Qarl wrote:
I can give my current thoughts on self found.
In the existing leagues, there is nothing stopping anyone from playing self-found, and we know many of our players do. We also have players that only engage rarely with other players, trading and partying occasionally.
So, as you can play self found in an existing league, I doubt we need to separate out the leagues. The question then is, are there progression problems with self found. I think there are two parts to this:
Can you play through self found? Currently there are issues with this, especially around the 40s. One of the main problems here is the availability of 4-linked items. Gear progression gets hard here, as replacement gear requires both beating existing gear in stats, and in skill support. This isn't usually an issue earlier, as you aren't needing full skill sets, and can skimp on stats and still progress quickly.
If we are going to make changes, it will likely be on the ability to make or the availability of 4 linked items.
The second issue is, what is the player expectation of self-found play. In general the main issue comes when players look to the top of ladders and to streamers to direct what their play experience would be like. This gives players a very distorted view of what they should be able to achieve. In general these players are pushing every advantage they can from trade, long play, group play.
Often, when I get told - "everyone is doing X", and I have a look, there are often only a handful of people doing, its just often these are the most visible. An example of this is 6-link Shavronne's. If I look at over level 90 characters, in all leagues, played in the last month, well under 50 players have Shavronne's Wrappings equipped. And if I look at the stats, if you want to die, wear a Shavronne's.
We will not be making a league to make it possible to replicate the play of these players. 1) We don't think its needed. 2) From past experience, if we make accommodations to make it possible to replicate these players, these players will still beat you. If we made a self found league with competitive advantages but solo play, you'll see the same players on top of those leagues, and we'll get a new set of complaints from people who want to replicate the achievements without the same investment.
Let me give you my vision of self found then Qarl:
I LOVE ( LOVE) crafting, I would do it even if it was x times more complicated than trading.
I HATE trading, I would do it (very pissed off) only if it was my last option.
Like you, I don't think there is a necessity to create a new league to do essentially what we are already able to do on the other leagues.
No, I don't like top ladder streamers and I would feel like I was just losing my time if watching them. I don't give a damn to be stronger or richer than everyone.
I am a johnny, a lone prideful johnny who only wants to get my space playing my way.
This game is totally driven toward trading. You can't dissolve your loot into orbs using crafting or only use your orbs to craft. Even the recipes are made to encourage trading, you craft good loots till you can sell them, the ones really useful for you to equip can only be crafted if you are already rich and don't care to lose currency. Most of the recipes are useless and doing then is the same as losing (many) currencies and (too much) time.
There should be better unidentified recipes. Ones to cut your dependance of trading, ones to transform them into more currency for crafting (no one sells unidentified items). They should not be as worth as trading, but yet, significant.
I understand trading must be more advantageous than crafting because if not, everyone would just craft (it's an easier process at all). I understand partying must be better than playing alone for the same reason. The problem is: there are many people like me who can't stand this much contact with a community, who get fustrated with the colossal disvantage of playing alone and who only want to craft, not trade.
And finally: thank you for the changes you made to 4 linking and 5 linking items. I didn't realize, but once you get lvl 40, it really can turn you off if you get bad luck. I have some characters stuck there and I don't play them anymore. Yet, I don't believe this was the real problem that made people want a Self-found League.
A cross-post from a thread on Eternal Orbs, because I want the people who support this thread to understand the difference between intent and effect. It's not that the SFL supporters have bad intent — I agree there are problems with self-found currently. It's just that your suggestions on how to fix said problem all suck. Hard. And to demonstrate that, I'd like to revisit what happened when a suggestion from one of your own was actually implemented into the game.
ScrotieMcB wrote:
Like almost all of the "SFL" suggestions, the Eternal Orb was a frantic stab in the dark which set its sights on a problem and, utterly ignorant of what actually caused the problem, would have done more harm than good. The difference is: the Eternal Orb actually became reality.
I was against Eternal Orbs 2 months before they were created, back when it was just a suggestion by the SFL-supporting, Suggestions forum regular Courageous. I think my reasoning at the time for said disagreement was kind of sloppy and borderline wrong, but I can't be prophetic all of the time; at least I had the right gut feeling.
Once the Eternal Orb was announced as an upcoming 0.11.0 patch addition, including more details on how exactly it would work, I had this to say:
ScrotieMcB wrote:
Eternal Orbs are not good for "reroll" orbs, to include Jewelers and Fusings -- the only exception to this is during a mirror service, for example using Chromatic to change colors first. What Eternal Orbs are good for are "add a stat" orbs -- Regal and most notably Exalted.
