[1.0.4]Scion - Incinerate Tank - Mind over Matter, EB, almost Max Block | Facetank a lot of stuff
I'm not using VP anymore. I didn't like the huge risk every time an exile (ranged w/roa) came my way or when I did couple maps with pretty intense mods, because like Pallas said; our life is too low even nearing the 80's to make much use of it effectively/efficiently. If an item existed to convert mana regen to health regen by x%...VP would be insane for this build and most of the variants of it. I;m at 5,000 mana ~1,000 after all four auras are up, 280 regen (I think can't be 100% as I'm not in-game) and I don't leak mana enough to make more regen a priority. TL;DR VP shouldn't be used unless you're a big risk taker or like living on the edge of your chair when playing. Also, this new patch upped my DPS by at least 200. Loving that. edited for quote break... Last edited by Spartheos#1956 on Dec 27, 2013, 9:27:07 AM
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Yeah sure this would work on nemesis ... if you had a death wish, or plan on doing lunaris runs only.
Barely hits 3k hp I will leave this here http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/726779 |
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Question to all not using Unwavering Stance: is it viable or do you get stun often or the stun recovery from blocking interrupts casting too much ?
I wouldnt know since I been running this build now since months and I took US at the beginning. Im now almost lvl 90 and I was thinking that if I respec some points out of US I could use more block %, get Heart of Oak and more fire dmg from the witch area. I wouldnt mind getting the occasional stun from big hits but I dont know with high block when you actually block does it interrupt incinerate everytime ? Thanks. Gotta love the buff ! |
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Yeah the HP thing is the only thing that stops me from doing this Build.
No matter how much mitigation, there will be an attack that comes through it all and that one will then simply oneshot you |
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" I've been running this build without US and, thus far at level 73, I am not having any problems. I still don't have heart of the Oak but with 2.2K life, 1K mana after reservation, AA, and Steady Hands I still don't get stunned all that often. Bosses do stun me but I haven't had any major problems yet, even with Merc Dom. As for the block mechanic. A hit that is blocked that would have caused a stun still causes one but you take no damage. A "sub-stun" blocked attack is simply ignored as though dodged or evaded. |
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" I play like this all the time. I just use alot of TPs and rarely die. |
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" You can do this with alot of builds. It's the player skill in the end. A fast car doesn't mean you won't hit a tree. :D |
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" You are playing incinerate, it is not really a ranged build because to maximise dmg you have to stand still and close, still for the 4 stacks and close for the shotgun effect. Unless you have 100% block / evade / dodge (only available if you manage to hack poe lol) you are getting hit. MOM and arctic armor are cute and all, but (a) spikes will quickly get past the (pretty small even for MOM) mana pool and into the pathetic hp pool and (b) AA is crap vs big hits like that video I showed because you dont really have a lot of armor and stack more than 3 endurance charges to bring a massive hit down to <500. Also, there are things like torture chamber boss, volatile storm / fire / ice blood, ancestral bond, corpse explosions from dominus minions / sirens / alira martyrs that simply shred this build in no time because the small life pool cant sustain any real damage. I dont know why you would call this a tank, it isn't. Tanking a normal vaal smash isnt hard to do. There are far more dangerous things in this game. Now for softcore, this is all good. For nemesis, this build is a deathwish, unless like I said you just want to do lunaris or docks. 'Rarely die' implies exactly that you died at least once or a handful, and hence its not nemesis viable. " Stop talking about playing smart, POE damage scaling is retarded and doesnt allow for this. You were lucky, if you really managed those 2 maps without deaths. Kudos to you. Last edited by theamazingjojo#6642 on Dec 28, 2013, 6:41:35 AM
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" TL;DR This Build isn't for everyone. If you want to rush in and 3 hit everything on the map with 12 aps, it's not going to happen with this build. You don't have to play up close and personal. I can stand back far enough to not get hit by melee and still melt the enemy Does it take longer? yes, but I don't care about clear speed. This is a tank build. This build is one of the few play styles that actually uses incinerate and it does so pretty nicely. This build would be perfect for starters or solo farmers. You have to l2p a build before saying it sucks or can't do this or that. Tip:Don't leave your Cwdt LW gem in when soloing merc dom...Can you guess why? Manual teleporting is best for those kinds of situations. I'm going to play this build on HC eventually just a few mods here and there and I think it would be fine. |
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So I don't need skill at PoE, I can just bang my face onto the keyboard and have the save results? Sweet!
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