Our view on map drop rates

After doing a shit load more maps I'm not noticing a reason to do rare maps. I've done well over 10 60% maps, including a 110% and from all of them together I received a total of 1 map which was 2 lvls below the map I was running.

The solution to making rare maps worth it is when certain affixes roll together they get bonus IIQ. Having a map that lowers max resist, elemental weakness and extra elemental dmg (whatever source, personally, I think lighting should be way higher than the other two because of how it stacks. Fire damage can be curved by pots/high life regen. Cold, while brutal at times, you can still use pots. Enter a room with lightning skel and lighting arrow and you can get triple stacked then suddenly no more life in a matter of seconds.) is an insane map, even with over cap resists.

To make it even more appealing make these additives only apply when doing rare maps so people feel the need to alch maps rather than rolling 50-80% blues.

To add even more complexity, which I don't think would be worth the time it would take to code, make it so IIQ is related to the character stats. If a map has elemental damage, say fire and the character has 50% fire resist, the fire damage added more IIQ.
Finished 17th in Rampage - Peaked at 11th
Finished 18th in Torment/Bloodline 1mo Race - peaked at 9th
Null's Inclination Build 2.1.0 - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1559063
Summon Skeleton 1.3 - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1219856
bredin wrote:
This run I felt as though the game was punishing me for getting a portal gem in A2 normal :lol:

The issue is the unknown amount of time that must be spent without a map when one runs out.

Buy a L60 for an alch seems reasonable to me, or whoever is the Last 'regular' boss always drops an L60.

Perhaps the last boss is a better idea given that an alch for a L60, theoretically at least, means that one could get to L69 with enough alchs- and alchs for a single character become worthless after a certain point (about 5, imo)


From 60 to 69 it would require 59,049 lvl 60 maps. I feel I've done with with alchs, even better pre-9.12 when there was less rare names so you could match easier. But ya...not find/buying enough 60s to make a 69 any time before patch 10.10.15z
Finished 17th in Rampage - Peaked at 11th
Finished 18th in Torment/Bloodline 1mo Race - peaked at 9th
Null's Inclination Build 2.1.0 - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1559063
Summon Skeleton 1.3 - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1219856
Moosifer wrote:
After doing a shit load more maps I'm not noticing a reason to do rare maps. I've done well over 10 60% maps, including a 110% and from all of them together I received a total of 1 map which was 2 lvls below the map I was running.

The solution to making rare maps worth it is when certain affixes roll together they get bonus IIQ. Having a map that lowers max resist, elemental weakness and extra elemental dmg (whatever source, personally, I think lighting should be way higher than the other two because of how it stacks. Fire damage can be curved by pots/high life regen. Cold, while brutal at times, you can still use pots. Enter a room with lightning skel and lighting arrow and you can get triple stacked then suddenly no more life in a matter of seconds.) is an insane map, even with over cap resists.

To make it even more appealing make these additives only apply when doing rare maps so people feel the need to alch maps rather than rolling 50-80% blues.

To add even more complexity, which I don't think would be worth the time it would take to code, make it so IIQ is related to the character stats. If a map has elemental damage, say fire and the character has 50% fire resist, the fire damage added more IIQ.

^ Been saying this for awhile and I couldnt agree more. I don't know how the %s would work out, but me and a buddy were able to do both 69s within this 1week race. Never once did we play high IIQ maps. Since these maps do not have the KNOWN beneficial mods. Which do nothing to add to difficulty.
I have run out of maps for the 3rd time, and am currently L69. The run was 13 maps long, I never got above 62, or had more than 4 in my posession.

I have the run logged, but wont post until I have a significant sample to run a regression on.

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Running out of maps isnt acceptable unless there's a reasonable, efficient way to get another level 60 map.

I'll just assume at this point the GGG has heard this and will adjust the system appropriately.
I'd love to see level 60 maps drop like candy, so you're never stuck farming them in pyramids/fellshrine/etc. and have level 61+ maps drop based off of quantity on the map, so you don't get rewarded with high level maps unless you're either lucky or playing harder maps, but you'll also not get screwed out of endgame if your build is on the weak side and can't afford to run harder maps.
How Fusings Work: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/38585/page/3#p1451934

IGN: TheHammer
Level 60 maps seem about right, now. First two fellshrine runs since the ladderreset and I got 3 maps already.
I have extra beta keys and I'm not giving them out

PoE1 > PoE2
It is hard to give a huge depth of feedback on this issue but all I can say is that I just hit 62 on my HC witch and only 2 bars in did I find my very first map. that is 62 levels and only 1 map has dropped, that seems a very low drop rate. Ofc it may even out as time goes on, but I heard alot of people getting 3-5 maps by the end of merciless difficulty whereas I never got any and as I mentioned only found my first at 62.

It is clearly a tough thing to balance, though I would just state how the drop rate has affected me so far.

I think it would be really useful and great if at the end of Vaal on Merciless you get a map drop from him. This would be a perfect way to introduce the player immediately to end game especially for players that did not even find one map through the whole of the difficulty.
Last edited by Desbris#4733 on Oct 17, 2012, 5:51:53 PM
ive talked to Chris in game about this but ill post here since there seems to be a lot of discussion.

I would change the map system so that only maps of the same level or 1 level higher could drop in a map zone. So a level 63 map could only drop 63 or 64 maps.

While this wouldnt be changing the drop rates which i feel are ok right now, it would serve to end a bit of the chaotic level swings in maps leading people from running 65+ to 60s in a matter of a map or two.
No. That is bad idea.

Further, it does nothing to help with the actual problem, which is that high IIQ maps are worthless compared to well modded maps.

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