Our view on map drop rates

BRavich wrote:
MrDDT wrote:
They cant do this else you would be level 100 in a few days, you will be asking for level 71 mobs, then 72, etc.

Not at all. The experience curve can EASILY be adjusted so that it is just as difficult to get to level 100 when fighting mobs that are the same level as you are.

You could but you would have to make it worse than you think.

Because I would be level 80 doing 90 maps. Getting massive exp. Leveling up 100x faster than you are now. Also I didnt just make up 100x number, its true, likely faster.

So are you going to curb the level 80 exp 200x slower because a few people will be doing 90+ maps at level 80?

The problem is that people want to get exp, if you make the curve what it is now, they will still be upset they are not getting exp. They will level once a month and this is the hardcore players like me who play 5+ hours a day. Just think of the people that play 5 hours a week. They will never see the exp bar move.
Interesting that this conversation started again,
I've done maps for about 2 months now and I never complained
well i never ran out of them, so maybe I'm lucky in that regard
I played about 1000maps or something...yet only 2 lv67 and maybe 5 times a lv66 map
so maybe I'm unlucky in that regard...

but I had pretty good runs after they upped the highlevel map drops last time
for 2 weeks I played only Lv63 64 (mostly) and 65 maps

but strangely in the last week something changed...
I was pretty much on 25maps in my stash all the time
and I gave my Lv60 maps away for free
but now I have "only" 10 maps in my stash and only one Lv62 is left...
well and i thought maybe just bad luck
but in globalchat I read more often that someone wants to buy maps
and I cant help them anymore, for I think I'll run out pretty soon too....

so is it just superstition and bad luck
or did ggg change something about the droprates again?
Last edited by moomaaru#4809 on Nov 14, 2012, 7:17:05 PM
I would be willing to bet they changed drop rates again.

Alchs are also dropping was less frequency than before. While leveling up my boosters to 35. I've found 3 chaos, 1 blessed, 4 fusings, 1 regret, 1 scouring, and no alchs. Which is very very odd. That's 2 alts to 35 so far.
Last edited by SL4Y3R#7487 on Nov 14, 2012, 2:16:03 PM
"Look, more hidden footprints"?
I would rather like to see them up the drop rates by 1000%
so everyone could craft and level up like crazy,
I mean who cares everything will be gone in a few days anywhy
so why can't we have some fun till then...
Last edited by moomaaru#4809 on Nov 14, 2012, 7:14:20 PM
moomaaru wrote:
I would rather like to see them up the drop rates by 1000%
so everyone could craft and level up like crazy,
I mean who cares everything will be gone in a few days anywhy
so why can't we have some fun till then...

Now is the time for tweaking for OB. You should be having fun either way.
MrDDT wrote:
Now is the time for tweaking for OB. You should be having fun either way.

what do you mean by "tweaking" ?

I just mean it'd be fun for a change, I'd play like crazy if they would do that^^
But it was more ment as a joke, cos i know that it'd be ludacris,
still pretty funny^^!

its kinda strange I asked a lot of people and every singel one ran out of higher maps
we are all now back to 60/61...even 62 are scarce
Last edited by moomaaru#4809 on Nov 15, 2012, 8:12:33 AM
Proven_Paradox wrote:
Conceptually, I don't think it's unreasonable to ask that I have access to enemies of approximately my level to fight. That I'm not getting an XP penalty yet isn't entering into my equation: my highest level character is level 65, so I expect her opponents to be level 65 +/- 1 in most instances. (This also means I have problems with act 2's lack of structure, but that's not what this thread is about.) This does not seem like much to ask.

It is unreasonable. This is MMO thinking. Getting lvl 100 is meant to be an achievement that most people will not get. No ARPG has monsters all the way until max. While I never played it I heard that D2 classic it was impossible to reach lvl 99, taking over 2000 diablo runs or something like that.

I hate the MMO shit of balance everything out perfectly. Unbalanced is fun in games like PoE. Ask any one who played D3 before paragon lvls (i think that's what they are called) with having the lvl 60 cap and an entire difficulty after hitting that cap, it felt like all you were doing was grinding for marginally better gear to kill marginally faster. Having lvling and grinding gear as an end game keeps people interested longer because your strength grows from both angles and it feels like real progress.

Also, with you wanting to try other builds, if you learn how to quickly level you can get to 70 in a week easily, 80 in 2 if you really pushed hard. Most build are pretty solid around 60 though so you don't even after to get that deep. I've found that if a build doesn't work by 60, the extra 10 lvls are going to be a real pain, 20 unbearable and they won't make the toon any better. So take the build to 60, if you like it put in the time to work your way to a higher level. If not just start another. You don't need to be lvl 100 to see if something is working or not.
Finished 17th in Rampage - Peaked at 11th
Finished 18th in Torment/Bloodline 1mo Race - peaked at 9th
Null's Inclination Build 2.1.0 - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1559063
Summon Skeleton 1.3 - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1219856
On the actual subject, everyone is trying to roll the same affixes they did before the changes.

maze, larger area, pack size, blue mobs and rare mobs.

An easy solution is make all outdoor map areas, 25-40% bigger and indoor areas maze or large like outdoor maps then remove those from the affix pool. Unless you throw a huge IIQ penalty on those mods, everyone is always going to try and roll them because of how great they are. A maze map with pack size will give more exp and map drops than any +100% map without the affixes listed above. I'd almost suggest making pack size a small negative mod, really think it depends on how it matches up to the high IIQ affixes like temp chains. If it gives as much or more IIQ through having larger packs than temp chains does then why ever run temp chains, just roll until I have a good pack size %. Leave blue and rare mobs how they are, I think the recent changes have fixed their power. Blue packs were amazing before the changes but now they seem just good, which seems about right.

Then I already had a post on it but make tough combos give added bonus. Lowered max resists+mobs do added element damage should give more than it does. Temp chains+faster mobs should be more IIQ as well. I'm sure there's many combinations you can come up with. Also do away with mods like blood magic. The only people who are doing those type of maps are people with BM already, there are very few builds that use mana that can easily adjust to BM so it's free IIQ for bm builds and just forces CI to reroll regardless of how good the other mods are.

Also with moving up in maps, I heard from alot of people who had the same issue as me. There seems to be a road block at lvl 63 maps. I'd like to see this bumped to 66 even if it means making getting into 67+ harder. The reason is because you can find all your crafting gear, for the most part, in 66s. The other obvious reason is being able to easily stay in the 64-66 range makes it easier to keep steady exp. The end of the week race on default I was in 11th place, I got "lucky" the last 2 hours and found some 65-67s and shot up to 8th place. When everything is so close down to the wire like that it kind of sucks for the guys I passed to lose simply because I got lucky at the right time.
Finished 17th in Rampage - Peaked at 11th
Finished 18th in Torment/Bloodline 1mo Race - peaked at 9th
Null's Inclination Build 2.1.0 - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1559063
Summon Skeleton 1.3 - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1219856
Crafting gear that is NEEDED is found all the way up to lvl 69 maps.

It would.be worse if they made higher lvls even harder to obtain.

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