We players want an auction house

Trade chat is a joke. The only way to get something/sell something is spam. To sell stuff I have to go onto the forum and maintain a shop. Such a huge effort.
IGN: FaunStar
ntall1 wrote:
Please do not try to speak for the community. I think the ppl who want an AH are a very small portion of the community.

I will admit that the current trade system is a bit flawed by we all know what an AH does to ARPG's. We got empirical evidence of this with D3. I would prefer a better way for players that are online to list specific items they want to sell while they are in game, but not the garbage pile that an AH becomes. The trade chat obviously is not a good way to trade. Its all spam, and its even hard to hover over items to see their stats without the chat running away from you.

All we really need is something similar to what D2 had without turning the public parties bored into a giant spam fest as well. A separate part of the community board in game where players can create a public party with the name of their trade so ppl who want to buy can join their game would be more than enough.

But this is just my idea, I do not speak for the entire community.

Again, D3's failures are due to its itemization and loot system rather than the AH system itself.

If D3 was a game where you can self find and ignore the AH, that disaster would have never happened. The console version of the game is tremendously better than the original PC version (probably the first time this has ever happened in gaming history) simply because it's easier to maintain equipment and progress.
Last edited by allbusiness#6050 on Nov 20, 2013, 7:19:20 AM
Real_Wolf wrote:
IceM wrote:
Anyone that defends this current trading is crazy, I have been trying to buy a quality reave for 4 days days, I cant even seem to get that done. It gets lost in the spam, i try to ask in general since its not being spammed every 2 secs, and get bitched at. Something needs to be done

Thats cause no one likes trading with you, not because its impossible

Do you even listen to yourself? People that post on the forums are the minority, people like yourself and the rest off the ggg defense force are a even smaller minority. The thousands that are in game dont even know who the fuck I am from these forums, and I rarely even talk in game chat.

I mean seriously you have a fucking problem.
An Auction House wouldn't solve things, it would make some things worse.

Inflation is going wild. The game is less than a month old and things cost four or five times more than they ever did in a year of beta.

1. Decent drops are too rare.

2. People are turning to RMT so they can join in the trade simulator part of the game that they can't progress without.

This will get worse, especially for new players, until it reaches critical mass - a majority of players will become aware of the above and leave the game. In this genre once this starts happening it escalates fast.

Needs addressing urgently because it's a lot harder to get players back to a game like this than it is to get them to try it in the first place, especially if they feel the experience has not been rewarding enough.
Last edited by jacksj3#0023 on Nov 20, 2013, 1:25:26 PM
Definately don't want an auction house...

I would like a noticeboard with different player shops.
Naborg wrote:
Definately don't want an auction house...

I would like a noticeboard with different player shops.

Something like that would work, alot of people are already using the social party function as a means to sell there items, its so bad sometimes that its hard to even find a group trough all the spam.

GGG needs to do something about this ASAP. Or just make it easier to play self found and forget all this trade bullshit all together, All I know is the current system sucks.
Inflation or deflation of the economy is always going to happen.
Adding or not adding an action house / trade hub will not prevent it.
There will always be more players contributing to the economy, and thus price fluctuation will always occur.

Anyone who defends the current trade system, lacks the understanding that trading takes a long time.
Time to find the right item, and potential time to just wait for the person to be online.

A trade hub bypasses all of that, saving you the player time searching.

At the very least, players want a decent search function to find items.
One that is provided by GGG, and not third party sites.
"The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence."
didnt read the whole 35 pages but i dont want an auction house
Being someone who has a gem shop on the forum with a poor sense of currency value in this game, I support an auction house.

It would allow people to keep track of average prices for items when you search for it, this would make orb value charts more accurate and gives the community a better means of setting prices. At least, this would do it for me.

Anyway, I support.
PoE players: Our game has a wide diversity of builds.

Also PoE players: The [league mechanic] doesn't need to be nerfed, you just need to play a [current meta] build!

MFers found strength in their Afflictions. They became reliant on them. I am not so foolish.

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