We players want an auction house

Can anybody explain me in what way the auction house ruined D3? i mean, in details, i never played that game
Can anybody explain me in what way the auction house ruined D3? i mean, in details, i never played that game

- there was no cons for putting items in AH.
- AH is flooded with items
- supply is high, demand is low for mediocre items
- mediocre price is falling
- rare items still have good value because they have smaller supply and higher demand
- you have to spend many hours selling mediocre items to get rare items

This to a certain extent is happening in POE because of poe.trade and other AH-like sites.

- AH can be easliy automated
- boots invade AH

- using AH you dont meet other ppl
- using AH is no different than trading with NPC
- AH remove players interacions that are base for multiplayer games

- it is more effectie to camp in AH waiting for good oferts than kill mobs.
- If you want be competitive you have sit in AH
"Is there such a thing as an absolute, timeless enemy? There is no such thing, and never has been. And the reason
is that our enemies are human beings like us. They can only be our enemies in relative terms."
Last edited by kamil1210#5432 on Jan 12, 2015, 10:42:27 AM
kamil1210 wrote:
Can anybody explain me in what way the auction house ruined D3? i mean, in details, i never played that game

- there was no cons for putting items in AH.
- AH is flooded with items
- supply is high, demand is low for mediocre items
- mediocre price is falling
- rare items still have good value because they have smaller supply and higher demand
- you have to spend many hours selling mediocre items to get rare items

This to a certain extent is happening in POE because of poe.trade and other AH-like sites.

- AH can be easliy automated
- boots invade AH

- using AH you dont meet other ppl
- using AH is no different than trading with NPC
- AH remove players interacions that are base for multiplayer games

- it is more effectie to camp in AH waiting for good oferts than kill mobs.
- If you want be competitive you have sit in AH

That nr. 4 is already the case in Path of Trading, and it didn't need an auction house. People are also already using scripts to get notified of cheap sales or identify underpriced craft worthy rares.

What an auction house or player shop would do, is remove a lot of the tedium involved with trading in path of exile. It would also remove 3 of my biggest annoyances: the "offer" hoarders, the unavailable sellers who don't reply (usually the majority of the players I contact when I try to buy something in standard) and finally the price scammers who put up fake sales.

The big difference between having or not having player shops, is that because there is less tedium involved with in game shops, a lot more players would put up shops and also more players would start flipping. That's the biggest reason I see why current POE marketeers would be against an auction house, it would eat away at their (often huge) flipping margins and they'd have more competition. Scammers too would have a harder time finding victims. Plenty of reasons to be very vocally against it.
5000~ hours played here.
I vote against it.

played 590 hours (steam), so what?

And i vote for it, this and act 4 could bring me back to poe but ggg wont do anything other than making the game less rewarding if you dont trade. Maybe they will create another pyramidic system like in sotv where a few rich ppl got even richer and the poor ..., well fuck them up their asses like they deserve it.

And how do you get rich in the current meta? Flipping, trading and scamming = holy trinity
Last edited by vangrandson#0101 on Jan 12, 2015, 11:40:29 AM
vangrandson wrote:
5000~ hours played here.
I vote against it.

played 590 hours (steam), so what?

it doesn't matter how long you play but how much mtx have you bought

"Is there such a thing as an absolute, timeless enemy? There is no such thing, and never has been. And the reason
is that our enemies are human beings like us. They can only be our enemies in relative terms."

played 590 hours (steam), so what?

That honestly is very little play time considering how long this game has been around.

And i vote for it, this and act 4 could bring me back to poe but ggg wont do anything other than making the game less rewarding if you dont trade. Maybe they will create another pyramidic system like in sotv where a few rich ppl got even richer and the poor ..., well fuck them up their (going to be edited by support) like they deserve it.

I vote STRONGLY against it. I've played D3, an AH is never pretty. They've added strongboxes, unique ones, cartoboxes, masters, so many things that make playing solo much better. I don't typically bother much with trading and still typically achieve my goals. Will I have 6 link gg gear in every slot, no not really, but that is something I choose by not doing trading\shop.

I had when sotv maybe 20-30ex in random gear from previous leagues, I turned that into quite a bit.


The sotv actually made it so that anyone can farm for the midnight pieces and either run them or sell them for quite a bit of profit. I was lucky to get a scepter really early, traded that 1:1 for the perfect kaoms heart. Sold boots, belts, ect. When midnight was 5ex or 6ex for set is when the prime to make money off of it was. I got 2 hopes, one dropped gloves, which sold for a lot, I got mjolner, shavs and a few other things off of that.

