Spectral Throw | Leap Slam Scion [VIDEO]

Is it viable in hardcore leagues ?
Thanks big time for this and all the great post I am level 38 and this chr just goes and goes.
where do you get Cast on Damage Taken is this a quest reward or a random drop?
The wiki just list the gem doesn't say where it comes from.

Last edited by etrin#5325 on Oct 26, 2013, 10:36:00 AM
etrin wrote:
Thanks big time for this and all the great post I am level 38 and this chr just goes and goes.
where do you get Cast on Damage Taken is this a quest reward or a random drop?
The wiki just list the gem doesn't say where it comes from.

I got in the quest reward of Merciless ACT3
"A Fixture of Fate"
kmaldona wrote:
CrownOfThorns wrote:
Glad everyone is enjoying, as stated above keep in mind

If multiple projectiles DPS is 200, and it has 3 projectiles, if you hit the same target, true DPS is actually 600.

As with 2K, true DPS would be 6K. As mult. proj can hit same target.


You can not shotgun a mob with LMP or GMP. It has been confirmed


Please check at 1:30
This is Chris talking about the skill

Last edited by ThePlash#0157 on Oct 26, 2013, 1:58:59 PM
I believe they changed it. I could be wrong tho.
Domination IGN: RangerThrow
I need a low lvl Cast of damage taken for enduring cry right? and a higher lvled for the other 1?

Cast on Damage Taken(High lvl) + Immortal Call + Molten Shell

Cast on Damage Taken(low lvl) + Enduring Cry
Last edited by royvisser1990#2571 on Oct 26, 2013, 3:48:32 PM
Level 38 so far. And jesus the scepter of god was hard. Even with a party that took a lot... Though the party may have only added to the problem.

Anyways character... I currently use ST-LMP-Added Fire-LGoH and that seems to keep me alive better than LL

Considering this attack is not designed to be 1v1 when using LMP/GMP and that your damage is decreased greatly by the multiple projectiles. Life Gain on Hit > Life Leech. (Yes I am aware of shotgunning. But a true melee attack has higher potential and even more so since this tree doesn't focus on ele dmg or a specific weapon type)

Second note. I find that Leap Slam-Faster Attacks works well enough for mobility but doesn't bring much damage potential so just use it for moving around.

Third note. Cast on damage taken is a hard gem to find... Perhaps it is a quest reward in Cruel or Merciless... God I hope so anyways....

Fourth note. Clarity-Blood Magic and either Vitality or Haste linked with reduced mana x3 are the auras I have found most useful.

Last note. I have found that Glacial Hammer is my preferred 1v1 attack. Linked with Faster Attacks and Life Leech as a must and then these choices if you get more links: Cold Dmg, Cold Pen, Culling Strike, melee physical dmg, multistrike, weapon elemental dmg.

My suggestion is to use the 'x' hotkey and weapon switch and use 2x 2hander weapons. 1 with the GH setup and another with the ST setup.

Let me know what you guys think about the GH setup. The rest take it or leave it lol
I have Cast when dmg taken - enduring cry - molten shell - immortal call..... I was wondering why enduring cry never gives me endurance charges when it goes off... if I remove cast when dmg taken and use enduring cry it works fine, but when linked it does not.
IGN: Sin
Immortal Call :
Discharges Endurance Charges, making the character invulnerable to physical damage for a short time, proportional to how many endurance charges were expended.

It use all Endurance Charges. It's why you don't have ;)
Make_A_Witch_Foundation wrote:
I have Cast when dmg taken - enduring cry - molten shell - immortal call..... I was wondering why enduring cry never gives me endurance charges when it goes off... if I remove cast when dmg taken and use enduring cry it works fine, but when linked it does not.

It's giving them to you then immediately using them for immortal call.

The better strategy, in my opinion, is to have 2 cast on damage taken. Keep one low level and link it to Enduring Cry and molten shell.

Level the second one to a point where you are comfortable with the trigger damage threshold (the required damage to trigger goes up as you level it) and link it to immortal call.

With this, smaller hits will give molten shell and endurance charges, allowing your charges to build up. Then, when you take a big hit, your charges will be consumed for a longer period of physical immunity through immortal call.

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