Spectral Throw | Leap Slam Scion [VIDEO]

Hey iggy,

- the dmg component of master of arena shouldnt work?
- path of the warrior node does work (its near the big health circle near the starting point), so i would suggest that node
- how much dex will we need for a lvl20 ST? http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Spectral_Throw isnt complete yet - can we compare its dex req for each lvl with http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Dual_Strike then it shouldnt be a problem to meet the dex req later on
- Mind over Matter - is this useful? What happens when you dont have enough mana for the hit to absorb? (meaning the 30% equal e.g. 700 mana but you only have 3xx)
- how much dmg does iron grip provide? the wiki says "Strength grants +0.2% melee physical damage per point, which is converted to ranged damage with this passive. Every 10 strength points you have give you +2% melee physical damage." so does this keystone even work, as melee physical dmg as a node does not?

My build so far - I wanted to commit to axes.
The only thing iam really missing is Resolute Technique. Iam wondering if i will lack armor though...

Reach out and touch hate.
Last edited by Hastur667#5066 on Oct 24, 2013, 3:40:16 AM
So if i am playing HC should i be following kripps skill tree? he did not pick up RT or mind over matter, any reason for that?
I'm thinking about going to the maurader tree swell:

More like this (Changed it in 5 mins but something like this):

Passive skill tree build

I'm also gonna put a onehander to the test. I want a shield for that sick ammount of armor.

Feedback is welcome!

NastyNati wrote:
So if i am playing HC should i be following kripps skill tree? he did not pick up RT or mind over matter, any reason for that?

I'm really interested in his build, do you have a link?

edit: Changed tree a bit
edit2: Changed again, i can't seem to find out what i want but i think i'm gonna stick with this for now :D
Last edited by doncuomo#4587 on Oct 24, 2013, 7:05:54 AM
Last edited by Comfyasabadger#7674 on Oct 24, 2013, 4:14:24 AM
Hastur667 wrote:
Hey iggy,

- the dmg component of master of arena shouldnt work?
- path of the warrior node does work (its near the big health circle near the starting point), so i would suggest that node
- how much dex will we need for a lvl20 ST? http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Spectral_Throw isnt complete yet - can we compare its dex req for each lvl with http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Dual_Strike then it shouldnt be a problem to meet the dex req later on
- Mind over Matter - is this useful? What happens when you dont have enough mana for the hit to absorb? (meaning the 30% equal e.g. 700 mana but you only have 3xx)
- how much dmg does iron grip provide? the wiki says "Strength grants +0.2% melee physical damage per point, which is converted to ranged damage with this passive. Every 10 strength points you have give you +2% melee physical damage." so does this keystone even work, as melee physical dmg as a node does not?

My build so far - I wanted to commit to axes.
The only thing iam really missing is Resolute Technique. Iam wondering if i will lack armor though...

the dmg component of master of the arena will not work, but I'm wondering if the +2 range will help. not sure not there yet, but regardless it's necessary to get to the armor nodes.

yup about path of the warrior, and thats what I would be heading towards at lvl 75+.

no idea about dex yet.

as far as mind over matter goes, I'm debating still whether to use it or not. depends on how much life and how my survivability is come map time.

and as far as iron grip goes, several other users are stating iron grip is working perfectly for them. it's just not significant until you've grabbed a ton of str nodes
i found some more infos on mind over matter here http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/545810.

Marc says:
"Currently, damage is taken from ES before life. Mind over Matter inserts Mana into that sequence just before life, for 30% of the damage.
So any non chaos damage you take is subtracted from ES first. When you have no ES, 70% of the remainder goes to life, while the other 30% is diverted to mana. When you run out of mana, no damage can be taken from there, and all will go to life."

This does not sound convenient for our conservative manawise build i guess? Maybe if you can lvl up clarity far enough to have high enough regen for sustaining ST - otherwise you will oom yourself constantly? Lvling up Clarity to a higher lvl otherwise also means less mana left for dmg absorb. So it does not absorb 30% of the whole hit as long as you have mana, it absorbs an amount between zero % and 30% of the hit from mana.
Reach out and touch hate.
Last edited by Hastur667#5066 on Oct 24, 2013, 5:50:59 AM
I am working pretty well with a spectral throw build so far, my biggest issue is whether or not to use a two hander or 1 hander and a shield. I really like the ability to have a second 6link so I can have a boss version of the throw with reduced projectile speed in place of GMP, it should work really well.

I have noticed something as well it seems like the spin rotation of the weapon is based off of your attack speed so with fast enough attacks I believe you hit a mob multiple times and it also seems to be linked to projectile speed and slower projectiles have a faster rotation. All together this makes attack speed pretty king.

I am thinking spectral + WED + Added fire + faster attacks + GMP + BM for my main aoe, and spectral + wed + added fire + reduced projectile speed - faster attacks + bM for my single target if I go two hander. Using blood magic lets me run 2 auras with mana easily so I am thinking hatred and determination right now.

The main thing is that if I could get a soul taker I think the ability to replace BM with faster/slower projectiles might offset the better dps on the two hander so I am a bit drawn there, I am going to focus on axe damage for that reason since that will let me go two hander or 1 hander.

One thing I did notice is that the dex gems are a bit of a pita to roll 3 green 3 red on strength gear.

Been trying to figure out what to do with the new Scion I rolled today. Think I will give this a shot looks fun!
Died at level 28 by a crazy pack, twoshotted... RIP GG

Playing Nemesis, going for my second Scion now. Going to take way more life nodes. GL HF
I'm thinking about make a similar kripp build, what do you think about implement "Mind over Matter (30% Mana when hit) and take some Mana regeneration nodes?. I Think that this is very Powerful node, similar to Soul link @wow, but you need a nice pull of Mana and nice mana regeneration IMO, and if its possible, implement some nodes in "Reduced reserved Mana" for have possibility to get second aura...

Other question that I have is:

What is the difference between typical "Inner Force" and new " x% Increased effect of auras that you have"?

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