Self-Found (League) [Thread outdated!]
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" *shrug* They don't see the problem. Perhaps there is no problem? I can't know that. All I CAN know is that I don't play POE. Neither of my two sons does now... including the one who introduced me to it. He would play but none of his friends will touch it. In short, POE seems to be scoring great on metacritic but in my own little non-scientific pool of friends it has bombed. Now all we need to do is see whether my pool of friends is representative of a large whole. If so, POE is fucked. If not, no worries and Scrotie can claim he was right. I don't trade. I don't group. My comments reflect that.
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" Sadly, I don't either. This is what I meant when I, in another thread, said that they sometimes seem to be blinded by their own vision. Getting rid of gold was a great idea. The way they've done it, though, hamstrings other systems they've worked on including the one that I personally think is the most innovative feature of PoE. |
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" Come on, Dijigo... Surely you're better than this. Aren't you? Look... I understand not always agreeing with Scrotie, but if you give an honest appraisal to what he has to say then his points are, as a general rule, well thought out and well presented. At the very least they are thought provoking. Even when I don't agree with the guy, his posts are, in my experience, generally far more substantive than the average response like this one. We all troll from time to time, but having a different point of view doesn't make someone a troll or invalidate their opinions. As for his choice of words, while "underpowered revenge" may be a touch heavy handed it's not at all inaccurate. Wanting a separate league for self found players isn't trying to solve the real issues, it's saying "self found is under powered, so we're just going to kill off trade to make it better", which is, effectively, amputating the trade system. |
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" I don't see it that way. In point of fact any reasonable discussion of game balance must encompass the fact that different players have different goals and that is something Scrotie (and quite a few others) don't seem to be able to wrap their heads around. So that turns their interesting points into "I'm right and you're an idiot"... which is frankly not all that interesting. Scrotie's answer to everything is, "Well, if you would just value the things I do and seek entertainment the way I do then you wouldn't have this problem." Seriously? I find little value in that. I don't trade. I don't group. My comments reflect that.
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" Well, I am trying to be consistent. If he keeps posting condescending, hyperbolic, "end of days" sermons about SFL like he did AD NAUSEUM in the 100 page thread, I'll keep taking pot-shots at him. =) " I realise that you no longer support SFL, but when you did write (numerous times) in support of it in the big thread, your "themes" were about choices, alternatives, benefits for both camps/playstyles, etc. Your language now is beginning to sound like you-know-who, and I'm more than a little surprised. Let me be clear, I think SFL is a pipe-dream now, but I also think GGG changing the core game is even less likely, by orders of magnitude. Ironically, to me, that makes SFL the only option worth pursuing. Heh. Last edited by DijiGo#2281 on Sep 5, 2013, 1:33:06 PM
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Thaelyn " Sorry Thaelyn, insulting is not my intent I might've misconstrued this statement.The mention of gold in this game makes me tetchy:) Madcow1120 " +1 agree ScrotieMcB " With creation comes new life, to suggest amputation is far from it, a new league would be a new limb to replace the old(if we are to stick with the amputee analogy) GGG's game is a patient that seems to be holding tight to their gangrenous limb. Is it not best to check the new limb(with new leagues/events/races) before replacing the old no matter how bad it seems to decay? I agree we need change to the main system but I also think the option of this league would be a great experience to showcase the game not the trading grind. I mean seriously you got good ideas what would best be done to fix the trading system? a AH? Kellog " I wonder this also Kellog. 1-4 moths temporary self found league SFL:1)No trades with players.2)Increased orb drop rates NOT items.3)No mf rolls on blue or yellow items.4)No party benefits/No loot allocation timer(what drops for you remains yours) cheers Conan: Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their women.
Never dance with the Devil because a dance with the Devil could last you forever... -I thought what I'd do was,I'd Pretend I was one of those deaf mutes- Nullus Anxietas:) |
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I've not read all 68 pages but this is what I think: I don't necessarily want a new league but I really want crafting to be improved. My suggestions involves the recipes and selling to the vendor.
My first suggestion involves the Regal orb recipe. I feel the level for this recipe should be lowered. It could be the same as the chaos orb one but in order to get a Regal you have to add a chaos. If you want three Regals, you have to add three chaos orbs. The reason is at lv75 a person is usually running maps and finding a bunch of blue and yellow items. How many high-end players are taking the time and stash apace to hold rares just for this recipe? I've read some people use Regals on blue maps after rolling certain mods, but don't you think this orb could be useful to a player who is trying to craft a white that had linked sockets into something that can really be useful? I've found some really nice blues that had a nice number of sockets and really nice rolls on them, but the items were useless without certain stats. For example this is one of the first six socket weapons i found:
My next suggestion involves selling to the vendors. Why is it if I sell that weapon that I linked, I get 7 Jewelers orbs, but if I sell those 7 jewelers I get a wisdom scroll and two scraps? Why couldn't it be a fusing? It costs 4 jewelers to buy a fusing from the vendor so I don't expect a even swap (though it would be nice, sell 4 jewelers get a fusing)but the balance on this really makes no sense. changing this would allow me to take something that I found and craft it into useful something more useful. An orb of Regret costs 2 Scouring but, why couldn't sell 4 Regrets to get a Scouring? Right now I have 14 Regrets and 8 refunds points that i haven't used and may never sue because i don't believe in changing my character that much. I have used them but i could use those Regrets from something that I, a self-found player, would find useful. Why am I posting this here? I didn't read all 68-69 pages so i don't know what the opinions of GGG are on a SFL. If they are negative this is something that I fell could satisfy some of the people like me who play self-found and want to craft their own equipment, but it could also improve one aspect of the game people are complaining about and that's crafting. It wouldn't change the frequency of linking sockets, it wouldn't change the frequency of changing the colors of sockets, and in a small way it wouldn't have to. I've found items that had the links I wanted and/or the colors and I try to make due with those. No, I don't have the best gear but I get to play the way i want, which is self-found. I'm a level 70 melee dualist and I can't run maps yet, but I'll get there. I'm playing the game the way I want and that's what keeps me playing. There are improvements that could be made and i hope this one of them. Plus, this thread already has the attention of a Dev :). I'll start a thread over in the suggestion section so others can see this and give their opinion too. Arguing on the Internet: What's the point when you can't punch them in the face when they really piss you off?
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" Ok, but is that really a solution? What do players use for trade if that were to happen? Everything would be strictly item for item? I don't see that working out very well at all. |
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" I see that working out pretty well as a system meant to not be gold. Much better than the current attempt. Casually casual.
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