TSC: Giving away the chance to make a unique and a custom Avatar! *EVENT* *Winners Announced*
I love creating. I always try to create more game content before finishing it. Just btw :)
Other ideas: 1) Life Guardian Etched Shield lvl 42 armour 148 ES 52 8% Resist All Elements 50% of mana converted to life. 50% mana reserved. 2) Mantis Needle Corsair Sword lvl 59 dmg 15-59 APS 1.7 70%-100% increased phys dmg 50% inceased attack speed Deal attitional 8% of target's current health as chaos dmg. You take 2.5% of your maximum life as chaos dmg per seccond. IGN: vVotan
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My idea is simple.
A weapon with stats that are normal, but if used to effect a successful PvP kill by invading another player's game, that weapon will be temporarily "upgraded" to become overpowered to a duration of 1 hour. After that hour elapses, the weapon needs to be used to PvP again to refresh the overpowered stats. This idea follows Elric's Stormbringer - a sword that gives its user power temporarily by means of drinking the souls of its victims. [img]http://i.imgur.com/hrw55.gif[/img]
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This is an alternative version of my item from the previous page which I feel is significantly different so I hope will count as a separate submission:
(Please consider version 1 only if version 2 seems over powered.) ![]() If a minion gem is socketed in this item there is a chance that a single minion will erupt from the corpse of enemies slain by the bearer. It may be necessary to limit this item to one socket, though it could be more fun not to. If multiple sockets were allowed and multiple minion gems were socketed, one minion would be chosen at random. With 3 sockets a maximum of 2 supports could apply to the summoned minion. This item is intended to work with Necromantic Aegis With Necromantic Aegis all minion kills, including those made by minions summoned through this item, may cause the effect to propagate. The extra gore effect should apply to hits by minions if the player takes Necromantic Aegis. When summoning on kill the enemy's body explodes into fleshy chunks and a bloody mess similar to Infernal Blow, but no damage is dealt. The minion appears to erupt from the slain enemy and no corpse is left behind even if the minion did not require a corpse to summon. Minions summoned through this item receive full benefit of the player's minion passives and bonuses from other items such as Sidhebreath. Slain enemies may summon a minion and Character level increases summon chance are essentially one mod but noted as two to give a clearer description of the intention. I'm thinking the chance should range from 23% to 40%, ie: - 20% base chance of summoning on kill - +1% chance per 5 character levels The chance to summon would therefore be 23% at level 15 and 40% at level 100. This bonus should be unchanged if the player takes Necromantic Aegis. Edit: 11/12/12 This revised version of the item I posted on the previous page was intended to get around the problem that a fixed level minion would be either too strong if over levelled or too weak if under levelled for the item to be both fun and useful. By basing the summoned minion on a socketed minion gem the minion can be kept at an appropriate level for the player using the item. The player must then have the required level and attributes for the minion being summoned. Note that only a single minion is intended to be summoned by this effect regardless of how many are summoned by casting the socketed gem directly. Edit: 13/12/12 - Ranamed item - Updated item image - Clarified many sections of the original post Last edited by BlastMonkey#5208 on Dec 13, 2012, 7:05:47 PM
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Item name: Delirium
Item type: helmet Item effect: gems socketed in this item are supported by a random support gem in other items (upon each use) |
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*insert evil name*`s soul flask medium hybrid flask ------------------------------------ Lasts 2 seconds Consumes 100 of 100 Charges on use Currentley has X charges +100% increased item rarity ------------------------------------ Requires lvl 30 ------------------------------------ Does not refill in town ------------------------------------ "You will get paid for every soul you catch" Last edited by jaankoo#1089 on Dec 10, 2012, 11:52:24 AM
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2 ideas here with the intention to create something unique.