And how do you get rich in the current meta? Flipping, trading and scamming = holy trinity

You can make a good amount simply by playing the game, setting up a shop is REALLY easy with the addition of tools like procurement. With sites like poe.trade it makes it easy to find buyers that want your items.

What exactly do you think would change in regards to this last concern if an AH was added? I'll tell you what would happen, those same people would setup bots, buy low sell high, your stuff that doesn't sell now, STILL won't sell later. Everything gets cheapened by an automatic system, EVERYTHING.


Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF.
goetzjam wrote:

played 590 hours (steam), so what?

That honestly is very little play time considering how long this game has been around.

And i vote for it, this and act 4 could bring me back to poe but ggg wont do anything other than making the game less rewarding if you dont trade. Maybe they will create another pyramidic system like in sotv where a few rich ppl got even richer and the poor ..., well fuck them up their (going to be edited by support) like they deserve it.

I vote STRONGLY against it. I've played D3, an AH is never pretty. They've added strongboxes, unique ones, cartoboxes, masters, so many things that make playing solo much better. I don't typically bother much with trading and still typically achieve my goals. Will I have 6 link gg gear in every slot, no not really, but that is something I choose by not doing trading\shop.

I had when sotv maybe 20-30ex in random gear from previous leagues, I turned that into quite a bit.


The sotv actually made it so that anyone can farm for the midnight pieces and either run them or sell them for quite a bit of profit. I was lucky to get a scepter really early, traded that 1:1 for the perfect kaoms heart. Sold boots, belts, ect. When midnight was 5ex or 6ex for set is when the prime to make money off of it was. I got 2 hopes, one dropped gloves, which sold for a lot, I got mjolner, shavs and a few other things off of that.

And how do you get rich in the current meta? Flipping, trading and scamming = holy trinity

You can make a good amount simply by playing the game, setting up a shop is REALLY easy with the addition of tools like procurement. With sites like poe.trade it makes it easy to find buyers that want your items.

What exactly do you think would change in regards to this last concern if an AH was added? I'll tell you what would happen, those same people would setup bots, buy low sell high, your stuff that doesn't sell now, STILL won't sell later. Everything gets cheapened by an automatic system, EVERYTHING.
So judging from your last 2 paragraphs you believe an in game AH would change nothing, so why then are you so vehemently opposed to it?
So judging from your last 2 paragraphs you believe an in game AH would change nothing,

Quite the opposite of changing nothing, poe trade in its current state requires work and no automated purchasing.

so why then are you so vehemently opposed to it?

The last paragraph is exactly why I don't want an AH, its my whole comments as a whole to why an AH is terrible, not just 1-2 lines taken out of context. The second line was in regards to his specific concerns about the current system being "controlled" by scammers, flippers, ect. This would only get worst in that regard.


Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF.
Rather hilarious that a thread this old can be resurrected and still be on topic.

Having spent entirely too much time on the forums this past week, I get the feeling that 75+% of the anti-AH posters in this thread have left the game.

On page 10, mark1030: "Auction House didn't ruin D3. But D3 did ruin Auction Houses for all future arpgs". Truer words never spoken.

Starting at the bottom of page 25, ScrotieMcB and others (notably mazul and deteego) begin a lengthy, in depth, knowledgeable, and surprisingly civil discussion of the subject of trade as it relates to ARPGs and PoE in particular. Seriously GGG should've had hired those guys/gals as part time consultants.

If the OP was trolling, this gets my vote for the most successful troll thread ever here on the PoE forums.

In the end, poe.trade, procurement, trade channel, trade windows, effectively an Auction House has existed in PoE for over a year now. Admittedly its got its clunky parts, and personally I hate the 3rd party program reliance.

I've never understood what GGG's position on this subject is or was. No idea about what vision they were really trying to achieve. If they meant to have a straight barter system they've sure dropped the ball and screwed the pooch.

Personally I think the problem is endemic to the combining of the rather roguelike game Diablo with the world of persistent multiplayer gaming. The idea of drops and barter, well so many problems, so much abuse, so many broken attempts at solution. If you want to see cut throat trade competition in an online game, there's really only one name that jumps immediately to 'best in slot' and that's EvE.

It would be interesting to see the result of learning from EvE's example and applying it to a PoE-like ARPG. Maybe we'll see that from GGG someday - but ya know - not holdin' my breath, lol.

My 2c anyhow.
Logged in specifically to say no thanks to this. The only real changes I would like to trading is if things like procurement and por.trade were brought into the official GGG sphere and if we could trade with people on the web browser, phones and in the game simultaneously and asynchronously. Interacting with people with unique desires is what makes trading fun.

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