What happened to Bex's new avatar?

I want to make a complaint that the avatar was removed.

If someone sets up a petition I'd happily sign =D

I always imagined Bex as some kind of mystical flying creature and now it becomes she is just a logo.

Russels avatar on the other hand, looks like he is falling asleep on the job, wake up dude. There are people complaining and we need you to do something about it ;/
Return to this flameless sunder
Where exiles burn and the joyless wander;
Frozen lore beneath chaotic thunder,
Dominus returns to send us under.
ckay27 wrote:
I want to make a complaint that the avatar was removed.

If someone sets up a petition I'd happily sign =D

I always imagined Bex as some kind of mystical flying creature and now it becomes she is just a logo.

Russels avatar on the other hand, looks like he is falling asleep on the job, wake up dude. There are people complaining and we need you to do something about it ;/

I wanted this as an avatar but I have a feeling I wouldn't be allowed it : /
I like all the fluffy animals[img]http://i.imgur.com/mO8dR.png[\img]
y im slept?
Russell wrote:

I wanted this as an avatar but I have a feeling I wouldn't be allowed it : /

You just derailed this thread with this pic. ;)

Though, you are not Thomas enough to have that as an avatar. :3
Sometimes you can take the game out of the garage but you can't take the garage out of the game.
- raics, 06.08.2016

Russell wrote:
ckay27 wrote:
I want to make a complaint that the avatar was removed.

If someone sets up a petition I'd happily sign =D

I always imagined Bex as some kind of mystical flying creature and now it becomes she is just a logo.

Russels avatar on the other hand, looks like he is falling asleep on the job, wake up dude. There are people complaining and we need you to do something about it ;/

I wanted this as an avatar but I have a feeling I wouldn't be allowed it : /

I would sign a petition to have that as your avatar.

Also a petition to get bex's avatar back.

Are we able tof ind out what the complaint is about the avatar?

Also please make that your avatar that is AWESOME, and a good description of your job (to point and laugh like the guy on the right)
russel the train lover :D
Russell wrote:
ckay27 wrote:
I want to make a complaint that the avatar was removed.

If someone sets up a petition I'd happily sign =D

I always imagined Bex as some kind of mystical flying creature and now it becomes she is just a logo.

Russels avatar on the other hand, looks like he is falling asleep on the job, wake up dude. There are people complaining and we need you to do something about it ;/

I wanted this as an avatar but I have a feeling I wouldn't be allowed it : /

That made me laugh for too long =D Laughter/happiness is contagious....surely a good thing for the forums! Maybe you should present scientific evidence with your request!
Return to this flameless sunder
Where exiles burn and the joyless wander;
Frozen lore beneath chaotic thunder,
Dominus returns to send us under.
People really complains about everything...

It's so stupid
Build of the week #9 - Breaking your face with style http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_EcQDOUN9Y
IGN: Poltun
skinnay wrote:
Consider this my formal complaint about his avatar being changed.

Agreed. Whoever complained about someone who works hard getting a nice avatar from the company they work for ought to be ashamed of themselves. Pathetic.
MonstaMunch wrote:
skinnay wrote:
Consider this my formal complaint about his avatar being changed.

Agreed. Whoever complained about someone who works hard getting a nice avatar from the company they work for ought to be ashamed of themselves. Pathetic.
GGG - Why you no?
JoannaDark wrote:
MonstaMunch wrote:
skinnay wrote:
Consider this my formal complaint about his avatar being changed.

Agreed. Whoever complained about someone who works hard getting a nice avatar from the company they work for ought to be ashamed of themselves. Pathetic.

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