Outside of Fairy Tale Land, the only thing this orb will be used for is replacing the functionality of Orb of Scouring in the whole Regal->Exalt crafting scheme.
Pretty sure I nailed that one, still 4 days before it was released... and having no idea what their drop-rate would be like, because it was irrelevant — people will tend to use Orbs for their most value-gaining function, regardless of how scarce they are. Which, by the way, is why the "increase orb drop rates" suggestions are all shit.
When describing the benefits of his Schematic idea, Courageous had this to say:
Courageous wrote:
The current system is not broken so don't try to fix it.
No one called the current system "broken." Rather, there's a portion of the player base who doesn't like certain features of the current system. This side-system would let those players play a little bit more the way they like. That is all.
Did the Eternal Orb really fill that expectation? Hell no it didn't. Instead, let's be honest about what it really was: a buff to Exalted Orbs, and a nerf to Scourings. Is this what the game really needed?
Personally, I'd like to see Eternals removed from the game. They still don't do anything that a sufficient quantity of other crafting materials cannot do (Scouring); it just does what it does at a discount (hard to believe given its high cost, yet true). Since crafting is still almost exclusively the province of ultra-endgame, itemlevel-78 type players, it utterly failed as "A Fundamental Change to Crafting," not just keeping power in the hands of the elite but actually intensifying that power and widening the gulf. (For a more thought-out idea on how to possibly have a fundamental change to crafting, check this out.) And we really, really don't need more godly rare power creep if we actually want the game to have a nice long ten-year lifespan; power creep kills game prematurely.
Bad idea then; bad idea now. And yet another reason not to listen to the SFL, and — to borrow a line from Jim Sterling — to thank God for me.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Oct 19, 2013, 8:46:36 PM
Posted byScrotieMcB#2697on Oct 19, 2013, 8:44:39 PM
Taking a break from another "topic"...........
Good points Scrotie, but I still want SFL.
I realize I will have to wait for the custom leagues, but what else can I do?
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln Last edited by DarthSki44#6905 on Oct 19, 2013, 8:46:37 PM
Posted byDarthSki44#6905on Oct 19, 2013, 8:46:24 PMOn Probation
ScrotieMcB wrote:
A cross-post from a thread on Eternal Orbs, because I want the people who support this thread to understand the difference between intent and effect. It's not that the SFL supporters have bad intent — I agree there are problems with self-found currently. It's just that your suggestions on how to fix said problem all suck. Hard. And to demonstrate that, I'd like to revisit what happened when a suggestion from one of your own was actually implemented into the game.
You do realize that GGG is the one that develops the items. I'm not sure where you got the idea that Courageous is the one to blame for whatever delusions you had the eternal orb would be, but it is working exactly as GGG intended.
We've added a new high-tier currency item! Eternal Orbs are extremely rare but provide a very useful function in the crafting system. When you use an Eternal Orb on an item, it stores the properties of the item in an Imprint which you can later apply to the original item, retrieving the saved properties. The imprint can only be applied to the original item and cannot be traded to other players.
Here are three examples of how to use an Eternal Orb:
You've saved up the 1500 or so Orbs of Fusing to potentially six-link an item that you currently use, but are worried that if you use all the orbs you might end up with less links than you started with, rendering your character unusable. If you use an Eternal Orb on it, you're able to lock in your current sockets and restore them if the fusing operation is unsuccessful.
You're trying to craft an item using the Transmutation/Regal/Exalted method but are worried that, after significant currency investment, your last Exalted Orb will add a mod you don't want. The Eternal Orb would allow you to (at a cost) back up your progress for restoration after an undesired result.
You have an excellent item that someone wants you to Mirror for them, but with a different socket colour configuration. You can now back up your existing sockets, roll the ones they want, Mirror it for them, then restore your socket colours.
Last edited by BloodReign#5273 on Oct 19, 2013, 9:10:46 PM
Posted byBloodReign#5273on Oct 19, 2013, 9:10:17 PM
BloodReign wrote:
I'm not sure where you got the idea that Courageous is the one to blame for whatever delusions you had the eternal orb would be, but it is working exactly as GGG intended.
Fusings example: Utter failure. No one with a brain uses them for this, because it's stupid to; the Exalted use trumps it.
Exalted Orb method: Yep.
Mirror service method: Only in instances where [expected Chromatic cost] > 1 Eternal, but also yep.