(no name yet) Ring: 30 mana (implicit) 10-20% resist all 10% reduced item rarity 10% reduced item quantity critical strikes have 50% increased item rarity and quantity The hunters trophy (the amulet itself would be a simple string with various animal teeth attached) dexterity amulet implicit (forgot the value ranges) 10% increased movespeed 20 health 20 mana 20 energy shield upon killing a rare monster a random charge is gained IGN --- Grizdale Last edited by Grizdale#2543 on Dec 10, 2012, 12:55:27 PM
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Heavy Stoneage Claw Timeworn Claw -------------------------------- One handed Mace; Claw (Counts as both) Physical Damage: 19-53 Fire Damage: 11-20 Critical Strike Chance: 0% Attacks Per Second: 1.1 -------------------------------- Requires lvl 26; 60 Str; 39 Dex; ---------------------------- 5% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched Back As Life -------------------------------- +20% increased Stun Duration +30% increased local Physical Damage +11-20 Fire Damage -Cannot get Critical Strikes 15% reduced Maximum HP -------------------------------- "HGNAAAAAAAAARRRRR........!" Edit: I thought of it. This item needs to get nerfed back to stoneage, but i think it could still be realized. Last edited by jaankoo#1089 on Dec 10, 2012, 1:26:22 PM
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1.Gamblers Debt - Sword
Deals 1-100 damage with a: 33% Chance to Deal Damage as Physical 33% Chance to Deal Damage as Chaos (chaos damage is increased by physical) 33% Chance to Deal Damage as 3 Elements 24% chance for damage to occur on a single enemy 24% chance for damage to be shared between nearby enemies (at random rates) 24% chance for damage to be halved and 1/3 dealt to self 24% chance for 1/4 of damage dealt to be done to self 4% chance for damage to restore enemy health A gamblers debt is never payed, for he always comes back for more. 2.Gamblers Luck - Amulet 10% chance when taking damage to deflect half onto a random nearby enemy 25% increased item quantity 5% increased item quality 10% decreased movement speed above low life When placing bets, always have an ace up your sleeve. State of Beyond Mechanic: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3568084 State of Blight Mechanic: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3568078 State of Harbinger Mechanic: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3568062 Last edited by Raghin#2415 on Dec 10, 2012, 1:32:34 PM
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I wanted to go through the entire thing, to make sure I wasn't stepping on creative toes, but oh well. Unfortunately I don't know enough about the models to really say any. I've intended to put in a little lore to the items, as I think flavour text is one of the most important parts of a unique, and the best way to make it feel 'good' to use. Two caster items, unfortunately. But I think two is a suitable limit? If a third can be made however. I'd love to be told, just to put another idea out for melee this time.
"Saramir's Loci" (Any dagger skin would work, with a silver sheen to it) +60% Global Crit Chance (Intrinsic) ----------------------------------- +25% Spell Damage - 1-10 Physical Damage. ( This should be updated to 'remove' the weapon damage of the dagger. Assuming quality -does- work on pure %, this means quality won't improve the weapon, either, unfortunately. If need be, the damage can be 1-1 for mechanics reasons. ) +15% Casting Speed -20% Chance to Block ----------------------------------- "A wand for some, but not for others. For Saramir, there could be but one. The Silver Dagger. His Mage's Tool." "Katheryn's Fetish" (This would work best with an offhand twig-shield of some kind. Possibly the Bone-Spirit Shield) ----------------------------------- +2 Curses allowed on enemies. +50% Area of Effect. (On Curses only, if possible. If not, all AoE could do with one change.) +30% Casting Speed. (Possibly curse only too? I know there's passive nodes for it.) -40% Spell Damage. (More harsh if Curse only +AoE is not possible. Closer to 75%) +15% Base Energy Shield. ----------------------------------- "A simple fetish. Lost now found. For Katheryn, was a saviour. But not for her foes. Or those she opposed. Their weakened forms, she did savour." "Unless I'm Wrong" ---------------------------------------- Lahni ~ Sihane ~ Enywe Last edited by SadistSquirrel#2953 on Dec 15, 2012, 12:17:12 AM
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Helmet of Divine Order
Inlaid Chain Coif -------------------------------- Helmet Armour: 90 Energy shield: 60 -------------------------------- Requires lvl 31; 34 Str; 34 Int; -------------------------------- +100% increased Chaos Damage taken -All Chaos Damage Taken is Converted to Elemantal Damage. +20 local Energy Shield +50% increased local Armour and Energy Shield +50 Life -------------------------------- "I send you to recover divine order, when everything descends in chaos" Last edited by jaankoo#1089 on Dec 10, 2012, 1:57:35 PM
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