Official Blender Post! Lets theory craft for 1.2! 123k Cleave DPS!
Hi x2P! Love this build. I am making some changes for mine based on my playstyle. Here is my current build.
Any tips on how to improve it further? I run 2 aura's currently. Determination and Grace (Hatred reserves too much from mana atm) Which is why I also run a low level anger. My main attack is Cleave + Multistrike + Added Fire Damage. And well I have crappy equipment as you can see. lol My challenge is really running out of mana to use due to the low total mana. Looking to get the reduced mana nodes and Diamond skin for resist. Is it too early to get resolute technique at lvl 55? Thanks for help! any feedback is much appreciated. =) |
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" Hello firstly :) I currently follow the guide ( and its pure awesomeness :D ) My current lvl is 69 farming lunaris 1-2. To gtizon --> As till now ive been constantly using hatred only for the added dps. i dont have awesome gear yet my gear
and my alternatives - weapon swap
I have to say that by just having 2% mana leach from lvl 8 due to wurms molt belt and then changing to jewels with mana leach (1%) and 1 weapon with (1%) (still 2%) i can only tell that its more than enough. 1 cleave regens the mp for 2 cleaves or dual strike cause i swap multistrike and LGOH to dual strike when facing bosses. You should just try and run only hatred and grace with reduced mana lvl10 + cause i first used 2 auras (hatred grace) as of today and i have 80% of my mp reserved BUT thats not an issue cause of 2% yeah just 2% mana leach. SO consider the option also to add a mana leach gem ( cleave-multistrike-mana leach) cause u wont lose so much dps ( i have only cleave with multistrike and im sitting on 4k+ almost 5 ) Just try it :) Also u should run purity or at least have it ur weapon swap to lvl the gem.. theo :) p.s i forgot to mention i also got my redused mana gem today and fused my glove sockets..+ 20 more armorers used :p 3rd edit :D my skill tree ( forgot to put it on gear section -.- )
Last edited by theo1000#0525 on Oct 1, 2013, 5:16:33 PM
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Is anyone running this build able to do Piety in any of the maps?
Temple and Shrine own my blender (i can barely even get to Piety in Temple before i die). Also, Megaera in Crematorium almost always kills my blender. As far as build/gear i'm using it's pretty much a mirror of the OP's gear. Running the Soul Taker/Sword version w/ BoR. I'm maxed on resists with chaos at -1. Currently level 86. |
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Hey all,
I do not usually post on forum, but this guide just blew my mind. I have not play melee build in POE for the longest time, I would probably say since the open beta. It has nothing to do with melee class capabilities in game, it's just personal preferences (I like range better, I love to kite). so since I'm pretty much a noob/beginner with melee class, I thought lets take a look at some Duelist guide. First thing that caught my attention is the 45k dps cleave from the tittle.I'm pretty sure even with 3.5k-5k dps any classes can do early level maps (lvl 66-68) just fine(providing you have enough survivability). The most mind blowing facts about this guide are: 1. constructive 2. simplistic 3. proven to be working (video by x2P) Anarchy is ending so usually I just sit in town selling because I'm not planning on continuing in standard afterward. I got bored one day so I tried out Duelist. I started cleaving by myself thru content again (a race practices as well). First thing i have to mention is the fun factor of the build. It has SO MUCH mobility, the luxury of having leap slam and whirling blade is second to none. I can leap over obstacles and whirling blade on flat ground to travel faster. Moving from one pack to another using whirling blade and then cleave and repeat is so fun to watch. Second, the efficiency of the build is exquisite. As you leveling thru content, most of the time you probably will be leveling at Ledge, Fellshrine / Western Forest, City of Sarn, and Docks. These leveling zones are not mandatory, it's just the easiest to do in my opinion. Clearing those instances while leveling is extremely fast and you don't need any crazy expensive uniques or rares. This makes your progression efficient since you don't have to farm for currencies to buy gear, just use what you find. (life, armor/evasion and resist top priority). The capability to tank and do damage at the same time is awesome. Here is gear I am currently using (It's crap gear, it's just what I found along the way). This is just a set examples for starter, not a single piece is good. No uniques used in the set (to prove siege axe, meginord, and The Bringer of Rain and other crazy expensive rares are not mandatory)
my passives is pretty much the same just took some shortcut in the beginning to get the Dervish passive point. The block is important, and extra phys dmg always good.
In my opinion, it's better to go for marauder area first. The essential part of the build is to the marauder to get life and Resolute Technique point. The ranger sides just extra dps which is luxury not mandatory. some stats nothing spectacular(using rares that I found). Easily farm Merciless Docks or Lunaris no problem.
DPS, again nothing spectacular just showing starter gear (using rares that I found)
Spoiler Note that my Duelist is only level 64, more level = more dps for me since I finished most of the life I needed. If you are not very familiar with the mechanics of the game you might want to get a little more life than me (3k possibly or 3.5k life) Honestly, for me(range build lover) it is so much enjoyable to play this build that i have to thank x2P the original poster to make me liking melee class this much. It's cheap and fun build, who doesn't like it. Hope this little melee experiment I did would gain some insight for people who are just starting the game or starting a new class to play, that looking for a cheap way to push thru content. Sorry for the terrible English, English is my third language. I will clarify any confusion. Amazing guide! My utmost respect for x2P Sincerely, HyperPanda If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything.
Trolling is fun to a certain degree, being an idiot is unacceptable choice of lifestyle. |
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Edit: Sorry. Wrong topic.
IGN: Dateba My shop: coming soon. Last edited by Yakukoo#7937 on Oct 2, 2013, 2:26:03 AM
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Hey man I found your build very inspiring so even though iim fairly new still I switch from my main lvl 32 with to dualist and im at lvl 36 now and im following ur passive tree very close. Would be interested in talking or adding you so I can get some advice and or help on things since im still figuring out the game. Add me if u want. IGN:TheDivineFallen
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Your SoulTaker/Sword Hybrid build is the only one that is really optimized. All of the others I found things that can be improved. I started reading the others first and was like, "WTF is this guy doing? How does he have such great gear and doesnt know how to put builds together..." But then I saw your current build and it looks great.
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Hi all,
I'm pretty new to PoE and was looking to try a duelist out with this build. Would anyone be able to provide some advice on skill progression as you level? |
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This should help I hope, always love to get the +12% all resist first. All resist always great!
with these passive you will be cruising thru normal just fine. get life and armor based gear. you can dual weild sword or 1 sword 1 axe your choice, dont really matter. If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything. Trolling is fun to a certain degree, being an idiot is unacceptable choice of lifestyle. Last edited by HyperPanda#3074 on Oct 6, 2013, 5:06:56 PM
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Hi guys, just finishing the build, gettin end game items etc I wanted to ask, how much life leech and mana leech you need for this build to work effectively? (running BoR, no Soul Taker, setup like on the first page)
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