0.9.11 One-week Hardcore Ladder Race
"I was mostly racing so I could party with a certain group of people, now that they all died there isnt much incentive to grind it out to the end game. Even if I did, there would only be like 2 days left to do maps. Im still busy catching up on things I didnt do because of the last 2 week race, this long term event came about 1 week too early for me. If I do re-make a character I only would do it playing in a group (If you didnt know already, I like parties), so I might party to level 30 or something, but end-game might be out of my reach this week.. I guess I shouldnt do Vaal with only 69% lightning resist any more since Shock got buffed =P. Somehow I got stunned by the first lightning beam & the 2nd lightning beam hit me, even though I used an instant hp flask after the first hit, the 2nd one still killed me. |
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" You say 'some game' as if it's not the very game you're fervently posting vitriol about. That amuses me. At any rate, I'll step in here and ask you to stop with the implicit insults of other board members, who may or may not be unemployed. That really isn't your business, and it certainly isn't grounds to call them 'losers'. Also, I have a job (two, actually), a girlfriend, I pay taxes *and* I have a sick grandmother to look after, and I don't see any of these facts as any right to judge how others use their time. For all you know, they might be secret millionaires. Like I said, not really the business at hand. I'll stay off my high horse if you stay off yours. This thread is about the 1 week hardcore race. There's plenty to discuss without making it personal. For the record, you cannot compare this race to a typical race where 'shortcuts' are not allowed, simply because this isn't a distance-based race testing how far a person can travel within a set duration. It's a progression-race, to see how many levels a person can achieve, AND it's an endurance race, to see how long said person can stay alive with those levels. With that in mind, skipping quests, selective hunting and wise avoidance of known difficulties isn't cheating, it's bloody smart play. It's knowing the game. There is no rule that says you have to do everything. The only rule is 'survive'. Simple, really. Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.
Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here. |
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" Damn! I really like this - Thanks for doing it. Highlighting the instructions: To use it just enter the link below and edit out my charname for your own. http://home.kemichal.com/poe/index.php?a=KemRacer I'm BACK :)
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Very well formulated post Charan. Nice to see some wise words being applied to the situation without favoring anyone side / insulting the odd man out on this one. Hopefully others, including myself, can learn from your style of mediation.
Fayded 78 Marauder - 1st Place One Week Race (09/11/2012)
IKnowYouLoveMe 24 Ranger - 1st Place 2-Hour Party Race (09/15/2012) Fayded 76 Marauder - 1st Place (Tie) One Week Race (08/23/2012) |
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I don't necessarily agree with all the methods people use to achieve that survival (lookin' at you, alt-f4!), but it can't be said to be completely outside the scope of the meta-game (in this case, the hardcore race), even if it's obviously beyond the scope of the game itself.
Either way, I admire anyone who can do well in hardcore. :) Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.
Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here. |
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Haha yeah the Alt+f4 is pretty crazy.. But I'd have to side with the dev's allowing it and I would chuck it up to the actual number of desyncs that have caused death's that could not be avoid otherwise.. while I haven't used this method to save myself in this race I wouldnt shun anyone who has as it is survival over everything.
Also have a funny video of me fighting Merc Vaal while hes complete desync'd and getting hit with 2 back to back hammer slams and living through it on my Twitch Video recorder. Was actually thinking about Highlighting it =D Good Night everyone see you tomorrow! Fayded 78 Marauder - 1st Place One Week Race (09/11/2012) IKnowYouLoveMe 24 Ranger - 1st Place 2-Hour Party Race (09/15/2012) Fayded 76 Marauder - 1st Place (Tie) One Week Race (08/23/2012) Last edited by Fayded#5131 on Aug 29, 2012, 2:28:56 AM
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" Must see this! "Tangata ako ana i te whare, te turanga ki te marae, tau ana"
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" I hope you rest in peace! I saw you go last night ingame. Get back so my shadow might be able to help you out a bit. Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It's the transition that's troublesome.
Hardcore to the bone. |
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" Did I specify the game? It doesn't matter which game it is, also I didn't specify anybody. I am not a South-Korean who admires such people, even though their government is against such a behaviour. It was a simple answer against a trollattempt like "lol u mad because you can't keep up" Don't you agree it would be much fairer for everybody if the gaming time each day would be limited in such races? For example a long race(1week-1month) with 2h a day it doesn't matter when this person plays but the maximum playtime is limited to those 2 hours within 24 hours. " Of couse I can compare it. A common problem to Action-RPGs called rushing. There are 3 barriers in Act 1 and 3 barriers in Act 2. Not including the act boss. Every single barrier can be be skipped with the help of another character. The only hindrance is getting to the Forest Camp but even that is possible. Now imagine there would be an additional barrier that players having an open quest have to kill a certain amount of monsters to get to the next area on the main path, then rushing would be impossible. I will try such a rush on HC once the Race is over. The only area where I think it might fail is the Broken Bridge Bandit in Act 2. It's an endurance Race how much time you invest not how good you play. Imo there should be 2 types of events. First unrestricted race: Most time invested wins Restricted race: All Players have the same time they are allowed to invest. " This isn't a towerdefense game. If somebody wants to keep leveling on fellshrine ruins for a week he won't die. Also you have to look where "smart playing" led to in Diablo 2. It became a sad corpse of a game just because they combined "smart playing" with 3rd party software. Now imagine that in PoE. A maphack that shows all monsters and the map. A quit under x HP/ES function and what you got is a corpse of a game that got potential. " I talked about fastrush characters. Rangers can keep up because it's their way of playing. The other classes are better in late gameplay. Why didn't you start with a Shadow? Because you know that lack of defense and HP regen will result in an early defeat if you play fastrush. Same goes for witch and templar. A ranger can play fastrush in some way but thats because it's played hit and run. |
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^^ You really just did that Hilbert?
If I were you, I'd edit the post down to a simple, 'sorry'. It is unacceptable you turn this race thread into a big debate thread. I thought Charan was blatant in pointing that out. |
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