[1.1.0] Ghore's Immortal Incinerate Regen Tank (EB + Mind over Matter/Max Block/Max AA)
" A 5 link can still be very strong with this build. The six link is mostly for versatility...being able to swap out for mana leech and/or life leech for harder fights is very helpful but not a necessity. As with most builds a 5L will do just fine but a sixth link will really give it that extra kick to push it over the top. To clarify: A 5L will do just fine with this build. IGN: Ghured Last edited by Vandalain#2745 on Oct 29, 2013, 2:11:53 PM
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" I've fiddled with with RF a little bit with this build but it was far too much of a hassle to only be able to run it for a few seconds at a time before dispelling it. It's very strong in terms of damage output but just isn't doable on life. I do feel like the basic skeleton of this build (high block, EB + MoM) is pretty versatile with what you can do it. A few points to clarify: I get all the regen/ES because I'm running a maxed out Artic Armour like an aura. Running a high level AA is definitely optional but I feel like it gives this build far too much survivability to not run. Also, Having a really high amount of mana really goes a long way with a build like this, Mind over Matter is such a strong node with a large mana pool. Your build looks like you've focused on getting a bit more damage from the tree and dropping some of the health and es/regen. This probably works fairly well but ever since the 1.0 changes and the additions of new mobs/bosses, I've felt very strongly that builds that lose some damage and get more survivability is the way to go. All the extra damage you could be doing is irrelevant if you aren't alive to do the damage. Iron Will is pretty decent in Incinerate, it will increase the damage of any added damage linked gem in it. For instance my the chaos damage from my added chaos jumps up a good bit with a 20/20 Iron Will in it. I mostly use an Iron Will just so I can have a damage boost, but to have the option of running Life Leech if I need to. I really like having versatility with links and switching out to leeches is invaluable with a tank build like this. Although now that I've switched to Immortal Flesh I could probably drop the red gem altogether and only run mana leech when I need to (half regen etc) I would have to do some experimenting to see what other gem I would run. I feel like the only way to really do a heavy damage oriented Incinerate build is to use a low-life righteous fire with pain attunement. I currently don't have a shavronnes so I can't do any low-life builds to see how the survivability will compare. I can definitely understand being hesitant of running an Anvil, the move speed is pretty harsh but as long as your block is pretty high it's giving you a MASSIVE amount of survivability. With more es/mana/regen from the tree you wouldn't be as locked in on what items you have to run...namely jewelry Your build looks pretty good, there are a few optimizations that I would probably do... Thats pretty much the same thing as yours but with some more optimized travel points. You save several points this way. If you're deadset on getting damage from the tree then tight optimization will be pretty key. I'm not saying this is the wrong way to go about doing it but I just feel that without running lowlife RF your incinerate isn't going to be doing the greatest damage, so it's best to just maximize the amount of damage you can tank to be able to contribute to a party like that, instead of with a moderate amount of damage. IGN: Ghured Last edited by Vandalain#2745 on Oct 29, 2013, 2:19:25 PM
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ok to clarify im running aa always also can even sustain it in half regen with mana leech.
. running an maxed out aa is not optional for me its the most awsome thing ever ;) im also lvling empoer to get aa to lvl 22 , i can run it with the little mana i get from tree cuz 850 es chest and high regen on items, butz i still can get it on wand. also tankwhise i also have 4000 hp and 5 k armor +4 end charges +immortla call (cast on dmg) and my dps says(lvl 19 gem) 1000,1 with gmp and fire pen faster proc leech iron will, i hope i can get to 1200 or so , but i feel like the dmg is alrdy enough even no problem killing groups alone in 5 man maps. the huge differnece is u have maxed block and i only have 66 block chance (may get 4 more from tree) but i always run leech cuz of my colours and that myabe offsets that? with my maraudeur i run rightous fire incinerate he can keep it going very long time without dispeeling . that was not the problem , i wax very close to sustaining it with lvl 20 vitality (had lvl 16)i think it would work . also i had 5000 k hp. but the dmg was pretty much the same cuz i took that much regen nodes. will take a lok at ur build now Last edited by karlklaps#7622 on Oct 29, 2013, 2:59:36 PM
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yeah u saved me 2 points , i took the wrong way from templar to maradeur cuz i originly wasnt sure if i go ir( 30 dex point on the other way.) wtb regrets also note to myself:dont respecc when stoned.
