Spectral Throw | Leap Slam Scion [VIDEO]

"weapon damage" nodes affect ST ?
Interfice Errorem Diligere Errantem
Going to try this, since Spectral Throw & Scion are new. So excited about this 1.0.0!
Increased Phys damage works (equip a rusty sash ...)

Guess: increased phys dam with maces and so on works
Increased MEELE phys dam doesnt work
Thanks for the write-up, definitely using this build.

Any suggestions on where to go first when leveling with this build? I can't decide.

I haven't quite been able to figure this out yet.

Can Spectral Throw miss, or does it always hit?
Why you didnt take Fury bolts and Path of the hunter? Its +24% projectile damage. And you miss 1% life regen also.
Last edited by Dharmatrooper#3820 on Oct 23, 2013, 3:30:14 PM
Interested to know where people are going with their builds first.
So where to go first? Damn this is hard
So, in regards to this build, how have some decided to spend their points? Is it better to immediately go towards specific nodes right from the start or is it better to keep a somewhat balanced distribution?
Can you please show us how to use the points in the skill tree?

I mean like from lvl
40-60 and so on :)


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