Spectral Throw | Leap Slam Scion [VIDEO]
Ok so im level 39
I followed your advice on skill levelling and i currently went master of arena and acceleration then went west for iron grip and now i just made my way and got resolute technique. what should i build next? do you find you need int soon or not? should I go down and get diamond flesh first or up topish and get the other life and 2h damage nodes? mostly wondering what my survival ability will be like in the next difficulty. i just killed piety easilyu but this is normal mode so who knows what will happen in harder modes. also when do you think i should get mind over matter or eldritch? is it safe to get M<oM now or pointless until im in the 3rd difficulty? sorry for the need to be handheld but i have very little experience with building a toon on this game and am quite content just copying proven builds from m,ore experienced players than toying with it and ruining it myself lol |
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are you focusing to get especially ES armor since you go eldritch batt?
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I love this build! Thanks a lot for sharing.
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I'm level 41 and I had no problem leveling with my current build.
http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgABAF4B5wUtCC4UIBcdGNsZjhpVG_ohVSFgI_YknSXfKaUxnjIJMn41kjboOQ46UjrhQKBHfkp9SshN404qUEdQUFRJVbVW-lcNWGNYr1pIWlJbr18_YEthIWJaZKNlTWegah5sRm5pbqpybHTtdPF4DXrvfPWE2YTvh2qHdojxiiKMz41-kGyVyJstm12bjZ65ns2fy6QZplenMKgYqJqpbqlzqZSrxaxZtfK3trndvqfAD8CmwPPBBMSixtjKkM2Y0EfSIdJN037ZYdw93Q3fmOdS52Ptg-4O7w7veu_w8i_yRfKX9kj3vvzF_gr-jw== aoe target : ST + LMP + added fire dmg + fast projectile + life on hit Single target : heavytrike/Double trike + fast attack + added fire dmg If I did any kind of mistake it would be nice to let me know :) Im fairly new here. edit : I'm in Nemesis. Last edited by akilers#6664 on Oct 29, 2013, 11:52:44 PM
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" Hey man just to let you know that i've start building your scion build liking it so far! I've also add you my name in game is Pscionist only playing domination so far! Interessed in joining your guild and guildrace in a near future ^^ cya soon! |
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For anyone running ST, can you post your dps end game, as in 70+/maps? I heard people say ST drop off HARD due to poor scaling compare to other semi-melee alternatives like LS or ground slam. I want to know what I'm getting into before investing too much. Currently I facerolled throughout normal and cruel, but not sure how well it will scale into merc/maps.
IGN Vermillionillusion
GMT-4, usually 8-12 pm |
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I'm level 70 in domination. Not using this exact build but I'm running 2hand axe spectral throw. I only have 4 link spectral(added fire, fast attack, lmp) and 4 link heavy strike(6% multistrike, melee phys dmg, mana leech). I am running hatred(lvl 10 as I don't have enough int for more) and haste. I prolly don't need the mana leech anymore just have been too lazy to swap it out because every mob dies with one activation of heavy strike anyway. I only have about 80 mana after both auras(16% reduc passives and gem) but can spam forever with 3% mana leech on gear.
I am sitting at 3.2k hp, 1981 sheet dps spectral, 8660 sheet dps heavy strike. That's also only with using this 2hander which needs to be upgraded. I also have not filled out the 3 attack speed nodes south west of scion start(21% attack speed) which is a good chunk of damage. My next 3 nodes are hp nodes, then all damage from here on out. I would say the damage is fine. With a 5 link I can pick up weapon elemental which is a good bit. Plus a 400+ top end dmg weapon would more than double my current dmg. 6-10k spectral throw is quite easily achievable with those changes plus 5-8 more levels which is decent for an AoE ability that hits 2-6 times depending on mob position. I haven't had any issue killing solo doing library/archive/piety runs. I haven't run any 70+ maps yet but clear speed is good on the listed runs. Last edited by Mrflibbles#0684 on Oct 30, 2013, 8:31:47 AM
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" ive been following this thread off and on as Im also creating a ST build. ... could you post your current tree? IGN- Shaeyaena
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This is what I'm using currently(don't yet have the 3 attack speed cluster near scion, those are my next 3 points).
http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgAA8pebXaiaWlJKyG6qtfI1kv6PTeOmVzGeqW54DVivNugB55_LOlKnMPe-FHFBqvjr9zJyqXzZZKPiYZWbZaeHKWRSME_BoxNMGlVhIYdqkGyplITZJd9uab6n0k3AD9XtapO2QU4qKaWE73Tteu9gSwUtQKCeuVuv3Q38xWegh3ZKfVb6iiLA83z1wKYyfvyJ6wkJlqyqWfNZ_hfhbtjAGpBVZp760hcvZOdV1oCkNunjamVNR36rxWxGcmwyCQ== I don't use mana shield like the video. I have 1% mana leech now on gear, 98 total mana after reserve and can spectral throw forever on 2 targets, doublestrike(switched to from heavy strike) forever on single mobs. I use warlords mark for my curse for extra leech as needed. Only running 3 link cast on damage taken of molten shell and rejuv totem. Only have around 4k(20k with a granite flask and jade flask up) armor right now while running haste and hatred. If needed I switch in grace and my armor jumps to around 10k. I like this build myself for solo as it fits with the gear I have found. You have options in this build which I like. If you don't want to run 2 auras take those points out and filter in more hp/damage/armor/attack speed/....whatever you are lacking on. I'm prolly going to go more hp for the next 2-4 points then the extra attack speed north east scion starting area. I'd also be running enduring cry linked in the cast on damage taken if I actually had one(I go self found and haven't bothered to create another character to run through for quest gems). Last edited by Mrflibbles#0684 on Oct 31, 2013, 12:17:08 AM
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I need some GEAR GUIDE lol..
my gear too suck............................. |
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