We players want an auction house

sirius89 wrote:
Speak for yourself OP. No, "We the players" don't want an auction house. YOU want an auction house. That makes you the minority. Good day sir.

Why do you feel this way when an AH already exists?

I know these forums are the most "groupthink" centric ive seen in a game forum but lets be honest here, there are AH's and RMTAH's for this game.

Thinking theres not or not wanting them is like putting your blinders on and plugging your ears to reality.

And no, the majority do not hate AH's, sorry.

Personally I don't care, I like self found, and this games RMT centric economy is the #2 reason why this game is a short break between other games not my main game.
just for try, for see and for know
If I'm expected to trade, then I think it's fair to expect tools to facilitate trade. PoE has nothing. Well, they have a trade window. Which is admittedly better than dropping things on the ground and hoping you don't get fucked.
No. Calm down. Learn to enjoy losing.
b15h09 wrote:
If I'm expected to trade, then I think it's fair to expect tools to facilitate trade. PoE has nothing. Well, they have a trade window. Which is admittedly better than dropping things on the ground and hoping you don't get fucked.

PoE has trade forums, places where people can list their items, the forums are easily searchable or you can use tools like poe.trade in order to help find something specific. As for listing items also a tool for that called procurement https://code.google.com/p/procurement/ Search the forums for a thread, many many people use it, it is safe from that source, don't want type in your information and you can use session id instead.

Honestly the tools are there, you just have to use it and use it outside of the game. Although I'd like it inside the game, nothing more then the system we currently have.

As for capitalpunishment, no it simply doesn't already exists, can I select an item I want to buy, have the acceptable currency and get the item? No, but that is what an AH is, an automated method of buying and selling items. Yes RMT exists in this game, but its honestly a much smaller issue then you think, if you are a league player wanting to compete at the top of the ladder it may be an issue for you, but for everyone else its affects have diminished severely.

Yes the majority of players that understand how an automated system (AH) ruins the looting system of an ARPG even further don't want one.

Current system rewards those that put forth effort into creating, maintaining and completing trades in order to get ahead. An AH opens the door for those players that won't put forth the effort required now in order to make money and simply list stuff because it is easy.

Yes flippers, RMTers, botters and other negative entities exists that mess with the economy as a whole, but when you add automation to something like an PoE AH would be you get a whole nother level of people buying and flipping, RMTing and more importantly AH bots.

We've all seen what an AH does to an ARPG before, it can never and will never happen. The fundamental nature of the scope of the mistake would be so large it would literally be the biggest mistake GGG could make.

Without an official pool neither side is going to be able to prove % either one way or another. Further majority wants this comments will be ignored based on the fact no one actually has that information.


Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF.
Why don't you rename the topic to, I want an auction house?
Because I don't! And you shouldn't act like your wish is everyone else's..
goetzjam wrote:
So judging from your last 2 paragraphs you believe an in game AH would change nothing,

Quite the opposite of changing nothing, poe trade in its current state requires work and no automated purchasing.

so why then are you so vehemently opposed to it?

The last paragraph is exactly why I don't want an AH, its my whole comments as a whole to why an AH is terrible, not just 1-2 lines taken out of context. The second line was in regards to his specific concerns about the current system being "controlled" by scammers, flippers, ect. This would only get worst in that regard.
Answering to this post cause it has less filler words than the rest :p

You've written a lot of useless filler words in all your posts, but actually only give 2 reasons why you don't want an AH in POE. You've also made up statistics: "You are wrong, I can assure you more then 75% of players do not want this.", a number pulled out of your ass, such a convincing statement ;)

The 2 reasons I could extract from all your filler:
1) AH didn't work in D3, therefore it won't work in POE.
2) An AH will mean trading is less work, making it so more people trade.

Your nr. 1 reason that you keep on repeating, is apples and oranges. Just because the particular implementation of an AH in 1 game did not work, doesn't mean that the implementation in POE won't work. AH and playershops did work and are still working in scores of other online loot based rpgs, with a large variety of rules.
Your nr. 2 reason is just your own selfishness, you don't want setting up a shop or selling items to be less tedious, because more players trading is going to lower your profit margins. Somehow I can't feel sorry for you ;)
I would love an AH even if it where a limited form of a AH.anything is better then what poe is doing right now(nothing).
PoE's economy in the new leagues is already strained heavily by rampant economy botting. Any improvements to the trading system must be made with the following conditions:

Does it allow for botting programs to set up a market order with minimal effort and consequently flood the market by midnight day 1? If no, proceed to QA. If yes, Scrap and start over.
The thing with auction houses is - most of them time you don't even need to be particularly good with price checking. Set it up for a price and people will fight over it until it reaches it's given value - sometimes more. Suddenly having 1000 times more rare items (No, I am not grossly exaggerating, that is a realistic estimate from my early days in Eve who also had an open market and rampant botting problem initially) and uniques up for sale devalues everything to triviality, except for the high demand items which flippers will artificially keep inflated by buying up everything ever sold below their 'price point' and reselling it higher (happens in EVERY market) which brings us to the second condition:

Is flipping possible? If no, proceed to QA. If yes, scrap and start over.

