Our view on map drop rates

It would be nice if we could these random disconnects fixed where many people get disconnected at the same time, gettting high level maps is a lottery enough as it is without losing them to server failures. Been happening regularly for weeks now.
Just came here to say: I'm fed up with maps.

The only incentive for me to play is doing maps (high level) to gain xp.

at the current state there are just a few desired mods on rare maps, actually it got to the point where i only want to play +area size maps 50%quantitiy+.

First I thought: if i want to play high level maps i have to do harder maps with high quantity 70%+ but it doesnt work at all to sustain map pool.

Then i thought okay if the quantity bonus doesnt get me maps then just roll blue maps with a high quantity mod and a high +monster mod or 2x +mobs mods. (maze seems the only good to me). This makes me run out of alt orbs very quickly but nevermind.
It worked quite okay.. though at some point i want to be 'sure' to have good map drops cause i want to progress and because of that i alch/chaos.

There are just a few good mods and because of that it is hard to roll a good rare map. 30% of my rare map rolls seem worse than a decent blue one and only 10% of the rolls are acceptable to play.

After migration the highest level i got to was 3x lvl65map. Considering the amount of currency i have spent on the higher level maps i got(63-65) it is kind of depressing to me.

Don't tell me its rng when i roll a map 15times with chaos and i still dont wanna play it cause i feel its wasted.


they who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety
As the current system stand, you pick one of the following : exp, crafting, or wealth.
At this time I am 5th on the HC ladder. The highest maps i have found are 2 level 64. I am stuck running 62-63 maps gaining little to no exp. I have plenty level 60 maps that i vendor for the 3-1 higher map recipe. I dont know why i can never get a map to drop in my 63 maps other than the 2 64 i mentioned.I have tried all the mods that are on the good list.. i have tried high quantity only....nothing seems to work which leads me to believe that map drop rates are very much lower the higher the map level is. I may be just one of the unlucky ones...but i have run many many maps to not see a 65 map or higher.
Highest map I've seen this ladder is a 64, once. I'm broke, spent all I had on chisels, alcs/alts.

Spend the last 4 chisels yesterday on a 63 spiderlair, then alc, couple chaos to get good mods, ran with my brother to help with drops, No map drop at all lol.

Bummer, back to 60/61's.
MonstaMunch: "You're just jelly because you can't afford to mirror my rod. It's 100% reel."

GooberM: "How does that not warrant a good ol' stabby-stabby?"
I hate to say it, but you guys are wrong maps wrong. Time and time again people keep saying this mod, or these mods are the best.

There is really no best 1 mod. Its a combo of things. You have to figure out what maps you can do, and you need to learn what your cost/value of a map is worth.

Doing a 110% map with hard mods could be better than a +area +pack size map, you have to look at many factors. Like map type, mob types, chiseled or not, IIQ on the map, and things like this, also hope you can do the map based on your build.

Another thing I've been seeing people do is run maps that they shouldnt be doing like, level 65 doing level 66 maps. You can do it sure, but you are only hurting yourself for exp.

Does the map system need balancing? Yes. But dont be upset because you cant get maps. The RNG is working, its just not balanced greatly.

Like Slayer has said and I've said. Some mods on maps are not worth it.
Like doing a -25% max resist with ele weakness map +100% lightning damage. That map will likely kill just about anyone trying to do it. Yet its only like +44% IIQ.
Its a horrid combo and not worth running. They need to balance some of the mods a bit better.

I would also like to see stronger mods that give even more IIQ.

Another issue is that IIQ overall is likely underpowered to some of the "good" mods on maps. Like +area, for map drops.

All in all map drop amount isnt the issue nor really is the level. Ive yet to be in danger of running out of any maps.
But then again I'm not trying to do the highest map in my sash all day long. I know my level, I understand that some map drop levels are more rare than others, and thus I dont just do any map that comes my way. I make sure I chisel some maps, and know which to spend alchs on, and which to just do magic.

Its all part of how you get maps. There is RNG as a factor but its like playing any game with you have a chance to get something. You play the odd. You can even stack the odd in your favor. You do this enough times and you get ahead.

Learn what the odds are, and how to stack them in your favor.

Map system is a great idea for economy, and end game. I love it. If you think you will be doing level 69 maps all day, then you clearly dont understand what GGG is doing.

It would be as if they made linked items only take 1 fusing per link. Its the same concept. You are playing the odds.
Getting a 5L you have X amount of odds on a 5s item. If you make it 6s, you have a much better chance at a 5L.
I haven't seen it discussed much lately, but I feel like map drops were nerfed silently. I'm pretty sure I'm not alone, as there has been quite a bit of banter on general chat about it.

