Self-Found (League) [Thread outdated!]
" I don't know, it could promote heavy use of 3rd party currency systems. I would rather have GGG handle it in-house in an intelligent way. I love the crafting and it's clever connection to the currency. However there should be found ways to promote it as crafting material again, I agree. Edit: From another Thread: " Last edited by Nightmare90#4217 on Sep 5, 2013, 5:25:16 PM
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" One problem is that you simply cannot plan a build around any items. Right now, for example, I can plan a facebreaker build. If I am playing self-found, however, I simply cannot do that. The chance of me finding a facebreaker is very little. Furthermore, if you play self-found, your items are just going to be terrible compared to people who trade. Crafting is just not as efficient as trading. And even if you craft, the ability to trade for orbs with other orbs is almost necessary. Finally, solo is just not good as partying. Some builds are almost impossible to solo level at certain points. Last edited by Quantifier#6676 on Sep 5, 2013, 8:59:24 PM
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I myself am a self found player, not that i want to, but it's just the way i play it, i like to go solo and am way tooo lazy to trade (tho i do when i cant find something fits me or need an upgrade) For me and my OWN way to think, i'm just fine with any of the leagues to play as self-found, i don't think its really necesary to have a self found league only, THO i think it might be interesting, but the thing sometimes is compete, i like to compete whenever i feels i am up to, or when i finish my self-found quest, like ok i finished that step, now im going to focus on doing this and doing it faster.
THO i have to admit i am more a self found because of my situation, been a father, working and keeping a family up every day gets your time short, i have only a little of time to play (maby on weekends i have the whole day to focus) I think it's really nice to have choises, and leagues are something really cool and i think its a good point that this game has that others don't or just ignore. all in all, i love PofE :) Last edited by herico33#7495 on Sep 5, 2013, 10:02:21 PM
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" But is it a realistic solution? We have gold in this game, it comes in different shapes and sizes, and even fits into a slot machine called crafting. Won't dispute that "no-gold" in PoE failed. However, given that the very core of the game is built on this foundation, how likely is it that it will ever be changed? Certain individuals have suggested that a SFL would destroy the economy or at least negatively affect a large section of the player base (traders) by splitting the community. Wouldn't making crafting orbs account-bound instantly nuke the wealth of every trading player in the game? How is that the realistic, non-destructive option, even if I agree that it might be the best one? Why would GGG entertain the notion for even a microsecond? I normally try to avoid analogies, but the perfect solution to war is for people to simply put down their weapons and walk away from them. I'll venture into the realm of hyperbole, and suggest it's as likely to happen as bound Orbs in PoE. Last edited by DijiGo#2281 on Sep 5, 2013, 10:35:38 PM
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" That's not been my personal experience in my exchanges with him. I will grant, however, that my experiences may not necessarily reflect those that others have. " Here I have to directly disagree with you. Take Scrotie's opposition posts to this very suggestion and compare them to the "Damn scrubs just want everything handed to them, GO BACK TO D3 NUBZ" crap that gets injected all too often into this type of discussion. At least Scrotie addresses the issue being discussed here. Does he do so in a head-strong, and borderline arrogant way? Perhaps, but no more so than many of the rest of us. I don't think conviction is a bad thing unless it is accompanied by a steadfast unwillingness to be consider a counter argument on it's merits rather than summarily dismissing it because it's not in line with your own thinking. My individual experience with Scrotie has shown him to be willing to consider opposing views even if he isn't persuaded. |
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" Yes, those were common themes in my supporting posts. And they are ones that I still endorse for self found play. I also spoke, when I announced that I no longer supported a separate league, of unintended consequence. I honestly believe that the point Scrotie was making in that thread (that the move from trading leagues to SFL would encompass far more than just those who are asking for SFL), call it doom saying if you wish, was a valid concern given what has been asked for. It's not my support of improving self found play that's changed, it's the form the improvements to self found take that give me pause. I don't pretend to know absolutely what would happen to the trading leagues if GGG gave us what the majority of supporters in the two primary SFL threads have asked for (sorry, my crystal ball is in the shop). As I said in the other thread, I just consider the risk too great for my liking and, as such, can no longer support the request in good conscience. Through the process of coming to the decision to reverse my support of SFL I had to ask myself what the root causes of my issues were. In doing so I realized that a separate league does nothing to solve those issues with the game. Forgive the, admittedly, hyperbolic example, but I see it akin to trying to solve the melee/ranged disparity by making a league with no ranged skills. It's running away from the problem rather than addressing it. Last edited by Thaelyn#0781 on Sep 6, 2013, 12:13:11 AM
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" I do agree that it's highly unlikely, but so is getting a 6L and we still push for that, don't we? ;) Honestly, though, while I don't think any of the changes I think are needed have a snowball's chance in hell of actually happening, I'm still going to put them out there. Release is probably the last opportunity we'll have to see any hope for something so drastic. It would require doing a release wipe, which I know they said they wouldn't do. As a general rule I don't like character wipes, but I'd support one to see this change, as I feel it is needed that badly. |
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" Which is the reason that I think that the creation of a new, seperate league is the only viable solution at this stage in the game. I can't see any way to make changes to the existing leagues that would be impactful enough to fix the problems without doing a wipe, and that just can't happen. |
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" I like your standpoint here. There is already a lot of suggestions here and out there in the forums. My personal view is that when I play my 1-3 hours per day and mostly solo I just cannot get the gear with good enough def/off stats AND the IIQ/IIR needed to find <-that kind of items. And I don't get currency fast enough to feel that it is rewarding to farm orbs for trading. And sure I will get there some time but it takes to long time and that is not fun. I would like to start up more builds and try out the skill tree even more. Thanks for reading and I cross my fingers that you come of with some kind of great idea to solve this "issue", so I can continue play this awesome game much longer ;-) IGN: Hydralin
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I remember, in my D2 days, I farmed the shit out of Mephiste & Co. (Nightmare) with my extra MF Gear Set before going to hell.
Chris even said that Merciless is no linea progresseion and that you may have to farm along the way. So as far as I see it, hitting a wall along the way is normal and having extra MF gear to go farming from time to time is normal too. When did it happen that needing MF to get the good loot was a bad thing? What I want to say is: You play SF and hit a wall in Cruel/Merciless? That's totally normal. Just put on some MF gear and farm for a while. “Demons run when a good man goes to war"
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