Self-Found (League) [Thread outdated!]

SFL. Why not? It would be a league and either you play it or you don't.

But I would actually prefere if you could play in party with say 3-5 pre-choosen friends whom you could trade with. No one else though.

Alternatively: Balance the game so that when you play solo you still have chance of getting orbs/gear as when playing in party (with bis IIQ/IIR character).
IGN: Hydralin
Peacebringer wrote:

Alternatively: Balance the game so that when you play solo you still have chance of getting orbs/gear as when playing in party (with bis IIQ/IIR character).

"/players 2-6" for singleplayers would be so welcome.
IGN @Ostropalca
The patch notes changes are the move in right direction. I would still love a Self-Found League, but if drop rates are better in standard league and you can actually solo the game without trading or ton of time invested in farming to progress to the end game, than maybe we will not need a SF league anymore.

Its good that GGG actually sees the problem in item progression of the game in late difficulties.

We will see after the release how the things will work
Last edited by Ragnar119#4963 on Oct 15, 2013, 6:05:49 AM
Imo, relevant and Scrotie won't advertise his shit himself anyway. ;)

Thinking Outside the Box: What if we had dust instead of orbs?
Evantis wrote:
Peacebringer wrote:

Alternatively: Balance the game so that when you play solo you still have chance of getting orbs/gear as when playing in party (with bis IIQ/IIR character).

"/players 2-6" for singleplayers would be so welcome.

I read a bit on that. GGGs reluctance to implement /players x stems from the significant advantages it would provide over group play. That is, if it increased experience like Diablo 2 it would be used exclusively to grind levels over grouping. If it provided additional quantity/rarity then it might make solo farming superior to party farming. I still think the latter is a matter of tweaking. I'll leave it up to GGG however which has probably done deeper analysis on the matter. Scrotie posted a decent analysis somewhere as well.
Want to Fix the Economy, Bad Loot, Trade and Legacy PvP?
Open Letter to Qarl on Crafting Value
Biggest Problem with Mapping: Inconsistent Risk to Reward
MaSterX_BG wrote:
After 1.0.0 balance thread we can safely assume this will never happen. GGG goes all-in with huge benefits for playing in a party of 6.

You know I'm actually the same way. It's because when I play competitively I realize market exploitation is the most efficient use of time and then I lose interest in playing. I actually don't mind trading within a small group of friends. For now I'm taking a break but I'll be back on release and I'll give self found guild a chance.
Want to Fix the Economy, Bad Loot, Trade and Legacy PvP?
Open Letter to Qarl on Crafting Value
Biggest Problem with Mapping: Inconsistent Risk to Reward
Last edited by Veta321#3815 on Oct 15, 2013, 7:28:13 AM
Self-Found League would be awesome! :D
Veta321 wrote:
I read a bit on that. GGGs reluctance to implement /players x stems from the significant advantages it would provide over group play. That is, if it increased experience like Diablo 2 it would be used exclusively to grind levels over grouping. If it provided additional quantity/rarity then it might make solo farming superior to party farming. I still think the latter is a matter of tweaking. I'll leave it up to GGG however which has probably done deeper analysis on the matter. Scrotie posted a decent analysis somewhere as well.

I don't get this argumentation.

1) You can't/won't be able to use all auras solo, so partying would still be superior. No reward for taking aura nodes for more auras.
2) You will be the only target for all mobs around, no split damage to party members when solo. Less survivability without any reward for taking the risk.
3) Mobs will not have better loot than in party, just the same. Why do you thing solo farming would be superiour?
4) Mobs will not get more exp than in party, just the same. Yet anyone would be still able to join any group and leech exp and items until they get kicked (or not), like plenty of players do nowadays. Which is for sure superior than solo.
IGN @Ostropalca

It will be interesting to see how these changes affect the game play for self found oriented players so far dubious is the watchword concerning more emphasis on partying/competition. This will either increase or decrease the idea of SFL, only time will tell.

I am very sympathetic to those that think this SFL idea is a mini game no matter how they propose but maybe you effectively found the cause of your problem in misunderstanding this idea, so maybe you should start seeing it as a league idea and not as a mini game.

So what If I or others bump this thread or others? Is there a problem with believing in something? Last time I checked GGG didn't hire Bump cops...let alone trollish ones:)

No matter how I type it MCB you'll always be incapable of seeing beyond your self/your ideas.Your welcome to start anytime to evolve an understanding that people will have different ideas that will never affect you/your game play or have any interest in what gonzo format you decide to type in an attempt to drive attention to yourself and firm belief of its my way or the highway approach, if you continue this way you might never notice more people taking alternate routes since there are more then just one highway and at no time am I attempting or others on this thread, forcing people to accept SFL unlike the arguments against it.

I think the only thing we both can agree on is why we can't understand each other on this subject.Who cares? neither me nor you ain't that the real truth of it? It is sad that you have such ''supposedly'' great ideas on all things but SFL, that's OK we can't all be good at everything, still don't let that stop you if you got ideas pertaining to how YOU THINK a SFL could work your welcome to suggest them otherwise stop being a attention troll, it merely exhibits your true mental age and its sad to be that age in that body.

1+SFL: A league devoted to adventure and crafting
Suggested guidelines for a Non Competitive Self Found Crafting League:1)No trades with other players.2)No mf rolls on blue or yellow items.3)Increased orb drops.4)No party benefits, permanent loot allocation.5)New recipes and specialized orbs.

Constructive criticism welcome, outright disapproval*shrugs* equally welcome for how else can a idea get better? So lets take a moment and Thank each other for posting there ideas, concerns and most of all lets not single each other out anymore bullying/trolling these actions are unbecoming of the POE forum. SO even though I post a slight insult to you ScrotieMCB it is the final immature action I will attend in your vicinity and most of all to your attentions,I apologize just as quick to show my gentlemanly nature, good luck with your future endeavors but I am discontinuing this discourse with you, any further mention of me by you or others in a insulting manner(name calling,suggestions of stupidity, narcissism, etc.) will be noted as bullying and the proper individuals will be alerted.


Conan: Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their women.
Never dance with the Devil because a dance with the Devil could last you forever...
-I thought what I'd do was,I'd Pretend I was one of those deaf mutes-
Nullus Anxietas:)
Last edited by Finkenstein#5181 on Oct 15, 2013, 7:37:55 PM
@Fink: Why do you feel a SFL should warrant the attention of the devs over other issues with the game?

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