can be chosen is not the correct path to choose. such is the nature of the Dao. Last edited by Dao#3393 on Dec 14, 2012, 4:54:52 AM
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" Still hope this wins. Necromantic Aegis needs a cool shield. May as well be this one, it has an interesting mechanic. Standard Forever
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persian sand clock amulet
everything, friend or foe, and including yourself and team mates, in the radius (optimally the radius that most ranged enemies, if not all, engage) is cursed with temporal chains. every strike taken and dealt by something cursed is critical (because the mind can react faster and direct the body more accurately, both of you and your enemies). EDIT: maybe better for the entire map to be cursed by the amulet. the path that can be chosen is not the correct path to choose. such is the nature of the Dao. Last edited by Dao#3393 on Dec 12, 2012, 10:42:58 PM
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I think I've had a couple of map ideas that might be worth people's time:
Axiom Lighthouse Torture Chamber Map (level 66) Only maps drop Area contains no containers Area contains no monsters Map boss has +15-25% increased movespeed Map boss has +15-25% increased attack speed Map boss has +15-25% increased cast speed FT: The details of every treasure cache unwillingly plucked from a thief's mouth are all here Comments: The exact map type could be changed to something more appropriate (I don't know what tileset the Torture Chamber is, nor what the map boss is), but I think this would be best placed in the middle of the map level range. Basically you go in, kill the boss, and get a half-dozen or something maps for your trouble. Appearance: Don't know about the item, but the area should have three or four empty levels with stairs in them until you reach the final boss area. Great Rhoa Nest Dried Lake Map (level 60) Only currency drops Area contains many rhoas Area contains 20-30% fewer monsters Turbo mode FT: The rhoa colonies shelter many other small bird species, who only share a penchant for shiny baubles Comments: On the one hand, all you get is currency, and lots of it because there's more monsters than just the boss. On the other hand, those are crazy beserking rhoas running around charging at super-speed. If you get this map in a Turbo server, either it becomes Double-Turbo or nothing extra happens. I guess. Appearance: The map item has some white splotches on it. Forgotten Capital Overgrown Shrine Map (level 63) Area is 250-350% larger Area has increased monster variety Monsters have +250-350% increased rarity of drops Monsters have -75% increased quantity of drops 20-30% increased monster pack size 20-30% more magic monsters 20-30% more rare monsters FT: It is impossible to know now how they coexisted Comments: Most of the time, maps are pretty small and you get them out of the way relatively quickly. This one, not quite so much. Over the course of it, you may have to deal with a huge number of different monster groupings and so it would be the kind of thing that you wouldn't just nut out in a half hour or less. While you won't be finding much, the rarity should make sure everything is more worthwhile. Appearance: The map item has highly-detailed carving. The region itself should be subdivided into many smaller areas. |
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" But of course... not sure if these have been suggested before though. ;) Volcanic Island (Island Map) - Area is filled with lava streams and ash - Area is populated by elementals and undead - Players are cursed with Flammability - Firestorms erupt randomly - Players take X fire damage/second. - item bonus to be set. A foolish dream to be bathed in fire, for gold that gleams midst nature's ire. Details: The visual effects on the map include a dark fed fog. Our unique selection of monsters can include (and more): - Boiling elementals from the sea, with cold to fire and an alternate version of freezing pulse. - Magma elementals (burning ground?) - Flame elementals (fireballs) - Seared bodies, zombies representing residents buried in ash rising from the fog. Chance to ignite on hit. Suggest that our bosses will be two creatures found near a lava cave. - The Anguished One modelled from the unique skeleton archer (fires rain of flaming arrows, and raises totem), and his - Pet skeletal Helion modelled from the Burning Menace. The map firestorm should trigger around the player but cover the screen, using e.g. +500% increased AoE. so that players can't noticeably run from it. Center it near the player (but not always on the player thankyouverymiuch. :) Taking a chain of overlapping eruptions with random quality bonus keeps the falling bolt from being too