[1.1.0] Ghore's Immortal Incinerate Regen Tank (EB + Mind over Matter/Max Block/Max AA)
Is there any other skill instead of incinerate you would call viable in this build without any drastic changes to it. I really like the build but i'm not a big fan of incinerate.
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" Incinerate is used because of it's insane synergy with Cybil's Paw. No other spell can get anywhere near the amount of life back that Incin can with the Paw. A very fast casting GMP'd freezing pulse is a very distant second. If you don't want to use Incin, drop the Paw and run a regular wand and just use Freezing Pulse. It will still be tanky but nowhere near as much as it could be with Incin. IGN: Ghured
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How this build will perform afeter CoDT nerf? I feel its so powerfull when tanking all that mobs...
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" Molten Shell definitely adds a lot of mitigation but I don't think its enough to make or break the build. Enduring Cry can still be technically ran in it, just run a high level one that you cast at the start of the fight and use a low level in cwdt to keep it going during the fight. Auto-Totems or auto-cursing is nice but not a must-have as they both can easily be cast at the start. Other than molten shell the skills can still be easily utilized. IGN: Ghured
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Yes, of course it's viable, just wondering wich gems use instead of molten shell or a new setup
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I finally get the rathpith globe, I was using the unique boots, should I now drop the boots and get a good rare ones or keep using both? Not using the unique belt.
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What about a Stone of Lazhwar if someone doesn't have access to The Anvil?
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I only have access to a 5l and have been trying to figure out which gems are required. Which do you think would be the necessary ones?
IGN : Meowskies
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Compared to your build it has: *250% Increased Health vs 212% *30% Increased Block Chance vs 32% (79% Max vs 66%) *Inner Force, Sovereignty and Influence (To further boost Arctic Armor, Clarity, Discipline and possibly add a 3rd Aura) *Less miscellaneous spell/elemental damage but a +12% increase from Cybils paw for hitting the block cap) Something to note about Tempest Shield is that the block damage actually counts as an Attack by your main hand weapon. As such it benefits from bonus damage from: *Wrath, Anger and Hatred(based off your main hand; All three confirmed) *And should benefit from Life on Hit(unconfirmed) and the bonus damage from Bringer of Rain(Unconfirmed) The Bringer of Rain also has the added benefit of a 10% chance to gain an Endurance charge on block. The downside of course is that you lose your chest slot, and the inherent support gems are useless for the build. The 200-220 life makes up for some of the loss in that its better than a max life roll on a normal chest/helm pair combined but with that same logic, a Kaom's Heart provides two-and-a-half times the bonus (+500) gives +X% Fire damage, superior armor values, and frees up the Helm. Which in the end sounds better... hmm maybe I should rework that passive tree. Edit: Only takes one more point to match you on Increased Block Chance but I noticed I you were taking all the ES/Armor hybrid nodes. Hmm, I suppose those would end up being worth more than a few %HP. Let me see... Ok this is how I would do the Marauder start and this is one for the Templar I still stand by the assertion that these trees are better optimized than the ones you have posted. "What is a strongbox? A miserable little pile of loot. But enough RNG, Have at you!" Last edited by SKRen#7830 on Nov 16, 2013, 10:52:28 PM
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" It's definitely a nice stepping stone (no pun intended, lol), but I feel an anvil is an ideal neck for this build. " Incin > Faster Casting > LMP/GMP > Added Chaos > Iron Will/Fire Pen. I feel like that is probably the most versatile 5L you can do. The first four are the core to any Incinerate, the fifth link could either be Iron Will/Fire Pen or Faster Projectiles. If you have a quality Incinerate, definitely go with Iron Will or Fire Pen, if not then go with faster projectiles. Both of these you can swap out for either health or mana leech when need be, which I've found to be very helpful when you feel like you need to be extra tanky. IGN: Ghured
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