Spectral Throw | Leap Slam Scion [VIDEO]

Yeah, my brother just explained how immortal call works and I feel like an idiot :P Hahahaha I was so damn confused.... I'll try that gem set up when I get some better gear worth linking. So far, love this build! Geofris Baptism makes leveling so easy for now :D
IGN: Sin
Is it viable in hardcore leagues

Dont see why not. Health nodes are pretty solid. DPS is solid. Survivability should be ok higher levels.
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Last edited by loukas22#5914 on Oct 28, 2013, 5:35:42 AM
Thanks big time for this and all the great post I am level 38 and this chr just goes and goes.
where do you get Cast on Damage Taken is this a quest reward or a random drop?
The wiki just list the gem doesn't say where it comes from.

Ill provide a leveling progress update in post #2. It does seem to come into its own 30+
Closed Beta|Open Beta|Release|League Only
Love this build so far!
Im 48 now.

Have 4L - ST, LMP, Added Fire Dmg, and Life leech for the throw

Single target/close packs - Lightning strike, multi strike, and Wep ele dmg (will probably add added fire dmg to it when i get another 4l)

This is so far insanely op build.

Ive been playing for about 6 months now on POE and this has been almost as easy as dual spork and easier than any other build ive played to date. Will update when i hit endgame soon.
Using something very similar. Currently level 53.

I'm using hatred aura, since I have built in a few elemental damage nodes. It gives quite a large chunk of extra damage, although I often run low on mana. Not really a major issue, since I never run out of pots.
Sounds interesting , Ill Try it out
Ya'll please check out/support my latest conquest aside from this build. http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/561203

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Ok so im level 39
I followed your advice on skill levelling and i currently went master of arena and acceleration then went west for iron grip and now i just made my way and got resolute technique.
what should i build next? do you find you need int soon or not?
should I go down and get diamond flesh first or up topish and get the other life and 2h damage nodes?
mostly wondering what my survival ability will be like in the next difficulty. i just killed piety easilyu but this is normal mode so who knows what will happen in harder modes.
also when do you think i should get mind over matter or eldritch?
is it safe to get M<oM now or pointless until im in the 3rd difficulty?

sorry for the need to be handheld but i have very little experience with building a toon on this game and am quite content just copying proven builds from m,ore experienced players than toying with it and ruining it myself lol

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