Our view on map drop rates
My level 68 map, 70%q + maze dropped 5 maps, 68, 67, 67, 66 + 65. I'm guessing without the 70%q it doesn't drop 5 maps. Keep a log, write down the quality on the map, and any mods that add to drops, like +rare, +magic, +area & maze. You'll find patterns pretty quickly.
How Fusings Work: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/38585/page/3#p1451934
IGN: TheHammer |
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But what you just posted is exactly my point TehHammer. Those mods are the EXACT same ones that worked well before. Since GGG wants harder maps to be run, shouldn't a 120% map have a higher return. For those that don't know, those high IIQ maps tend to not have the desirable mods, since you need high IIQ mods to get that high, and the "good mods" tend to add little if any IIQ to the total.
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" This is my point right here. This is my major problem with the map system. Not the # of maps that drop, but how doing easy blue +magic monster maps is the best way to go overall. If I drop 4 chisels, an alch (or chaos or 3) into a map to get harder mods, there should be a much much much much much greater chance at a map drop, and not only at A map drop, but a HIGHER level map drop. |
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When I feel I've overlevelled and bored with the content because I just roll through the hardest maps, time to simply reroll and try a new character. Perhaps the new resistances tweak will inject soime challenge back into end game maps.
POE is a constantly evolving game, so expect balance changes, buffs and nerfs STILL! Last edited by THEHORNEDRAT#1516 on Oct 4, 2012, 2:57:47 AM
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" Heh, it was me. For the record before I actually ran it I had it chiseled and then augmented with a stupid mod -25% resistances for a total of 35% quant. The run gave another Maze as well as a 66 and a 62 map. Can't forget that run - when I went to kill the Vaal he was with 10+ champion flicker pirates with increased criticals mod and they one-shot flickered me when I was hit with that shock debuff. Got my revenge on them when I ported back though. As for feedback after 3 days of patch: -Maps are more abundant than ever, yesterday I sold 25 maps, made 4 gcps. Would still prefer it if maps weren't so easily equated with currency, but it is what it is. -People are still complaining in chat that finding that first map outside of the map system can be a very frustrating experience. -Running 62-63 lvl maps most of the time now instead of 60-61, which is what people predicted would happen if drops were increased by a fixed percentage. But higher levels drop from time to time as well. I mean I did my first lvl 69 so can't complain. -I still have no incentive to run yellow maps. I don't see a point running a 75% quant chains map or monster deal + 95% cold dmg or vulnerability curse, when for the same time I can run 2 blues around 20-30 quality and get more maps and more items. -the best map that can be run is a yellow map with more magic monsters and other easy mods that put it at around 50% quantity(if chiseled 70%). However rolling such a map requires many many chaos orbs and I don't have those. Even if I did I would not use them on maps. |
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Than I redact my did not augment comment.
:P |
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My current take on map drops rates is that enough maps drop.
However, alchs are too uncommon now to be able to alch maps AND build gear at the same time. So we can't really follow all your suggestions in the OP anymore. It's as if I have to make a conscious decision between: - Running only blue maps to generate currency for building an item. In this case I'm likely limited to spamming 61-62 maps, because I can't be picky with mods (even on blues) if I'm trying to farm items to make fusings, alchs, and chaoses with. I haven't run out of maps yet, doing even that. - Making really high +quant maps to find high maps and then items worth building. When I'm doing this I'm so poor I can't spare any currency for anything other than re-rolling maps. I don't know, maybe this is the intention. I only have 7 stash tabs atm. This limits me to being very creative with the alch matching recipe. I'd probably feel much less restricted with a full 15 (which would cost me... another 20 dollars. Fair enough.) " Suggest this to them: say on global once that they'll trade 2 jewelers per level 60 map. Problem solved. They're so common now that that's overpaying. By a fair bit. -- I don't have alpha access, that was a LONG time ago. Last edited by Zakaluka#1191 on Oct 5, 2012, 12:19:06 AM
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Me and my fellow high level map players have been saying the EXACT.same thing for quite some time. When people in chat would ask how we maintain running them, my response was always," Are you broke?, if not you're not modding hard enough". Think about it, before the chisel patches, we were paying 2 GCP per map in chisles alone!! On every map above 65, than once you built up a base of 65s than you chiseled 66s Recently, due to the sour taste left in my mouth from the map changes, I quit.running maps and began doing fellshrine runs with a group for currency. I spent 3 weeks crafting and now have awesome armour all around. Now that I've done this, I'm back to spending money on progressing endgame. Welcome to the real endgame issue. Choose: items or modding maps. You can only pick one. |
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" or spend money and you can have both some of my IGNs:
EKDDtemplar/DualTotemSparkfotm/jesusbestjewever/EverhardDick/SilSol/SilSol_eight/SilSol_seven/ SilSol_ten/FiretemplarwithAA/JesusFacebreaker/SilSol_three/SilSol_two/grumpycatbestgodever |
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I've pretty much just stopped playing, but not strictly because of map drops, tried a few maps post-patch but that's about it, i was left with the impression that random is still random.
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