0.9.11 One-week Hardcore Ladder Race
Burgingham while I agree that it wasn't well stated I was directing the frustration at the BM's. And there are a lot more in game then on the forums / whispers in game as well. But to answer you other question I've played diablo 2 never ladder competitive but this game brings out a competitiveness that I cant resist lol. Not to mention all of the people who told me that there was no way I would win a ladder race because the usual winners have way more exp =p ... The drive comes from doubt. Just hope it plays out to the finish =D
Fayded 78 Marauder - 1st Place One Week Race (09/11/2012)
IKnowYouLoveMe 24 Ranger - 1st Place 2-Hour Party Race (09/15/2012) Fayded 76 Marauder - 1st Place (Tie) One Week Race (08/23/2012) |
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Thanks and good luck then.
Gonna try to at least finish somewhere in the top 50 even though I do not haver much time to play. My first race here as well. |
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" One more reason this game needs addiction/antimulti control that kicks players of after let's say 6 hours. " Stop lying several players reached levels before you because they actually killed monsters You started leveling in ruthless till you hit 40. You killed only necessary monsters. " Yes that's why you enter chamber of sins level 1 make a level and and enter level 2 in same intervals. Another exposed lie. There are no friends because you slowed down in intances without WP and kept going. " Just for the info of others. Once Blizzard kicked in 1.10 in 2003 and ladders D2 got ruined by 3rd party tools. But the first season there never was a competive season. People kept loading multitools, with maphacks, automatic teleport, Quit on HP etc.(They do all in 5 hours) Then some used itemshops which imported items from Single Player on the servers using an exploit. Then they started botting wih blockbuilds on easy areas for better equipment and in the end they just ran Diablo and Baal with their bot 24/7. Just to clarify if somebody mentions "D2 Ladder". Till 1.09 every patch had less good builds than 1.10 but they were socializing and ladder not important, people were playing even it was just in cows. 1.10 started the cheater era of D2. I quit in 1.10 because Blizzard didn't even bad a single cheater in 1.10, while they banned numerous in 1.09. Apparently they learned at last from that mistake in D3 and ban people who hit a specific gamelimit repeating the same areas in a 1-4 weeks. That's the only good thing they did with D3 at last. |
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Why so bitter? A HUGE part of succeeding at a ladder race is knowing which mobs to kill and which to ignore. Psyk did a great job of picking and choosing.
Saying he only killed necessary monsters implies he only killed monsters that were quest requirements (i.e. Hillock, Brutus, Merveil, etc.) and this is simply not the case. That would actually be a horrible leveling strategy. Are there multiple people playing on his account? Who knows. Obviously he's not going to report it. Playing 28.5 hours straight is definitely not proof that he is. He has my respect and just because you can't keep up doesn't give you the right to throw a public tantrum. How Fusings Work: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/38585/page/3#p1451934
IGN: TheHammer |
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I agree with TehHammer. While playing 28hours on the trot is a daunting feat it is not impossible.
Psyk has achieved what each and every one of us wishes we could achieve. Well done Psyk - Please take care of Fayded, it would be really sad if you did not finish the race. Is there any chance you can show us your current equipment as well as the tools you used along the way. It would really be educational. A peak at your Passive tree would also help a lot of us that have never tried or have failed with Marauders. Good luck - We'll be watching I'm BACK :)
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It is really just pathetic to nitpick and make stuff up if you are not able to win in something yourself just so the winner looks bad.
" So you are saying: You played it smart and I don't like that. " This has to be the most ridiculous thing I have ever read on the internet. While we are at it let's enforce censorship too. Like this game, way too much gore. Should be put on an index. |
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I'm going to vouch for Pysk. I speak to him on a daily basis on mumble and there is no chance he was teaming the account because I was on mumble with him for hours at a time while he was doing the race. Anyone who accuses him at this point should really just show up on the mumble server (semi offical) and look for him. Chances are he's probably on and leveling.
Good job man. I always thought the future depended on the choices you made.
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When I was the 4th 99 in the world(USEast) in the first Diablo 2 ladder reset, I played 40 hours straight, and something like 110 hours in that first week.
There's a lot of hyperbolic bullshit in this thread in regards to Psyk. Boom_Joose has had two level 50s already and was ahead of Fayed for a little bit on his first character. Personally despite dying at 44ish I'm looking forward to trying to pass Psyk later on when I get to maps, where my build actually shines (and not in the 40's where it kinda sucks). Keep trucking Psyk\Fayed. E:USEast not world. "When I close my eyes, I see this thing, a sign, I see this name in bright blue neon lights with a purple outline. And this name is so bright and so sharp that the sign - it just blows up because the name is so powerful... It says, "Diamond Supporter." Last edited by Morsexier#3505 on Aug 28, 2012, 4:34:22 PM
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" Sorry for having a job, a girlfriend and paying taxes so some unemployed losers get wellfare and can play some game all day. " Not quest related exp related. Guess why Duelists and Maradeurs are the top classes in races. Phase Run, % Rejuvation and Reduce due defense. It's just killing some monsters to get the necessary level to be safe, kill more monsters at the ledge to get some levels skip rocky climb, and jail levels kill brutus and start killing at the ship graveyard again. Those people will fail miserably if they try it with a shadow for example. " It only shows how much real life such a person has got and if he claims he got one then it's a team character so potato. " So if those players are the best then why not limit their time so everybody has got the same chances and make them kill monsters. Oh right because they won't take the lead because there are players that can't play >5h a day due real life. " We all know real D2 play died with patch 1.10. Let me guess itemshopped hammerdin that was botting after you reached level 80? |
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Haters gonna hate.
I have a job and pay taxes, too. Doesn't give you the right to be a complete jerk to this guy. For all you know he could be incredibly well off through a great investment strategy and decided to take some time to play some video games. Or he's a kid getting some gaming time in before school starts. Who are you to judge? Who are you to say who has a life and who doesn't? There is already a time limited race. The 3hour race. They rotate it through different times (or so they claim). So those that think they are extremely skilled, but just don't have the time, can excel at those events. |
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