0.9.11 One-week Hardcore Ladder Race
" Your stash tabs will be transfered to the hardcore league as "remove only" tabs. |
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Died at lvl 57. Desynced in the weaver's chamber while kiting and was suddenly in the middle of a corridor filled with flicker spiders.
Gear at death
Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable 72%-75% resists 2.3k ES 1.3k dps with freezing pulse 36.1% crit chance 44% IIR Back to developing my ladder monitor I guess :/ Some items in this post are currently unavailable.
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damn, that sucks dude, rip.
nice app though! :D "Tangata ako ana i te whare, te turanga ki te marae, tau ana"
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Wow, I was in top 20 (charname lowleveler) when suddenly I had a lag spike. I immediately pressed F1 and saw the latency go up to 800, then the connection seemed to be interupted completely, because it was just a straigt line.
When it came back I was suddenly dead although I was at full hp (about 3k) initially and like half a screen away from the mobs. There were only slow moving zombies and skeletons around :( I alyways played save the whole time, never took too much risk and have done some insane maps, while this one i suddenly died in was not particularly difficult. The moment the lag began I didn't think my char was in any danger. This really has to be looked into, I never experienced such severe lag ever and wouldn't have played if I had known something like this could happen, because the game was running fine the last about 30 minutes since i started today. Right now, everyone's sleeping here, so this can't have been caused by some traffic on our end. |
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" I have had similar experiences, latency at about 45-55ms the whole day, then suddenly a desync and dead. |
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The desynch right now is just bad! I am getting disconnected every few minutes and in my map I hardly managed to kill some mobs as I never knew where I really was. The sad thing is that I am really pumped and wanted to storm the ladder but right now it is just impossible. In the 3h race everything was fine but afterwards it started getting really bad and worse then I have ever experienced.
RIP to all those many good people who died to desynch and dc! (especially those who had been rank 2 ;P) Update: Ask Kotao, I'm getting disconnects every few minutes... 2. Update: I can't play at all. This is really sad. I died at lvl 60 because of a desynch and now I can't even reach lvl 75 or even 70 which would be just one lvl away. Last edited by Spacke#3083 on Sep 2, 2012, 12:33:10 AM
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" I knew about the desync issue before, that also happend to me a couple of times, but usually you can see you're life going down even if there are no mobs around you on the clientside, so you usually have time to leave the game (didn't have to do this in this ladder race at all, but I did with other chars). The problem this time was, that my life stayed at 100% the whole time the lag began and then suddenly was zero, although I was really defensively speced to be able to survive a lot of hits. Also I want to mention, that this was not a dc that took me to the login screen (i think i didn't express myself clearly enough there), it just seemed to have frozen everything on the clientside for maybe 4-5 seconds. To be honest, I was expecting to get thrown to the loginscreen when I saw the latency not changing anymore. But instead, I was back again after a few seconds, but dead. I should've made a screenshot showing the latency, but I was too suprised and couldn't believe what just happend, I left the game immidiately.. |
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Yea, the lag/desync needs to be taken care of for sure. My 66 died yesterday. Started up a map, seemed easy enough, I think I cleared the room to the north, was starting on the room to the east of the starting room. Threw up a decoy, go in to smash a few, even popped a granite as I was running out of the room, but with that up and using hp pots, my health never stopped going down. I thought there was a invisible rare mob somewhere still attacking me, looked for about 5 minutes after I died trying to figure what was hitting me. I think it just desynced me, would make sense to lose that much life if I just stood in the other room. Oh well, was fun.
Then the 3 hour race, oh joy, terrible luck on drops, by that I mean a half hour of nothing usable, and then I literally stood on a way point well over 10 seconds with no monsters losing life before forced to log or die, and sure enough, no way point on relog. Maybe if I exited or alt F4 I could have saved my 66, but I literally couldn't tell I was desynced, I've done it once or twice before, it works, but man it feels cheap. In a way I'd rather die honorably then live, but this wasn't honorable at all. Good luck to those left, be very careful out there :) |
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" Huh? Is this an error or did you two guys actually settle for a tie? |
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" And what happens if it's a tie? |
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