Spectral Throw | Leap Slam Scion [VIDEO]

I played a little with a throw Scion last night. It's a fun play style. Still trying to work out the details of a build.

I'm wondering what is the desire for RT? Is the accuracy of the throw based off of the weapon, and since most people are rolling heavy hitting 2H weapons, is that the reason for RT?

I'm wondering if it's better to start with a Duelist or Ranger and go for a crit based throw build
Love the build man. 1 thing i dont understand thought if someone can please explain why eld battery?
iggy4mayor wrote:
Did a combination of this build and kripp's build:


I can explain my choices:

1) I didn't allocate for EB because you shouldn't have to worry about mana til later in the game. Make do with pots and if you need it after gear choices, go for it.

2) This is a build BEFORE weapon choice. Meaning I've left you, the player, to decide if you put your remaining nodes into sword/axe/mace nodes. They are ALL right off of this path. Finally decide sword, bam, next level you can start allocating to it, found a sweet axe? bam, substitute points out of sword into axe, it's all right there next to your given path.

3) Didn't go full on life nodes, as Kripp is building purely for HC. If you want to use this build for HC, go for it, just take more life nodes instead of dmg nodes.

4) The build in OP didn't use Iron Reflexes or the 50% armor nodes right near you, that's silly. Take those.

5) I didn't take all the mana nodes yet, because as I stated in 1, you don't know what your gear will play for you. If you need a little more mana, fill in the mana nodes near Scion start and grab the couple in Duelist tree.

I think this build has the best of both worlds, you get great damage with more to come as you level, but you also don't lock yourself into a weapon or playstyle (and you can bet yourself that swords will be the most expensive to come by if Kripp is going for it).

As far as leveling:
1 - 20: go down from Scion start and then up through the life nodes to the left and head straight to RT

20 - 40:, fill down towards Iron Grip and then move right and allocate as you choose through Duelist tree, eventually moving south through the life nodes and heading towards Iron Reflexes.

40 - 50: take life nodes/armor nodes/and by 50 hit Iron Reflexes.

50 - 60: Move north from RT and grab life nodes into the ele nodes in Templar tree. At 60 go ahead and grab Iron Grip, you've got the bulk of your str nodes.

60 - 70: Move from Iron Reflexes towards Wrecking ball for dmg. If you find you desperately need mana, fill in the mana nodes near Scion start and Duelist tree at this point.

70 - 80: Figure out what weapon you're gonna use for good and allocate into it. Fill in life nodes as you need.

80+ snag all two hand dmg nodes and life nodes as you go.

The main reason about Elritch Battery, is to have the Key node that provides 30% of the damage you receive to go to your mana pool.

I really love your build Iggy, more than what OP posted, but i'm sure that later on, you cannot take that Key node, since you don't go take Eldritch Battery.

I'm torn in two between Mind over Matter with EB build, or Iggy's build...
Last edited by Manu_333#7751 on Oct 24, 2013, 10:59:52 AM
hokieneer wrote:
I played a little with a throw Scion last night. It's a fun play style. Still trying to work out the details of a build.

I'm wondering what is the desire for RT? Is the accuracy of the throw based off of the weapon, and since most people are rolling heavy hitting 2H weapons, is that the reason for RT?

I'm wondering if it's better to start with a Duelist or Ranger and go for a crit based throw build

I went rt due to having only 82% to hit at lvl 20 with a 2h mace.
so for gear u want armor/es or ev/es gear?
dirtydevil87 wrote:
so for gear u want armor/es or ev/es gear?

If you follow what OP said, and go get Eldritch Battery, then you want some Armor/ES gear.
If you follow what OP said, and go get Eldritch Battery, then you want some Armor/ES gear.

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ok so i cant deside from this or iggys build.. iggys build wont work good with mb and not haveing eb...
Love the look of this build OP, is there any chance you could provide a leveling guide for the passives perhaps? If so I'm sure many people would be appreciative!

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