I'm having a horrid time getting past level 60 maps. I've played about 50 (not all level 60) in the last week and a half and I've only had about 5 higher than 61 drop. I started out rolling the hardest magic maps I could, but quickly realized that wasn't working, so I've switched to alchs. The end result is more level 60 maps but little to no progression up the (map level) ladder. I'm not being picky with the maps I run but the average alch is in the 50%+ range.

I feel like this is a completely worthless endgame, progression should not revolve around being lucky, especially when I'm running an annoying 100%q level 64 (the only one I've had in the last month) and the end result is 2 level 60 maps.

I feel like I've learned the obvious and are running maps "the right way" to progress, but I'm simply not progressing. Please tell me I'm not alone and that GGG needs to revisit the drop rates. Please?
How Fusings Work: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/38585/page/3#p1451934

IGN: TheHammer
Last edited by TehHammer#0539 on Nov 12, 2012, 11:56:41 AM
Look guys, only top players who play constantly and boost and get lucky are supposed to do maps, also, maps aren't supposed to be fun, it's about economy and xp progression. Get real.

(Edit: Yes, I realize I am an ass).
MrDDT wrote:
I hate to say it, but you guys are wrong maps wrong. Time and time again people keep saying this mod, or these mods are the best.

There is really no best 1 mod. Its a combo of things. You have to figure out what maps you can do, and you need to learn what your cost/value of a map is worth.

Doing a 110% map with hard mods could be better than a +area +pack size map, you have to look at many factors. Like map type, mob types, chiseled or not, IIQ on the map, and things like this, also hope you can do the map based on your build.

Another thing I've been seeing people do is run maps that they shouldnt be doing like, level 65 doing level 66 maps. You can do it sure, but you are only hurting yourself for exp.

Does the map system need balancing? Yes. But dont be upset because you cant get maps. The RNG is working, its just not balanced greatly.

Like Slayer has said and I've said. Some mods on maps are not worth it.
Like doing a -25% max resist with ele weakness map +100% lightning damage. That map will likely kill just about anyone trying to do it. Yet its only like +44% IIQ.
Its a horrid combo and not worth running. They need to balance some of the mods a bit better.

I would also like to see stronger mods that give even more IIQ.

Another issue is that IIQ overall is likely underpowered to some of the "good" mods on maps. Like +area, for map drops.

All in all map drop amount isnt the issue nor really is the level. Ive yet to be in danger of running out of any maps.
But then again I'm not trying to do the highest map in my sash all day long. I know my level, I understand that some map drop levels are more rare than others, and thus I dont just do any map that comes my way. I make sure I chisel some maps, and know which to spend alchs on, and which to just do magic.

Its all part of how you get maps. There is RNG as a factor but its like playing any game with you have a chance to get something. You play the odd. You can even stack the odd in your favor. You do this enough times and you get ahead.

Learn what the odds are, and how to stack them in your favor.

Map system is a great idea for economy, and end game. I love it. If you think you will be doing level 69 maps all day, then you clearly dont understand what GGG is doing.

It would be as if they made linked items only take 1 fusing per link. Its the same concept. You are playing the odds.
Getting a 5L you have X amount of odds on a 5s item. If you make it 6s, you have a much better chance at a 5L.

Somehow i think you want to convince me that map drops are iiq/iir dependent. When my last knowledge is they don´t have any reference to iiq/iir. Sry if that is outdated or it was not a point of yours.
Cuz when there is no iiq/iir dependens it makes no sense to run "just" high mods when the -chance- to get map drops is increased with just more drops chance aka more mops.

Also i like the idea of decreasing the recipe to just 2 matching maps and a heavy look on mod combos that are hard but don´t get much iiq.
What can never be lent or earned?
Somewhat, that devours everyone and everything:
A tree that rush. A bird that sings. It eat bones and smite the hardest stones.
Masticate every sword. Shatters every shrine. It defeat mighty kings and carry mountains on lightly wings.
What am i?
Last edited by Spysong192#7559 on Nov 12, 2012, 4:21:40 PM
My experience so far with maps has been very un-fun. If we're supposed to chisel up every map, then chisels need to be dropping like orbs of alteration, not orbs of alchemy. I managed to climb up to level 64 for one map, and have sense dropped back to 60. It's a shitty feeling, and I've been running magic maps with decent quantity. I don't have the wealth to reasonably spend alchemy orbs on low level maps. If I got another 63 I might spend an alchemy and maybe a chaos on it, but throwing alchemy orbs at level 60 maps seems ridiculous.

I've just been leveling other characters instead, but as-is the map system just isn't fun to me. I'll still play the game, but not the end game.

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