Our view on map drop rates

Well it seems I run similar maps to people in the ladder in default. I wish I was as good with math as you were so I could figure this shit out myself but the more you talk the more I feel like a pre-schooler. God how I'd love to steal your formula/spreadsheet(/...brain?). So I could be doing alot of maps you consider to be garbage.

With regards to tempchain the people I have been running with and I don't die doing them but it's just annoying to do.

I also like your ideas compounded with mine. Making all benefit mods give -IIQ but hard mods much higher so they are at least equal in value. Also I still think that hard combos should give even more benefit, and to add your input, easy mods should give compounded loss. If the cost of rolling high lvl maps means you can't craft because all of your wealth goes into to getting alch/chaos/chisels you should have a higher chance of getting maps, MUCH higher, than if just running plan blues. I know you told me there is a difference but I don't think it's noticeable enough to really justify the overall cost. Hell I know a few people who were rolling blue maps then using regals to get an IIQ bonus to 2 good affixes (then again, the regal market is trashed in default because of a few people, not sure how it is in HC).

Also my push for having maps all have maze/+area is they feel very small as is. Most of my boredom in farming/grinding out exp comes from doing a small run ten billion times, as in most games (or at least ones I've played) the best option is to run a certain boss or small area on repeat until desired goal is completed. Having a larger area where you feel the need to kill everything, as you still have the desire to find maps, makes the grind a little less brutal. Also running a map every 3-6 mins feels too quick. I mean if my group pushed mapping hard like we did the last few hours of the race I could get more instances opened up than when I was doing cave runs. I don't think there is anything particularly special about our group I think most people are in our situation once over lvl 75.
Finished 17th in Rampage - Peaked at 11th
Finished 18th in Torment/Bloodline 1mo Race - peaked at 9th
Null's Inclination Build 2.1.0 - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1559063
Summon Skeleton 1.3 - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1219856
Moosifer wrote:
Well it seems I run similar maps to people in the ladder in default. I wish I was as good with math as you were so I could figure this shit out myself but the more you talk the more I feel like a pre-schooler. God how I'd love to steal your formula/spreadsheet(/...brain?). So I could be doing alot of maps you consider to be garbage.

With regards to tempchain the people I have been running with and I don't die doing them but it's just annoying to do.

I also like your ideas compounded with mine. Making all benefit mods give -IIQ but hard mods much higher so they are at least equal in value. Also I still think that hard combos should give even more benefit, and to add your input, easy mods should give compounded loss. If the cost of rolling high lvl maps means you can't craft because all of your wealth goes into to getting alch/chaos/chisels you should have a higher chance of getting maps, MUCH higher, than if just running plan blues. I know you told me there is a difference but I don't think it's noticeable enough to really justify the overall cost. Hell I know a few people who were rolling blue maps then using regals to get an IIQ bonus to 2 good affixes (then again, the regal market is trashed in default because of a few people, not sure how it is in HC).

Also my push for having maps all have maze/+area is they feel very small as is. Most of my boredom in farming/grinding out exp comes from doing a small run ten billion times, as in most games (or at least ones I've played) the best option is to run a certain boss or small area on repeat until desired goal is completed. Having a larger area where you feel the need to kill everything, as you still have the desire to find maps, makes the grind a little less brutal. Also running a map every 3-6 mins feels too quick. I mean if my group pushed mapping hard like we did the last few hours of the race I could get more instances opened up than when I was doing cave runs. I don't think there is anything particularly special about our group I think most people are in our situation once over lvl 75.

A lot of my ideas are coming from the stand point of not changing the current balance of how maps are dropped, exp rates etc.

Adding larger areas (or more mobs whichever same effect), will make each map have a higher chance to drop more maps.

Now maybe they could make it so lower level maps are larger (as they seem not to care much about people having lower level maps) and as you get higher in map level the areas get smaller.

Another idea is to make an orb that added to the map size.

I think making a factor of how hard 2 mods (or 3 mods) on a map would make IIQ even more than just the default base amount of IIQ is the fact of what is hard for you might not be hard for me. I think its better to leave it at a set amount (with IIQ ranges based on the range of the mod) and allow people to choose to reroll or not.

I agree with you, that doing tons of maps at 5mins a map isnt a fun way to go, on top of the fact that it costs a crack ton in orbs.

About the formula for the map drop mods, Panda and I talked and I'm pretty sure he is going to release it, just sorta waiting for more data. Panda taking a break after the month race, and I am also sorta.
MrDDT wrote:
Another idea is to make an orb that added to the map size.

Just another orb that is required before doing 66-67+ maps, I'd really not have them cost more echoing your point below. I know you had your chisel strategy but most of use scramble to get chisels/chaos last day of the race and people jack the price up on us. Added a 3rd required orb is just a promise that you'll have no wealth at the end of a week race.

