[1.1.0] Ghore's Immortal Incinerate Regen Tank (EB + Mind over Matter/Max Block/Max AA)
Static Blows is most definitely noticeable on Tempest Shield, it will certainly get a three shock stack on anything that is attacking fast very fast. Which results in fast attacking stuff getting destroyed even faster. But on slow stuff it's fairly sporadic with maybe one stack to two at times, with three pretty rare.
Added Lightning is an option in TS but it has a multiplier, as opposed to Iron Will that doesn't. The extra 10% shock and flat damage most likely don't outweigh the loss in mana. IGN: Ghured Last edited by Vandalain#2745 on Nov 8, 2013, 6:41:49 AM
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Ive been using this build for reference to try to build a Discharger using the Cybal's Paw. THus far im pretty impressed by the amount of damage im doing but im only in cruel, I wonder if the damage will start to taper off soon since you can only have so much block. Is there a way to extend the block cap above this aside from the anvil? and does spell block also count as extra Spell power or is not?
i Understand that the point of this build is to be tanky, obviously ive been modifying it to suit my discharger more by dropping some of the HP/defensive nodes i dont need, however, I still would like to be realitively tanky as well, so do you think mind over matter is worth it with out EB? Last edited by draakisback#3953 on Nov 8, 2013, 12:09:03 PM
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" There's no way to increase block cap other than anvil right now. I'm pretty sure spell block doesn't count for extra spell damage with cybil's paw. You would need a lot of mana leech to run Mind over Matter without EB. IGN: Ghured
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Yeah i figured as much. Ok that gives me a better idea of what im working with then. I think a high block Discharge will be a lot of fun compared to the boring Searing touch builds ive been seeing around. Ill probably have to supplement a lot of the damage with crit nodes however since i only get so much damage with the paw. Ill let you know how it goes. Nice build btw.
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This is my current tree on nemesis, im not sure where to go now. I can go and take the block nodes and start using paw + anvil but I dont think i can get the unique shield for a while, I can go to the marauder tree and get more life and regen, or I can get the 6 point body and soul node near templar. I already have a 5L incinerate, but I dont know if ill be able to run tempest shield even if I go for block right now, since blood magic'ing clarity will cost me too much life for a hc league |
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OP and every other pros, what is your opinion of starting from a scion with more mana regen, cast speed and damage?
Would this work in Nemesis? Thanks |
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im thinking about relevel with a scion also
casue those HP and HP regen nodes from Mara tree might be a bit overkill? (understand the build is trying to be Tanky) just trying to balance between dmg output and defense stat |
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" If you feel that BM'ing clarity is too much HP try just using a lower leveled clarity. It's not ideal but that little bit of base mana regen can go a long way. With that being said I would try and get more health so you are able to run a higher clarity on your health. If you don't want to take that route then getting the block nodes will help out a lot, both for damage (with the paw) and for survivability. " Concerning Scion, she is definitely a great candidate for this type of build. She may have a little bit lower health and mana values but she has access to more regen, both for health and mana. So it will be just as strong with the potential to be even stronger than a temp/mara. As far as damage goes: I understand that people want to try to maximize the damage output but this is a tank build. The amount of damage is an afterthought, an as-is, type of thing. So far I've felt that my clear speeds in solo were great. Incinerate does good dmg at stage 3 even with minimal spell dmg and tempest shield does an immense amount of damage in general, espcially solo. The strength of the build lies in how ridiculously tank it gets/can get. With that being said though if you did want to incorporate more damage into the build (while sacrificing surv) the best bet is to probably forgo a lot of block, drop cybils paw and run an actual spell wand. While grabbing more cast speed and spell damage nodes in the tree. I still feel that there is a lot of experimentation that could go on with the build in general. With the "base" build being EB+MoM, life and the armor/es nodes. I have to admit that I've been neglecting this character and build for the past week or so as I'm in the process of rerolling on Nemesis. After I get my first character map ready and get some decent drops my plan is to level this build up on nemesis and put it to the real test. I'm currently level 69 so by sometime this coming week I'll have him in maps and hopefully can get the jewelry that I'll need and some currency to buy the uniques I need. IGN: Ghured Last edited by Vandalain#2745 on Nov 9, 2013, 5:21:04 PM
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I played some POE in early beta and I will admit I was overwhelmed with character builds and how to build my Templar and I ended up not playing more then a few days because I just could not decided on a build and didn't fully understand how to build my char.
So I just redownloaded the game and I really want to give it another shot. I want to be a Templar and I also want to be a tank ( I play alot of mmos and I always go tank ).. Im not used to how the skill system in this game works and being honesty if confuses me. ( my partly be due to my trouble concentrating after my car wreck) I really like this build of yours but seeing as I just started playing ( Just made a new char a few minutes ago) Will I be able to "Level up" to this build? For instance Can I follow your passive tree from level 1? Thanks |
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So I'm currently level 46 on a marauder using your build mate. I'm leveling as sweep at the moment just following the build path. What's a good level to swap over to the claw/shield etc? Or even the amount of skill points needed to swap over?
IGN: Imbirs
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