We players want an auction house

|I support, its to damn hard (boring!) to trade through the chat!
It isn't hard to trade thru chat, poe.trade for all items really easy.

I do NOT support the idea of an AH, I hope it never happens as it takes away more from the game then it can ever possibly add.


Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF.
(Without reading 35+ pages of comments, apologies if already suggested)

Trade feature

1. Trade button (no resources needed to make an npc/master/trade board item) maybe later add an item like a stash box for hideout. Activates popup window same as stash/guild stash.

2. Sellers can drop items for trade in the tab(s). No buyouts are able to be set.

3. Buyers can checkbox filter search for categories and level tiers of weapons and gear for trade in another window.

4. Players can make anonymous offers using currency available - removes from league stash/character.

5. Offers stay active for eg. 36 hours unless cancelled or accepted.

6. If accepted, by seller, currency and item are sent to the trading parties.

7. Traded items/currency are placed in a trade (remove only) tab

8. Sellers are able to review the offers and accept if they want.

9. Removing the item from trade tab cancels all offers for that item if it is not placed back in a trade tab.


Trade tab numbers tied to hideout level ? or highest masters' level ? to stop them being used for extra storage and filling the market with a massive amount of items. Eg L3 master - 1 tab, L5 2 tabs etc.

Would also prevent trade tabs being used for additional character storage "on the fly" if tied to hideout only.
100% Ethical, most of the time.
Last edited by Vaydra#3440 on Dec 4, 2014, 7:01:30 PM
Inactive player reporting in

Quit due to horrible trade system that I couldn't filter effectively for upgrades or locate the people that I needed to trade with in an easy way

I needed very specific upgrades for the build I was trying... Too hard to find

People probably vendored the moderately good items that I needed with specific stats because they weren't good enough to spam trade with and sell

Also I couldn't sell moderately good items because people had to search through so much crap they would never find mine... so those items just sat in bank or were vendored

I won't be back unless it's improved

IGN: Guillotine - Shadow - Open Beta
Bawss - 73 Witch - Closed Beta

5000~ hours played here.
I vote against it.
Virity wrote:
5000~ hours played here.
I vote against it.

This guy has played more PoE since it has been in OB than your average person works full time jobs in the same time frame.

GGG, please stop listening to this crowd of people, clearly they dont have jobs so they probably cant send any support your way.

JK, kinda, but really, lets not cater to the jobless.
I would like it to be more like daoc ,where you had to go to the persons hideout and they had a vendor there you could buy from.
no thank you , unless u make items trdable only one time im against it. WE saw what an auction house means with d3. Stop playing game go play ah, dont want that again.
D3 itemisation was so ridiculously bad and build diversity so limited. The D3 auction house made it a 1000 times worse. It was too easy to flip items for profit and buy your upgrades.

Chris talked about the a trading system that would not be an auction house, just a way to buy/sell without both parties having to be online (and not afk) at the sametime. A convenient trade system with no buyouts .... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmKcEkzSo0k

see page 35 for my suggestion.
100% Ethical, most of the time.

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