[1.0.4]Scion - Incinerate Tank - Mind over Matter, EB, almost Max Block | Facetank a lot of stuff
" I didnt insult anyone, I didnt make a single ad hominem remark and kept all my thoughts focused on the build at hand. There's a difference between criticising someone's build and calling them out on personal terms, and you dont seem to know that difference. negative or positive, I posted my opinion ... ppl only want to hear the good things, as soon as someone says 'I dont like this' they start bloody well hating on you, as you are demonstrating right now. Instead of telling me why you think I am wrong, you just tell me to shut up and get out of the thread. Excuse you? I havent seen any evidence of it doing any high level maps, because there isnt any videos of such content. So what if i dont think its got enough hp and isnt really a tank, thats my opinion and I am entitled to it. If you want this nonsense to stop, then stop replying to me. I initially didnt want a discussion with you, anyways. Or at least not of this bickering back and forth kind. Last edited by theamazingjojo#6642 on Dec 30, 2013, 6:18:47 PM
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" You said one page back in response to another user, "Another genius who cannot read." - that's an insult if I've ever seen one. And one that was totally uncalled for in my opinion given that the people who have responded to you so far have argued against your points (some of them that warrant a reply, anyways), but you just don't care. You just want to argue and insult people over a builds play style that you don't even play or have the slightest clue about. You are not giving constructive criticism. You came in this thread swinging and name calling, and nobody here wants to read your, and pardon my french, bull crap. You said what you came to say and pushed it to 2 pages of spam now. Just walk away, guy. Nobody asked you for your uneducated opinions on this play style or build and nobody is going to argue any more with you. I said GL HF and I still mean it. Sorry, OP...I guess I am contributing to this a bit...I'll stop feeding the spam. |
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" You are being rude again, and opinions are rarely asked for. Look up the definition of opinions. Like I said, when people dont like what they here, all of a sudden they hate your ass. You keep telling me 'gl hf' and you will stop arguing with me, but keep coming back to insult me. Make up your mind! I dont have the slightest clue or I offered no constructive criticism / valid reasons for my opinion? And its all bull crap? And I'm uneducated in this game? Well I'm sorry then, you must have skipped a few parts of my posts which i will very gladly link again. It would be nice if you actually retorted to them, instead of insulting me again and telling me to leave and / or shut up, which you have no right to. Unless you have 100% block / evade / dodge (only available if you manage to hack poe lol) you are getting hit. --> FACT Spikes will quickly get past the (pretty small even for MOM) mana pool and into the pathetic hp pool --> FACT AA is crap vs big hits like that video I showed because you dont really have a lot of armor and stack more than 3 endurance charges to bring a massive hit down to <500. --> FACT I linked videos for PROOF of the crazy dmg in endgame maps (70+ maps), you ignored them and I bet you will again. Linking again FWIW http://www.twitch.tv/etup/b/488890186?t=3h45m40s --> 8k spike, might have been 12k before mitigations. http://www.twitch.tv/theanuhart/c/3157667 --> touch of god after decent armor and light res, and almost 9k hp Also, there are things like torture chamber boss, volatile storm / fire / ice blood, ancestral bond, corpse explosions from dominus minions / sirens / alira martyrs that simply shred this build in no time because the small life pool cant sustain any real damage. And they just cant be blocked --> FACT FACT FACT Tanking a normal vaal smash isnt hard to do. There are far more dangerous things in this game. --> FACT, 50% of it is fire, and a granite is enough to tank a non crit on any build. Maze map vaal smash crit with extra dmg and vuln / -max is a different story. " Its not spam, and if you say you are going to stop, then stop. It would be nice. Last edited by theamazingjojo#6642 on Dec 30, 2013, 8:25:55 PM
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I just love playing this build - I am level 81 scion and have tons of fun so far. Thank you OP for the effort you put in designing this build.
Last edited by allureinc#2972 on Dec 31, 2013, 11:45:01 AM
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Just thought I'd post that this was the primary source of ideas and inspiration for my current build. I personally went for Cloak of Defiance and some other options. Ultimately, I love this build, and the only times I've EVER died were stress testing my durability against merc Dominus' Lightning Fist (which I can now stand in since getting the cloak).
