Scion Class. please GGG, reconsider.

Kalsifer wrote:
johnKeys wrote:
the current skill tree is constructed such that no single class can have everything.

100% wrong, the problem with the tree now is that every class CAN get everything, which makes every class identical to the next, they need to make certain sides of the tree inaccessible to the furthest classes.

Starting classes that are side by side maybe but there is a huge difference between your end game options if you go a bow marauder vs bow duelist.

tell us how shadow can get elemental adaptation and innerforce.
tell us how witch can get unwavering stance.

Now replace [class] with scion and suddenly everything becomes possible. This is horrible design and gimps existing builds. If GGG gave me a microtransaction that cost 250 dollars that allowed me to swap my level 98 marauder for a 98 scion instantly i would do it in a heartbeart.
IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214
johnKeys wrote:
SirSid wrote:
Y don't u wait till u see it in action and can get into the new skill tree before complaining about it.

no other class currently has access to everything without making serious sacrifices, and it is impossible to re-route the tree to change this fact.

And they want it to be exactly that way, they've said so. They can do wtf they want with their game.

I like the scion. Please GGG, keep doing what you're doing
Don't forget to drink your milk 👌
exorzist wrote:
inb4 the bitching starts in the forums all over the place because of 95% broken builds and totally unbalanced and new skills which will screw this game ...

instead of testing and balancing existing stuff GGG causes more confusing with adding untested shit

oh man, that's going to be soooo hilarious when release comes
cant wait to jump on the forums and hear everyone cry cry cry

and after a few days of making my day here i'll enjoy blizzcon and lmao about the crying here ...


Well its better to add new stuff and untested cause it will improve the way ppl think about getting this and that and then oh whats happening with this one too... ggg stated many times that balance will continue non stop and they already doing that... everyone at high lvl with good build can already be "op" so its not of importance... better to just sit and wait to see...they are working day and night so believe in them :)

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