TSC: Giving away the chance to make a unique and a custom Avatar! *EVENT* *Winners Announced*

*Entry's Closed*



Thanks to all who entered.


G'Day Exiles!

I am Reaper of The Shadow Cast Channel, And today im here to announce a massive, super, epic and awesome giveaway event.

Due to the close arrival of Open-beta, Christmas and the recent reach of 500+ Subscribers on the channel, The Shadow Cast (With the support of GGG) will be giving away the " immortalise yourself in the game by working with us to create a Unique Item inspired by your design" part of my 5th Diamond.

One lucky and creative person will get the chance to work directly with the Devs to make there dream item become a reality!

How? Easy!

Just put forward your Unique Item idea in this post. You can submit as many ideas as you would like!

Once entry's close the submissions will then be inspected by our team of judges and the best, most interesting and creative uniques will be chosen for the final draw. The winner of the chosen few will be decided by a random number generator.

Update: I have just Pm'd Chris and he has agreed to allow me to give away my Unique avatar creations! So the winner and the runners up (2nd & 3rd) will win a chance to have a 1 of a kind avatar created for there forum posts!. This is a Great oppatuneity for you guys to get a custom avatar!

Our Judges:

GGG Devs (Chris and the team)
The Shadow Cast http://www.youtube.com/user/XxShadowCastsxX
The Poe Cast http://www.thepoecast.com/
The POE Tribune http://www.redshirtarmy.com/

Judges will pick 3 each for the final draw!

Please See http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/52724 for some help on making uniques. Also cool templates to use.

Like This:


Entry's closed, judging commencing

Please Also check out The shadow Cast Channel and the Poe Cast Website to support the PoE Community!

Good Luck Everyone


Latest PoE Vid http://youtu.be/Ycn-gK7WPJg


"Bullshit, you get the game for free." - Qarl 2014
"The 5x Diamond Supporter"
Last edited by XvXReaperXvX#7217 on Dec 18, 2012, 5:46:32 AM
wow this is pretty awesome I have always loved the idea of making your own unique it's just that 1k is to much for many people.

My three ideas

the new resist all ring (don't know the implicit or name, the ring itself was announced here http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/57496)
10-20% resist all (a mod not implicit)
immune to all reflected damage
lvl 60 requirement

prophecy or omen wand (with normal implicit and equal level requirement to wand)
150% increased spell damage
10% decreased cast speed
10% of total mana is reserved (when wand is equipped)
it may sound powerful but with reduced cast speed it will actually be weaker for a large portion of caster builds

prophecy or omen wand
40-50% increased cast speed
20% increased mana
20-40% increased mana regen
IGN --- Grizdale
Last edited by Grizdale#2543 on Dec 4, 2012, 10:23:24 AM
"Gone but not forgotten, Immortal Kiwi Map"

My idea would revolve around a Map. I don't know if the Maps HAVE to be something already in the game or it can be a basically new mountain area. If the colors and textures could be altered, it would be a brighter, sparkly nocturnal (think moonlight on a beautiful full moon night)atmosphere except for the last area with the final cave, at the top of a mountain that you have worked your way up to. Beautiful tress, flowers, rain forest atmosphere all native to New Zealand. If it has to be an area already in the game, then one of the Forest areas would work.

Three species of skeletal zombie bats as the filler monsters spread around the area. (Before the arrival of humans in the 13th century or earlier, New Zealand's only endemic mammals were three species of bat)

Zombie Skeletal Kiwis in bronze (Apteryx owenii- ((extinct in mainland))- Tiny kiwis that run in large packs, hatch from eggs if you get to close, deal physical damage as they are trying to eat you from the ankles up.

Kiwi Handlers (Māori)- Sexy short females in Red outfits similiar to the new act 3 mobs bikini style who handle the kiwi's, riding black and tan kiwi's like a horse with saddles and lead them to destroy anything that disturbs the path/areas winding up the mountain. Whips and Chains are the prefered weapons for the handlers.

