Guide: The Unrighteous Summoner
" It does not according to some posters in this thread. It lowers the AOE but does not increase the damage. This is in line with righteous fire so i feel it is very likely to not work. I must admit i did not test it myself (I didn't had the gem..). I will put it on the to do list! Suicigoba |
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" Good questions. I experience exactly the same issue. In general i portal out, refresh my ES, and go back in when my ES reached 25-50%. I never use more than 4 portals this way. I however like your Zealot oath's solution more and am considering it. - Shav ring could also be switched in when your ES is rather low. Not a bad suggestion. - Zealoth's Oath will work quite well if you use vitality aura. I would regen 90 ES a sec which would certainly lower the amount of times that you have to get out. - Don't use the melee option. Your damage will be crap and there is a large chance that you will get smacked just when your ES is rather low already. Suicigoba |
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" Good suggestion. It depends mostly on play style. I personally use Frost wall to block projectiles, debuff EE and knockback mobs. In addition it messes up the AI pathing and does not bother your spectres. However, lots of people prefer to freeze mobs instead. Frost Nova and Ice spear seem to be popular choices. I am curious how the freezing option works out in chokes. In general if i have wide open space i can avoid all damage with quicksilver, decoy totem and frost wall. The only place thats more challenging is chokes with 5 blue incinerators in the room... Freezing them would be a major health risk tho ;/ Suicigoba |
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" Was more thinking about a damaging spell. Seen kripp using it with weaponswap, but his damage is way higher than mine/our. ign: ZeoZergs
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" I saw a huge increase of survivability of my minions after picking up Necro Aegis. Even my zombies nearly never die anymore. I also use the degen bear + BM combo and it works great even without changing any skillgems(only 2 spectres in total). Had no problem soloing piety since i got most of my gear with 68/69. It is very annoying that the BM aura deactivates after teleporting into pietys "room", but the bear can kill her alone if needed. My gear (paid less than 1 exalt in total):
ign: ZeoZergs Last edited by Tumiya#4829 on Aug 13, 2013, 4:52:44 AM
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Just wanted to give the thread a bump and say thank you for all the Q&A and testing you are doing here. You have answered a lot of questions about this specter for me! IGN: Fourist
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Well, im on course for a very similar build with few differences. I think I might get more minion survivability out of mine. But, you might have a little more personal survivability. I'll have a debate between going to body and soul and more life nodes depending on es, life and armor values etc. And I might be able to use more of a damage type zombie. Because mobs are stunned. But in reality the zombies do very little damage in comparison. I also might skip the 2nd curse from the tree, and use the extra curse ring, or I might use 3 curses. Still deciding on that. Onto the specifics, I am using Cold snap+EP+AOE in my dagger, which is unique Divinarius, for the extra 10% range, not sure how important that will be, will let you know. I hope it isn't, I want to use the 50% ES weapon. This works because I am using the unique gloves Asenath's Gentle Touch. These cast temp chains on hit. Temp chains+cold snap=mobs not moving for 5 seconds. Mobs seem to die a hair slower with temp chains (slower degen effect) not sure about this, but it seems to be the case. But I will take the slightly slower death to ensure the specters don't die. |
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These minions are so mutch fun, i use them all the time.
Only thing that REALY anoys me (more and more) when u switch level (go down stairs enter boss room..) the aura turns of most of the time, this is REALY killing. For example when u go from lunaris 3 to piety the aura goes off.. that way there is no way of getting it on again that fast and all minions end up ded. Anyone having some advice for this? |
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I tried all sort of minion at lunaris and the best i had found is the BM, even on a completely wrong gem setup which were meant for flame sentinal. Now going to hunt the inc burning dmg gem and see how things go.
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I'm running a BM-mmoner only at level 66 so far, but here are my impressions and differences in build:
0) My build: 1) Springleaf springleaf springleaf. I opted for necro aegis, and springleaf is the bomb with these guys. The 7.5% regen/second at lowlife (including Vitality) lets them bounce back from serious punishment. Yes, it's incompatible with Minion Instability, but anyone who's used properly gemmed BMs knows that you're not going to miss that area very damage much. Also, with your 12K HP zombies at low life, it's kind of like if they had a 4K energy shield with no recharge delay. They will never never ever die. Ever. Except maybe to Antalie Napora. 2) CI + 2 spectres only. I opted to ditch Ullr and Bargain so I could run CI. CI without a shield sounds like madness but the magic of building around BMs (ignoring minion damage nodes) is that you have a ton of points leftover to spend on your survivability - you literally have nothing else to spend your points on after you've maxed minion life. My ES is only 3.5k right now but that's with some junk 200ES 5L that I'm wearing. With all the %ES nodes I've taken and/or plan to take, 5-6K ES is entirely possible with just medium-tier equipment. 3) I opt for a more offensive zombie build: Zombies - Minion Life - Minion Damage - Multistrike. Zombie resists get maxed with just Purity + Springleaf (32-64-32 innate) so Minion Resists is irrelevant. This fills the single target damage role that I somewhat lose by running only 2 spectres, both BM. 3) Minion Life - I could be wrong, but I am still strongly under the impression that BM's unrighteous fire damage scales off their life total, just like righteous fire. It's sort of a moot point since you want to max their life regardless. 4) Aura activation. The best I can tell, BMs activate their aura when they want to perform an action but get interrupted or obstructed in some fashion. Either by getting stunned in the middle of an attack or movement, or having their pathing blocked when they aggro onto an enemy. You can observe this pretty reliably when you WP into docks, if you can find a group of enemies on the other side of that wall and engage them by casting skelly totems around the corner, your BMs will then try to engage but they'll find the wall is in their way, get pissed and then set themselves on fire every time. This is consistent with my longstanding observation that BMs light up much faster on indoors maps (more obstructions) than outdoors. I hadn't though to try decoy totem yet, but it would definitely help with the biggest problem these guys have, which is trying to goad them into rooms with tiny doorways while multiproj frost skeletons hammer the entrance with dozens of shots a second. |
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