Spectral Throw | Leap Slam Scion [VIDEO]

@Mrflibbles: what kind of gear are you using - ARMOR+EVA / EVA+Energy shield / Armor+Energy Shield? (i'm at noob level)

also, i tried to mix the build by adding some evasion but i strongly doubt how it will work, because of that gear problem, because Eldritch Batery converts energy shield to mana => my gear should have energy shield? How about about Evasion gear? Or should i get only Armor+Energy Shield based gear?

the shortened link to build is: http://tinyurl.com/m92fd43
Last edited by AH1N1#1246 on Oct 31, 2013, 1:20:24 PM
I'm not using mana shield or eldritch battery so I'm running armor/evasion gear. I'm using resolute techniques for more armor. I didn't want to waste a gem slot for blood magic so I need to be able to run aura's on mana and still cast skills so I didn't go with mana shield.

Here's the gear I'm running right now in domination. To reiterate I go self found/only trading amongst a few friends so some of my slots obviously need upgrades.


I'm lvl 77 now. Got a weapon upgrade from the previous one I linked. Double strike 4link(multi, melee dmg, life leech) dps with lvl 17 haste and lvl 10 hatred is around 12k. Spectral throw 4link (lmp, added fire, fast attacks) with same auras is around 2.8k(my next passive point is 15% attack speed so dmg will go up a good bit more).

Sitting around 3.4k hp and not running into any problems so far.

I would run added fire or fast attacks instead of life leech if I had extra ones in my doublestrike, as leech is not usually an issue without it.
Level 61 myself currently will be doing EB/MoM by lvl 66
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i m lv 56 @ the beginning of act 2 Merciless and i got mixed evasion/armor equip but now i m starting to run EB and MoM and i should get them @ lv 63-64; after that would be wise going for energy shield equip instead of armor/evasion to maximize eb and mom effect don t you?

(tbh i m doing really fine with armor/evasion mixed equip, wonder how could it be without eb and MoM... i could even focus on dmg and weapon nodes bypassing MoM and Eb, or do you think they are a " must have" for ST in your opinion? )
so i put a point into blood drinker, however those 2% do not seem enough, am still losing more life than gaining with blood magic.....

i will not use blood drinker, because i dont lik it :))


@all: how is your ST dmg now? what about dual strike dmg?

because i've seen some big differences between them and is not looking good for psihical dmg node that seem to not scalate quite ok with ST
Last edited by AH1N1#1246 on Nov 6, 2013, 3:34:46 AM
atm i am lv 56 ST= 807 dps with LMP,fire dmg,faster attacks
DS 3100 (approx)with WeD, Faster attack, added fire dmg

but it s pretty low i guess,sometimes i need to switch weapon to legendary dread maul giving me TONS of more dps at the cost of -30% exp -40% rarity, with that DS dps raises to 5300 so i must assume i strongly need to upgrade my weapon to get better base dps.
hi DPS has increased than before :)

Current DPS(ST and DS)

Current Defence

It differs from the image, Armour is 7000

Current Gear

Current Tree


Arctic Armour is very convenient.
It would be greatly appreciated if it serves as a reference.. thanks.
Last edited by MegalaraGaruda#0145 on Nov 7, 2013, 11:04:33 AM
Really nice items and gear, you're doing us proud
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