The thing is, not all three of these examples were weighted equally; GGG intended the first example to be the main one used. What GGG should have realized (they were so close!) is that, if there are these three ways to use the orb, which one is the min/max use, and which ones according to min/max will not be used?
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Oct 19, 2013, 9:15:39 PM
Posted byScrotieMcB#2697on Oct 19, 2013, 9:14:22 PM
I've talked about this quite often lately. At first I just thought it was a dumb idea but the more I thought about it it became clear. If you had a SFL with exactly the same mechanics as any other league(only taking away the ability to trade) imagine the difficulty of this league. I personally would probably try a league like that just for the challenge and the bragging rights when I own everyone elses self found characters :). A good character in this league would definitely deserve bragging rights!! Even a league like this will be competitive. Know matter what anyone wants you can never take out the element of everyone wanting to keep up with the jones'. So people would still complain but we all already know this. Some people play 12 hours a day and some play 1 hour a day. Everyone can't keep up and you shouldn't even think you can. That being said a competitive SFL with a ladder and rewards seems pretty sweat, but so does a cutthroat league which is a different story all together :)
P.S. if I found a mirror in SFL I would cry so hard lol!!
Last edited by Pfinch#0458 on Oct 19, 2013, 9:36:50 PM
Posted byPfinch#0458on Oct 19, 2013, 9:19:21 PM
Qarl wrote:
And if I look at the stats, if you want to die, wear a Shavronne's.
I'm glad someone agrees with me that shavs builds are squishy as fuck. I'll stay CI spork, tyvm.
Posted byzalfargia#4840on Oct 19, 2013, 9:20:18 PM
What you all want is a league where everything is a lot easier to achieve. You go around posting how you love playing self-found and how good it feels to finally get what you are looking for without just tossing some orbs at someone to get it, and yet the next second you want better drops and higher orb success in a new league because you wont be able to trade there. Claiming the so called economy is responsible for the lower drop rates, the bad linking chances so that everything spins around trading. Correct me if I am wrong but I have not seen a post from GGG that says the drops are lower because you can trade. To me it seems that you are jealous that other people can or have gotten the stuff you want with less effort through trading or parting.
Posted byScorched#2135on Oct 19, 2013, 10:43:28 PM
Scorched wrote:
What you all want is a league where everything is a lot easier to achieve. You go around posting how you love playing self-found and how good it feels to finally get what you are looking for without just tossing some orbs at someone to get it, and yet the next second you want better drops and higher orb success in a new league because you wont be able to trade there. Claiming the so called economy is responsible for the lower drop rates, the bad linking chances so that everything spins around trading. Correct me if I am wrong but I have not seen a post from GGG that says the drops are lower because you can trade. To me it seems that you are jealous that other people can or have gotten the stuff you want with less effort through trading or parting.
See this is how I originally thought but just think about how hard it would be with a league the same as all others with trading disabled. That would be very hard imo. Pvp would be interesting(really hoping pvp is good in the release) and I'd love to be like look at my beast of a character and yup I found all of it you wanta piece :)
P.S. I don't want anything easier. I'd actually prefer much harder. Also I don't really care if there is a SFL. I'm just adding my two cents :)
Last edited by Pfinch#0458 on Oct 20, 2013, 2:02:40 AM
Posted byPfinch#0458on Oct 20, 2013, 12:11:23 AM
Scorched wrote:
What you all want is a league where everything is a lot easier to achieve.
It constantly amazes me how many people seem to think that SFL means loot raining from the sky and an easier game.
The easier game is default, you can simply grind cash and go to the supermarket to buy whatever high powered unique or gem, or whatever that your build happens to need. Hell, you don't really need to even play much of the hack n' slash, it's easier to get cash by playing the buy cheap and sell high trading game. Look at the thread with the trader with over 3000 exalt. No SFL player is ever going to find that much.
Even with increased drops, you will never match the ease of getting specific items that you have now with the buy what need trading.
While in SFL you might never get a certain gem or unique to drop, you have to make do with what you find.
GGG have stated many times that the game is based around trading, and that players are expected to trade to get what they need.
SFL is how argp's were originally played, and it's now considered wrong to want to play this way and everyone must play the trading game instead. The way the game is set at the moment, the only way to get anywhere is to play the trading game.
I really suspect a lot of the "there must be no SFL" is traders worried that they might lose the most profitable of customers, those who don't trade very often and are easy to rip off with the traders inflated prices,
Still going to see what happens at release.
Posted byJaknet#1426on Oct 20, 2013, 4:36:45 AM