I think making a factor of how hard 2 mods (or 3 mods) on a map would make IIQ even more than just the default base amount of IIQ is the fact of what is hard for you might not be hard for me. I think its better to leave it at a set amount (with IIQ ranges based on the range of the mod) and allow people to choose to reroll or not.

I think some builds can handle it easier, but lower resists/elemental damage can ruin anyone. Maybe don't give the extreme IIQ bonus I suggested previous but there should be extra. The difference between a blue and rare map should match the cost difference between alch/chaos and trans/alts. I know you said there already is a big difference but I don't see it that big to justify the cost. Please prove me wrong but before I stopped doing maps I was just doing blues and regaling them as I had ton of orbs to do that while leaving alch/chaos to craft gear.

I agree with you, that doing tons of maps at 5mins a map isnt a fun way to go, on top of the fact that it costs a crack ton in orbs.

I don't mind using a ton of orbs if regardless of how many I use I'll always be swimming in maps. I don't like the idea of hitting certain IIQ numbers or mods in order to have a high return rate. All hard maps should have a decent return, medium diff a medium return and low a low return. Even if the mods I'm rolling are bad, you are taking a similar approach just looking for different things so it's still fairly ineffective.

About the formula for the map drop mods, Panda and I talked and I'm pretty sure he is going to release it, just sorta waiting for more data. Panda taking a break after the month race, and I am also sorta.

I love Panda's freedom of information act. I'd love to see that info more than anything right now.
Finished 17th in Rampage - Peaked at 11th
Finished 18th in Torment/Bloodline 1mo Race - peaked at 9th
Null's Inclination Build 2.1.0 - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1559063
Summon Skeleton 1.3 - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1219856
Last edited by Moosifer#0314 on Nov 16, 2012, 7:12:45 PM
Moosifer wrote:

I don't mind using a ton of orbs if regardless of how many I use I'll always be swimming in maps. I don't like the idea of hitting certain IIQ numbers or mods in order to have a high return rate. All hard maps should have a decent return, medium diff a medium return and low a low return. Even if the mods I'm rolling are bad, you are taking a similar approach just looking for different things so it's still fairly ineffective.

The thing is, spend enough orbs and you will be swimming in maps, just dont expect them to be 65+
MrDDT wrote:
Moosifer wrote:

I don't mind using a ton of orbs if regardless of how many I use I'll always be swimming in maps. I don't like the idea of hitting certain IIQ numbers or mods in order to have a high return rate. All hard maps should have a decent return, medium diff a medium return and low a low return. Even if the mods I'm rolling are bad, you are taking a similar approach just looking for different things so it's still fairly ineffective.

The thing is, spend enough orbs and you will be swimming in maps, just dont expect them to be 65+

With stash tabs I'm gonna see how easy it is to support enough alchs/chaos to only do rare maps, including 60s. Not sure how easy it will be to get that many tabs of rares rolling w/o mf though. Should be fun to try at least.
Finished 17th in Rampage - Peaked at 11th
Finished 18th in Torment/Bloodline 1mo Race - peaked at 9th
Null's Inclination Build 2.1.0 - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1559063
Summon Skeleton 1.3 - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1219856
My experience with maps hasn't been that great.
I chisel my maps.
I use alchemy orbs on my maps.
If the stats are terribad I'll chaos.
My boyfriend and I play together and we can generally finish a map but they're rough. A lot of stuff drops, sure, but not many useful items.
I'm level 59, my bf is 62 and we're usually out of portals by the end of the map.
I'd rather just play on the acts.
at your lvl you should be playing the normal act 2 areas anyway. When you get to mid-high 60's start running lvl 60 maps. When you get into your 70's maps become the only way to procure exp. At lvl 76, lvl 62 maps only give 1% xp for the lvl. Save your chisels, alchs and chaos for lvl 65+ maps.
I stopped playing today because I grinded for several hours without finding any maps. Borrrriiiing
IGN: Iolar
Moosifer wrote:
Getting lvl 100 is meant to be an achievement that most people will not get. No ARPG has monsters all the way until max. While I never played it I heard that D2 classic it was impossible to reach lvl 99, taking over 2000 diablo runs or something like that.

Kindly informing you that 99 in d2c takes over 90.000 cs runs.
90.000 runs at 1 run taking 2 minutes from start to finish means 3000 hours or 125 days :)
I'm fairly certain level 100 will be doable in less time then this hopefully not by much tho :<
Last edited by dmouze#5681 on Nov 28, 2012, 12:29:23 PM
BRavich wrote:
I stopped playing today because I grinded for several hours without finding any maps. Borrrriiiing

I really don't get why people bother grinding for lvl 60 maps when you could just buy one for an alch or a few alts

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