Our view on map drop rates

I do think the final boss on hardest difficulty (I word it like this because of A3 coming and Merci being removed soon) should guarantee a map drop of lowest level. Or at least have a high drop rate chance of dropping a low level map. However, the way that would change the economy may possibly be bad with 60 maps already costing an alchemy.

There are tons of ways to change the map system and possibly make it better. Someone mentioned earlier that there could be an orb to raise the map level of maps. I think as long as this orb has a recipe to create that it would be a good idea. Other than the fact that theres no way to scale it when used on rare/magic/normal maps. And as mentioned earlier, these orbs would become very expensive and very valuable in races/ladders.

Of course, even then in the regular, non-race leagues, I would think that these types of things would not be cheap anyways. Perhaps making a unique map that has a high mob level would be good too. I see a LOT of things being done with unique maps in the future, honestly. More Unique maps would really make the map system more interesting.

There's just so much to consider though with this end-game. It's pretty clear that right now, the map system is still in the early stages. It's a very very effective system for what it is right now, and it works great, but it can still be improved and I only see it getting better.
RandallPOE wrote:
BRavich wrote:
I stopped playing today because I grinded for several hours without finding any maps. Borrrriiiing

I really don't get why people bother grinding for lvl 60 maps when you could just buy one for an alch or a few alts

I did. Bought 2 maps, didnt find anything worthwhile in either map, no map drops. Back to square one.

Spending currency so you can play content that isnt 15 levels below you is dumb.
IGN: Iolar
Well, I'm level 84. ALL content is at best 15 levels below me for starters.

Also, maps are a currency sink. If you don't want to use currency on them.....

Best of luck to you.
The only thing about maps that makes them a sink is that people use transmutes/alts/augs/alchs/chaoses on them. That doesnt explain why maps themselves need to be scarce. It's not like people can buy them from vendors or anything. Then they would be a sink in and of themselves.

As it stands, maps would be MORE of a sink if they dropped more often.
IGN: Iolar
Last edited by BRavich#4397 on Nov 29, 2012, 1:21:39 AM
Bumping because I'm curious about this. Has GGG spoken on why maps are so scarce?

I'm really trying to enjoy PoE as much as I did up to end game, but it's pretty difficult. I can manage maybe 45 minutes before I'm bored to hell from not having any content that can give me decent drops.
IGN: Iolar
Last edited by BRavich#4397 on Nov 30, 2012, 1:12:39 AM
BRavich wrote:
Bumping because I'm curious about this. Has GGG spoken on why maps are so scarce?

I'm really trying to enjoy PoE as much as I did up to end game, but it's pretty difficult. I can manage maybe 45 minutes before I'm bored to hell from not having any content that can give me decent drops.

BRavich wrote:
The only thing about maps that makes them a sink is that people use transmutes/alts/augs/alchs/chaoses on them. That doesnt explain why maps themselves need to be scarce. It's not like people can buy them from vendors or anything. Then they would be a sink in and of themselves.

As it stands, maps would be MORE of a sink if they dropped more often.

More map drops would mean less of a sink because you wouldnt need to alch/alt/chaos them at all, the main reason to alch/alt/chaos is to get higher level maps and more map chances. If you made them very common, then why even bother spending currency?

Next, where is your problem with the end game content, is it due to the lack of you getting maps?
I have a hard time believing that no one would use alchs on maps if they were more common. Furthermore, you didnt address the notion of maps being purchasable from vendors, which would make them MORE of a currency sink.

My problem with the end game is that it is boring and unsustainable. Whenever I dont have a map to run, I cant do anything useful. I cant fight mobs that give me decent experience, and I cant fight mobs that drop decent ilvl items. Spending money to have access to end game content is not fun. Period. The last week of my experience with path of exile has essentially running areas way below my level, getting bored, trying and failing to find someone selling maps, and then playing a different game that isnt so boring/frustrating.

It would be like if Diablo 2 locked you out of hell difficulty whenever you didnt have high level runes to spend.

It's just not enjoyable for me, period. You can justify it with gameplay mechanics all night long and it still wont be enjoyable. I want to like Path of Exile. Not resent it because it loses appeal every time a build reaches end game thanks to catch 22.

IGN: Iolar
I've kept out of this discussion (and maps) for a while, but yeah, I really don't want anything to do with this end game map system.

I want to set up or play in some sort of league that's more in line with something I'd like to do, like a league with turbo, better random maps from lvl 1, maybe additional settings too. Don't care if nobody else plays in it, don't care if everything in the league has no value in a global sense or isn't transferable to any other leagues.
BRavich wrote:
I have a hard time believing that no one would use alchs on maps if they were more common. Furthermore, you didnt address the notion of maps being purchasable from vendors, which would make them MORE of a currency sink.

My problem with the end game is that it is boring and unsustainable. Whenever I dont have a map to run, I cant do anything useful. I cant fight mobs that give me decent experience, and I cant fight mobs that drop decent ilvl items. Spending money to have access to end game content is not fun. Period. The last week of my experience with path of exile has essentially running areas way below my level, getting bored, trying and failing to find someone selling maps, and then playing a different game that isnt so boring/frustrating.

It would be like if Diablo 2 locked you out of hell difficulty whenever you didnt have high level runes to spend.

It's just not enjoyable for me, period. You can justify it with gameplay mechanics all night long and it still wont be enjoyable. I want to like Path of Exile. Not resent it because it loses appeal every time a build reaches end game thanks to catch 22.

I didnt really see the answer to my question.

So is it due to the lack of you getting maps?
Lets say you had unlimited level 60 maps, but not 61+, would you still have this problem?
And like I've said, no matter what, you will reach a point where even the highest level maps will basically give <1% exp.

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