I could go on - but those are the big 2 problems. And unless they are addressed sufficiently, I will vehemently stand against any notion that PoE needs an auction house or ilk. It needs better trading, sure - but an auction house is going to devastate an already fragile economy, much like it did to Diablo. (yes, I'm aware of other factors at work, but AH's exacerbate existing problems by orders of magnitude - and PoE has quite a few issues.)
"If you’re incompetent, you can’t know you’re incompetent. […] the skills you need to produce a right answer are exactly the skills you need to recognize what a right answer is." ~David Dunning
Last edited by TikoXi#0194 on Jan 13, 2015, 7:20:05 AM
TikoXi wrote:
PoE's economy in the new leagues is already strained heavily by rampant economy botting.

That is to say, that GGG's approach to the handling of trade by largely, and irresponsibly, ignoring its implementation has let 3rd party sites, software, meta-game traders, and RMT houses dictate what happens in game. Very very sad.

I normally cut GGG a ton of slack because they are an indy, they do F2P the right way, and they address a very niche, even cultish, segment of the gaming population, and I like them as a company, PoE as a game, and the individual devs as well, individuals. But in regards to trade they have just totally screwed the pooch, dropped the ball, and thrown the baby out with the bathwater.

I don't care if the solution provided in game is an auction house, a marketplace, legal player vendor bots, or a combination of restricting trade to barter in actual wearable/wieldable/slotable items only together with a restructuring of the RNG drop system; but something really does need to be done.

The game has reached the point where no one can reach, or even with few exceptions approach, end game without quite a bit of trading. The end game gateway gearchecks require builds such as those published in the builds section of the forums, the vast majority of which require BiS items and/or uniques that I haven't seen, and probably couldn't afford, in all of my time playing on all accounts combined since closed beta.

Of course, anyone profiting by the current situation is opposed to any change or solution. I'm not quite ready to join the tin hat crowd and put GGG itself into that group but heh... I'm from Missouri, show me.

Not really read through all of these pages but in short I do not want an auction house. I like the way the system is now and I personally love how GGG has created the in game economy. I personally love the idea of having to look for the things I want to buy and having the ability to trade, barter and haggle to come to a price on items. All of that is gone the second an auction house lands in game. at that point all people do is type in the item, search for the lowest price, put theirs up for sale for 1 alt less and wait to get their check in the mail. I would actually be pretty disappointed if they added one. Thats just one gamers point of view though.


The 2 reasons I could extract from all your filler:
1) AH didn't work in D3, therefore it won't work in POE.
2) An AH will mean trading is less work, making it so more people trade.

So you cherry pick some statements rather then addressing all of it....

Your nr. 1 reason that you keep on repeating, is apples and oranges. Just because the particular implementation of an AH in 1 game did not work, doesn't mean that the implementation in POE won't work. AH and playershops did work and are still working in scores of other online loot based rpgs, with a large variety of rules.

It would be worst in PoE because orbs = gold, just set at typical prices. Again the same problem any automated method of buying and selling items would happen, bots, flippers (even worst), ect. The risk\effect isn't worth the reward of allowing you "lazy" players an easier way of selling items.

Your nr. 2 reason is just your own selfishness, you don't want setting up a shop or selling items to be less tedious, because more players trading is going to lower your profit margins. Somehow I can't feel sorry for you ;)

You really should so some research before you call people out on cutting into profit margins for a shop I don't really even have. Go head and search see I have a forum post, that isn't maintained\updated and I only recently got a PM about 1 item I am trying to sell. I do setup shops in the leagues typically, but in standard it isn't worth my time for a few c here and there.

This isn't about cutting into my margins (which is impossible currently) this is about players being reward for doing a little work. There is no since of reward if you get an item, drop it into a box, select the price and see if it sells, that takes no effort and you won't feel rewarded.

Part of the issue here is players want it now, but don't want to put forth any effort, OP is like that, @run is like that and almost anyone here that agrees on an AH is like that.

As I said before, I'll ignore all % of players that "want or don't want" this or that because we don't have anyway of getting an accurate poll of that information.

Again my biggest point I can make. We've all seen what an AH does to an ARPG before, it can never and will never happen. The fundamental nature of the scope of the mistake would be so large it would literally be the biggest mistake GGG could make.

Looting in an ARPG should be rewarding and fun, simply picking up an item, going to town, dropping it into a box with a b\o price and waiting won't be rewarding looting experience.


Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF.

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