Silver kiwi's (Okarito - Apteryx rowi) - Deal lightening damage, slightly bigger than the bronze and also travel in packs mixed in with the bronze

Gold kiwi / Haast Tokoeka, Apteryx australis ‘Haast’- This form is distinguished by a more strongly downcurved bill and more rufous plumage. Male and Female bonded pair that you have to beat as the final boss of the area or as a few mobs that roam the area with the final boss being

- Tane Mahuta, god of the forest as the final boss. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SaWSkc74aMw Scary, loud and awesome New Zealand culture worked in.

The Diamond Kiwi's (Apteryx haastii) would be rare, always with a wealth mod attached to them when they spawn.

Mods -
Monster Pack Size mod
Resistance mod on monsters.
Reduced Regen of Life, Flasks and Energy Shield.
Extra Gore

Beat your head on the wall hard - Because it should be hard to kill a kiwi and they should be able to eat your face off.

My idea, while i am not from New Zealand is to get some of the culture of New Zealand and revolve it completely around a map, name, lore etc.

I am not from New Zealand so the lore, suggestions ect. would be open to stories handed down from family, child hood fairy tales, anything i would want to work things like that into the map.

There will always be a hunter, my son. And there will always be the hunted...
“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”
—Leo Buscaglia

Contact support@grindinggear.com to report issues relating to the game or forum. Thanks!

My beloved pets....
Last edited by peachii#3920 on Dec 11, 2012, 2:11:55 PM
Ooh good luck everyone!

Awfully generous of you, Reaper, but by this point I don't think that anyone doubts your capacity for generosity. ^_^
Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.

Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here.
Hmmm 10 days to come up with something awesome...

Now I wish I knew more about the mechanics of the game. lol

That and I wish I knew some of the game mechanic things the Devs have in mind that havent been made public yet but the Diamond item makers are privy to when designing their things. Man that was a poorly phrased and convoluted sentence...now I'm off to dream up something fantastic.
Ascension tied to Lab is the worst thing GGG has done...apart from GGG's philosophy on Trading. Oh and Gambling Loot boxes. And selling out to tencent.

I used to love GGG. I supported to ensure GGG remained independent, now I just wish I could get my money back. -_-
I hope we don't have to use the template because my skill with photoshop like programs is simply inexistant :p

Here's my entry anyway, it s a flask i was thinking about a while.

. Last Chance Flask of Zeal
. Flask

. Lasts 2.00 seconds
. Consumes 200 of 200 Charges
. Currently has X charges
. Gives you complete invincibility
. Doubles your damage
. Kills you after use unless you killed
. something while activated
. Empties all your other flasks when used

. Requires level 49

. Remember that when everything seems lost,
. there is always hope.

EDIT : here s an other item i was thinking about for a while(some notable easter egg inside :p )

Burden of Competence
Silk Boots

. Energy Shield: 10
. Requires level 68, 150 Int

. -20% max life and Energy Shield
. -15% to all Elemental Resistances
. +20% mouvement Speed
. Can't be worn while in Team
. Can't have sockets
. Auto Pick up Currencies

. When even the Beast isn't a threat anymore.
Maker of ZeeL's Amplifier.
Last edited by Kagari#0130 on Dec 4, 2012, 12:22:14 PM
Zentradi wrote:

. Last Chance Flask of Zeal
. Flask

. Lasts 2.00 seconds
. Consumes 200 of 200 Charges
. Currently has X charges
. Gives you complete invincibility
. Doubles your damage
. Kills you after use unless you killed
. something while activated
. Empties all your other flasks when used

. Requires level 49

. Remember that when everything seems lost,
. there is always hope.

wow great idea!
I m glad you like it :)

I just put it like this, without knowing if any of these mechanics would be possible or not to be applied by the devs ^^
Maker of ZeeL's Amplifier.
I always thought this game needed a scythe. Why not base it around my favorite anime character Hidan?

Three Sins
2H Axe
190 - 310 Physical Damage
Critical Strike Chance 5%
Attacs Per Second 1.30

Required level: 60

Increased Critical Hit Chance by 5% each hit on a single target. [Reset on change of target]
Increased Attack speed by 25% each hit on a single target. [Reset on change of target]
10% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched back as Life

If the multiplier goes beyond 10stacks, your Critical Hit Chance and Attack Speed will be decreased by the same percentage per hit indefinitely.

There is one scythe like 2h axe, designed by XvXReaperXvX, that will hopefully be in game soon.

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