Chris_GGGs answers to Raptr Questions

Madcow1120 wrote:
which means sporkers in the new leagues will only need 5links to have same-ish setup and will likely look more for crit and %ES on items and jewelry. 6th link will probably be lightening penetration making them that much stronger.

Wish they'd fix the map. The solution to be able to reach 100 within the game sounds soooo boring. Farming docks and lunaris until level 100? no thanks.

Lol. I know some care about solo play, but I really don't. I am all about party play and due to removing IIQ in the new leagues, MF will be far less mandatory.
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Chris wrote:
sidtherat wrote:
so disappointed...

IIR/IIQ - measly tweak not touching the core of the bullshit

bullshit uniques - economy-driven no-change

no SFL - economy driven no-change

Scion.. without middle-links. so why the fuck would anyone play anything but Scion? why gimp yourself? this is a huge nerf to CI (unless they put VP on the witch side) but.. who cares, just make a scion. it will be a fun sight - 30 blondes in town, just like beach-volleyball tournament

desync.. - no comment.. joke

it looks like a wall of excuses sadly

Looking at your post history, it seems that you don't like anything we do :(

@Chris you know what is the fun part of his post, that despite saying that he will still play POE like a maniac :D. ^^ Trust me ! ;D

For example: People, that are married Also argue at time to time, they always find something to discuss about, this is the same situation and you should know that @Chris :). If they wouldn't be so in love, they would never argue, cause when you argue you show feelings that you care for other person and you want to improve some things on your side and demand sme form the person you love ;D. That Shoudl indicate to you that @sidtherat, loves POE in some part of his heart !
GGG thank you for all the great things you are doing. You have combined every element of all other great Rpg's and joined them together as one Diamond, that will shine Forever.

This is coming straight from the heart <3

PoE stays a trading simulation; enonomy > gameplay (Diablo3 just turns away from that bulls...)

the dull concept of "play an MF char before playing anything" else is not really touched (lets just hope the DR is so strong that anything beyond maybe 100% IIR doesnt make any really difference anymore)

Group play is rewarded .... well that would be fine if groups would really make the game harder and require coordination (+% monster damage per player +% life per player thats a lot more than 100%). We all know it doesnt: any 6 year old can play the game in a big party.

I was really looking forward for changes:
that encourage finding gear or punishes trading in any way (btw. that would kill the RMT problem)
that rewards solo play (or makes party play a lot harder)
to crafting (best crafting system in the world implemented as an pure gamble that encourages players to not use it at all with the stupid trading focus)

Anyway: i hope the game stays sucessfull - so we can look forward for clones from developers that take the good things (skill gem system, orb system) and focus on gameplay not on trading.

sidtherat wrote:

i dislike that you take AGES to balance some obviously broken stuff - like kaoms or sporkers.

Neither are broken.
- Sporkers become truly powerful once low life with Shav's. Tons of builds are that way. Introduce low life with Shav's to the mix and they go from normal to HULK SMASH mode.

- While you may think Kaom's is broken, it's not. Kaom's can only be used by a handful of builds in the first place, and even then it creates problems. No chest stats and forced into a 2H weapon means the rest of your gear is going to have to be damn near perfect or that extra health isn't going to help anyways.

Standard: @MeowViking
Perandus: @VikingVortex
Chris wrote:
Soloing vs Partying: While going to the effort of playing in a group (which requires coordination and dealing with other humans) and trading (which requires learning a lot about items) should be rewarded,

Effort of creating party is not comparable with effort related to solo content, party can easily faceroll. Did developers not try to solo end-game content, doesn't they know how harder is to play solo comparing to play in party?

But parties are rewarded for easier play... meh. It should quite reverse.
Anticipation slowly dissipates...
Please give us at last one guild stash tab for free.
"I'm programmed to say something that is kind and uplifting at this point, but there is apparently an error that is working in my favor."
Alternalo wrote:
Please give us at last one guild stash tab for free.

I would prefer making Guild Features crowd fundable.
But that would probably mean many changes to the shop system.
Not trying to hate here, but the one chars that lack mf stats (melee based characters) get there iiq gem removed? is this a logical solution to the issue?...

I do like the new approach of removing iiq, but i hope they swap the iir gem to melee hero's then because it was the ONLY mf thing i could link to my melee skills once i found an "ok" link item.

Thx for the thread, many usefull info here.
Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
how does melee lack MF? Ok, You might not want to wear Andvarius, but you can have 200MF and more without it. I wore both IIQ and IIR gems on my cycloner, on my plate chest. I don't want to start linking gear here, but it is possible, not very hard and I do not understand this "one gem melee could use while leveling" thing. I'd rather use added fire dmg or somthing like that while leveling than IIQ gem.
"Path of Exile be a online Action RPG set up in tha dark fantasy ghetto of Wraeclast. Well shiiiit..."
- Uzicorn, for teh children.
Thanks for posting these! Very informative. =^[.]^=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie

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