Just wanted to give my thanks for your work on the build. |
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Having played such a build till decent map lvl, i gotta say that :
1/ It's not that tanky (any melee will be tankier with the same block approach) 2/ It really lacks damage output 3/ You're forced to remain immobile in order to hurt anything -> definitely sucks in groups |
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" brace yourself for the incoming hatred, just for stating your opinion |
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" Hello there, as a lvl90 I want to give my opinions about those general points. First, I want to say that my build has 4.5k hp, almost 2k dps (even with gmp, life leech and mana leech) and working my way on getting more mana so I can run Grace. 1- Yes, I could see that if you run this build with low hp pool and thinking MoM is going to work like it should with only your mana regen then I think you are wrong. Of course Im only speaking about high lvl maps here. With my current stats, I can tank some bosses like Shrine Piety when the rest of my group would sometimes skip her. I died only 2 times in the last months with this setup: one to Piety's ice shot on an absolutely insane map mods. Minus max, ele weak, etc. My whole party died from that. Second time was testing something cause I respecced out of US to get some more block and Heart of Oak. So I fought Jungle Valley boss again, with nasty mods, Vulnerability etc. I got stunned several times and I couldnt leech fast enough. Let me tell you that the very next day I ran solo Jungle Valley without Vuln mod this time and I had zero problems with boss. As many other builds, it has pros and cons and the nature of some bosses and mods on the map will constantly show you that. And before I forget, I can run half regen without any problems and no regen just being more careful. Im runnin lvl 20 AA all the time and I use Lavianga's spirit for the mana on no regen. AA is great for small to medium hits specially when we are talking fire dmg. Voidbearers (on any kind of maps) are just a joke because they work similar to Incinerate, very fast channeled small hits. I think, overall, that the combination of some base armor (I have something like 3k without any auras), MOM (I have 1300 mana left after reservation AND mana leech) high block (I have 70/66 without The Anvil cause I think its a waste with this build using the amulet slot for that) and how you are constantly leeching since you are casting a spell without pause makes most of the situations you would face doable, you have your granites and topaz pots etc for specific situations but if you are not doing it like this....then I can imagine the build could only tolerate low lvl maps, mods, etc. 2- All I can say about dps is before buff it was really terrible for me contributing dmg to a full party on high lvl maps. Right now Im around 1.9k dps and I destroy solo content and as long as your party doesnt expect you to be the carrying dpsers of the group, I think I do fine. Incinerate its not based on crit, and its not based on burning dmg. Its a niche type of spell that was lacking in some aspects and even GGG noticed that so they buffed it. You can always try to run 2 curses, that would really work, I dont need it. My current setup is Incinerate - GMP - Added Chaos - Fast Cast - Life Leech - Mana Leech. Im pretty confident to say at this point that Added Chaos, unless Im missing some obscure gem out there, is 100% mandatory for good dps. 3- I can only think of really annoying bosses the Villa trapper cause his strategy is to hit and run. I use a lot lightning warp before considering running to the mob so I can land on his face and shotgun. You may have to repeat this process several times but hey, its the nature of the spell. You could try temporal chains on fast mobs or maybe fire traps (I dont use any, just Incinerate and Ele Weakness) The corpse eater/spitters are really annoying for this build too, but its not something you face on every map. Hope some of this stuff helps. This is my current build: http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgABBH4FLQX5CGcVUBXwFy8YPBjbGYoaMhrbG60c3B0UIWAj9iQ8J6koxSj6KaUqjS2DLag2xTbYNuk6WD3iQKBGcUjuSVFKfUw1TipRYFXGVdZWLVb6WkhabVuvXhNgS2TnZ6BvnnB9dO108Xrvf8aApIIegseDCYTvhTKHGYd2iEKPRpMnkzqXBpeFm7WeuacIp1yplax_rK-xkLQMt9O31riTu-O9J8HFwzrDhsSiykrPZdDQ18vYJNsL21ndDeNq55Hr7uxV7g7v8PO--WP56PrS-wn8xf66 |
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I am level 90 and run this build, have about 10 exalt in gear minus gems (which are all 20/20), and am doing very well in high level maps. I can solo 76 maps easily unless they have crazy mods.
Currently at 3.5k hp/ 1.4k mana (after all reservation) 2.2k dps (incincerate - life leech, mana leech, added chaos, faster casting, GMP) 78% block chance 56& spell block |
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You should name this build "GMP Voidbearer"
level 56. 1300 life 1700 mana max resists chance to evade 47% chance to block attacks 54% 95 mana reg per second Last edited by _StoneWall_#5914 on Jan 3, 2014, 1:31:38 AM
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