regular. It should ideally hit the enemies too (but they shouldnlt be worried about fire-resistance). Hopefully include a half buried village where the majority of the undead will rise (requiring the player to go through a few burned remains of dwellings). The devs will have to determine a suitable item bonus. :P = = = Check the sinkhole image (last image on page) as a guide. Maw of the Earth (Jungle Map) - Monsters gain 30% move speed. - Monsters inflict 1 additional Viper Strike charges on hit. - Area is prone to subsidence. - Area contains special chests. Wraeclast had a little laugh when it swallowed a colony of outcasts whole. Idea: A chance for players to rediscover a destroyed encampment, and 'retrieve' some of its stockpiles. The entire area is a multi-layered depression surrounded by cliff-face (which needs to be descended), a equal mix between jungle and unstable ground. The subsidence can possibly be implemented as traps all over the map, which has a chance to trigger. To complement its exotic location, the monsters that made their way into this hole are fast, and poisonous. Some will be able to puncture. Asides from monkeys that climb down from trees and cliffs, you can also have spiders and other animal creatures. Dropping serpents from the canopy above can also be interesting. What I would like ideally is to enable players to fall through a specific location (take large, probably non-lethal damage) and hit caverns below, where they can be hosted by the resident boss of the map. ;) = = = Lifesaver, Pin-cushion (the pin-cushion text replaces 'spiked shield'. Grapphic like said shield but with plenty of arrows protruding from it instead of spikes. Noticeable hole in the middle.) level 30~50? - +75% evasion and energy shield. - +150 evasion rating against ranged attacks. - +120% stun/block recovery rate against ranged attacks. - +200% physical damage reflect to attackers. - +10 phys damage reflection to the next attacker for each arrow you block/evade (buff until next reflection event) - Maximum chance to evade reduced by 5% (so that the chance to "dodge" arrows is capped at 90%) - Arrow Dodging - +50% damage to arrows that (actually) hit you. Seems to attract metal, but didn't save its previous owner from an hand-cannon. With this shield equipped, blocked/evaded arrows always lodge in your shield and never sail past you. ;) Last edited by zharmad#7992 on Dec 13, 2012, 3:23:18 PM
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Added an Axe, a Mace and 2 Maps to this post:
http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/58353/page/28/#p756136 More will come later :) Edit: Changed "Faith" amulet from Onyx to Gold. Last edited by sowus#6449 on Dec 13, 2012, 4:30:53 AM
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Here's my item idea, not entirely sure on how balanced this is - but you get the jist of it.
![]() Appearance: A shark jaw reinforced with plating, and a grip running across the inside. The protruding teeth would act as the "blades" of the claw. |
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The main sponsor wants more maps - main sponsor gets more maps.
![]() This map is supposed to be inhabited by all versions of kiwis. Though loyal pets when tamed, in wilderness they are fiercely territorial, much larger and quite a nasty little spellcasters to boot... while remaining cute as a possum, of course. Map boss would be Oak's evil twin brother - "Wilson the Kiwi Tamer", 100% bigger, 100% nastier and can summon kiwis in addition to packing a huge wallop. While Elemental Equilibrium mildly inconveniences most players it would help your enemies immensely. Kiwi: Uses basic spells, drops normal loot Bronze Kiwi: Uses supports for its spells, drops only rares Silver Kiwi: Uses supported spells and curses, drops only maps Gold Kiwi: Uses supported spells, summons and curses, drops a crapload of currency Diamond Kiwi: Uses heavily supported spells, summons, curses and totems, drops only uniques Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs. ◄[www.moddb.com/mods/balancedux]► ◄[www.moddb.com/mods/one-vision1]► Last edited by raics#7540 on Dec 13, 2012, 7:32:17 AM
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Ruffini`s Paradox
Scholar`s Robe ------------------------------ Req.: Lvl 18; 99 Int ------------------------------ 41 Energy Shield ------------------------------ +1000 HP + 20% chaos resistance Reserves 1500 HP (yeah thats right) 20% reduced Maximum Energy shield ------------------------------ "Dont think about it!" Last edited by jaankoo#1089 on Dec 13, 2012, 5:51:56 PM
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" What about a Surivial Map? a player fights a wave after wave of monsters/Bosses? |
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