also rf low life doesnt work anymore with shavronnes , rf also burns ur es now, and u would need insane regen too . so its way better to get normall good spell dmg nodes insterad of traveling the whole tree for the regen . Last edited by karlklaps#7622 on Oct 29, 2013, 2:34:23 PM
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Having the higher block really helps if you are running tempest shield. It also lets your spell block scale better as well.
The way I have this build set up the only things that make my health move any amount over a few hundred are heavy elemental bosses if I'm using Immortal Flesh. If not then elemental bosses are a breeze as well. I feel like for the most part Incinerate is gonna do pretty decent damage as long as you have a little bit of spell damage. So may as well maximize the facetank so you can always sit there at stage 3 doing as much damage as possible as opposed to maybe having to move around a little bit or fall back and having to build the stages back up. Faster Casting really helps out with building up stages as well. I actually ran a Residence last night and was able to tank a GMP'd Dominus' diablo breath of doom for a few seconds where as the rest of the group instantly died the second it touched them. IGN: Ghured
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Is there a reason why you are using incinerate and not some other spell? Just wondering if its possible to get EB and MoM with a melee skill or something. Thanks. |
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i love the dominus fight ,altough have to use mana leech to sustain the lighting ghosts without losing aa. but also easy without manaleechi still never lose incinerate stacks.
takes about 1 a minute to kill him and loot explosion |
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" I chose Incinerate because its got the best synergy with Cybils Paw, which is one of the uniques I wanted to center a build around. I've also wanted to do an Incinerate build in general, I've always thought it was an interesting spell that didn't get the recognition it deserved. You could potentially drop the Paw and use a nice rare and and maybe use freezing pulse but the overall damage would probably be lower. Actually thinking about it you could probably forgo the block entirely and grab crit instead and run a crit freezing pulse. It won't be as tanky but the damage will be much higher. You probably wouldn't be able to run Immortal Flesh without all the spellblock, however. But Immortal Flesh is most definitely an optional addition to the build. As far as melee with EB + MoM goes, I would say it's probably pretty viable. I haven't put together any builds just yet but I would imagine if you went high physical damage and itemized for somewhwere between 4-8%+ mana leech you could get some nice survivability from it and be able to run a full link, as opposed to blood magic gem, since you would have a healthy amount of mana regen and a good bit of mana leech. I just don't know how high of damage the build would be able to put out. But I would imagine it would have pretty good damage with slightly higher survivability than most melee builds. " The regular dominus is pretty easy in general espcially with a tanky setup. I was talking about the Dominus on the level 74 Map "Residence". It's based off the first form of Dominus and the map I did it on had 4 additional projectiles on it. I was actually able to facetank him shooting 5 doom-breaths for a few seconds before having to move and use a flask. Whereas the entire rest of the party, most of which had pretty tanky setups, were instantly killed as soon as he shot out the first doom-breath. I did this with Immortal Flesh on...I'm not sure if the doom-breath is an elemental or physical damage so this could have potentially swayed it in one direction. Needless to say I did not stay to finish the fight because I wasn't too far from leveling and didn't want to lose exp. IGN: Ghured Last edited by Vandalain#2745 on Oct 29, 2013, 6:37:10 PM
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Hello, I'm new to the whole PoE expirience, I made a templar and I wish to know if this build is easy to play and can you play this build from the start?
Last edited by zeki88#6534 on Oct 29, 2013, 8:10:20 PM
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" The build itself is very straightforward and easy to play but it does take decent gear and properly itemized stuff I feel. Incinerate can be a rough spell to have enough regen to maintain, this can be offset by running a mana leech however. For leveling pretty much any build can get away using Freezing Pulse or using Cleave up until the second difficulty or so. IGN: Ghured
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