0.9.11 One-week Hardcore Ladder Race

Hilbert wrote:
Don't you agree it would be much fairer for everybody if the gaming time each day would be limited in such races?

Maybe it would be more "fair", but what would be the reason to do so (dev's side) - what would be the difference to the given 3hrs-races? (beside that its slightly longer, and gives you - as player - the chance to fit it into your RL demandings/schedules?)
Its meaned (IMHO) to offer a different playstyle, with included feedback (from ingame statistics) also from chars with heavy time investment.

For example a long race(1week-1month) with 2h a day it doesn't matter when this person plays but the maximum playtime is limited to those 2 hours within 24 hours.

And what will happen if I need another 5 or 10 minutes to finish a quest/reach the next waypoint, after my daily 2 hours are gone? Or have I to 'waste' time, if I cant reach the next goal? Will standing in the town/sorting stash/vendoring/loot sorting... also count, or just xping/fighting? - Way too much things, that make it seem a very unpleasant idea.
invited by timer @ 10.12.2011
deutsche Community: www.exiled.eu & ts.exiled.eu
I like the idea of a race with a play limit, but there are obvious technical problems AND it is not the same type of league as a 1 week race, it will be completely different.

The only way it will work is if the play time per day is handled by having it as a 'set' times where you can play each day. This of course has the downside of appealing to less timezones, but it helps prevent abusive levelling strategies.

What I mean by this is if you play one one account for 2 hours, you can potentially 'twink out' your 2nd account with items and then have a levelling session with consistently better items than most people only playing the 2 hours per day (and you had 4 to look for items basically). So if you are fine with playing at a 'set time' each day for 2 hours then it could be a pretty fun league.
I'm satisfied with the current races. You've got the 3 hour races for people who don't have the time to play 8+ hours a day and then you've got the week races for people who do have the time to play 8+ hours a day. Both of which have good stats to gather from. Both of which I'll never win.

Either way, time restricted week races have already been discussed, there's really no point in continuing to discuss them in this thread.

Hilbert wrote:
Morsexier wrote:

That was the begin of ladder seasons, I'm talking sbout the first reset, when the ladder went from 50 people to 1000 just after LOD was released and you could reach 99. I think that was 1.08?

In that reset there was no botting. As to how I did it, it called being 19 and in shape. I could never do it now.

Nice lies.
But D2 had over 100.000 players(~300-400k) before and after LoD Release.
Also if you played after LoD release you should know that you just could convert your classic character. That's why there are Pre-Lod items and SoJ was a currency to trade LoD items.
Reaching level 99 before 1.10 was a piece of cake, you could compare it to reach level 92 after 1.10.
You just cowed many times.

And even that time there were bots but mainly meph and pindlebots. That's why you got something called realm down after 1.09c and blizzard also banned players.

I'd typed up a response, but then read the rest of your posts in this thread. Time to take a break from the forums.
"When I close my eyes, I see this thing, a sign, I see this name in bright blue neon lights with a purple outline. And this name is so bright and so sharp that the sign - it just blows up because the name is so powerful... It says, "Diamond Supporter."
Hilbert wrote:
I talked about fastrush characters.

Rangers can keep up because it's their way of playing.

The other classes are better in late gameplay.

Why didn't you start with a Shadow?
Because you know that lack of defense and HP regen will result in an early defeat if you play fastrush.

Same goes for witch and templar.

A ranger can play fastrush in some way but thats because it's played hit and run.

Can you get more fail? Really? You quoting me asking why I didnt start with a Shadow when I did? I was the first person into the town zone, and it was on a Shadow. Just so happens I needed the skill off the Shadow to help my Duelist so I made a shadow first.
Shadows are just fine, its the player and the build that messes them up.

Are the classes balanced perfectly? No of course not, its beta dude.

Geez you are so bad and crying so hard. Learn to play, play the game and stop whining about people able to do something you cant (for whatever reason you choose that you cant).
Metronomy and Septile bring out good points.
Which got me thinking of a combined league. They did something vaguely like this in Magic the Gathering Online a really long time ago.

I'll describe it how I see it like it would exist right now. (And I'll cross-post it to beta general discussion)

The September Racer League announcement!

The Racer League runs for one month, September 1st through September 30th. Players participate in this league with their accounts, not specific characters.

As of September, GGG will run timed races every day of the week:
* one-hour cutthroat event on mondays and thursdays
* three-hour hardcore race without grouping on tuesdays and friday
* three-hour hardcore race with grouping allowed on wednesdays and saturdays
* two-hour cutthroat event on sundays

Final ranking rules for cutthroat event are yet to be announced.

Each of these events will be run three times every day to suit our players in North America, Europe and Australia. That makes a total of 27 time-limited events per week.

Participating in these events award points based on final ranking in each event. (make up a points system, like in Formula 1 or something)

Racer League rankings are determined by the total amount of points a player gathers from time-limited events. Only the first five events of every week that the player participates in count for the Racer League.
final response to Hillbert.
Hilbert wrote:
You say 'some game' as if it's not the very game you're fervently posting vitriol about. That amuses me.

Did I specify the game? It doesn't matter which game it is, also I didn't specify anybody.

Dance all you want, the implication was clear enough.

Hilbert wrote:
I am not a South-Korean who admires such people, even though their government is against such a behaviour.

Don't add racial stereotyping to your already growing list of things that don't really aid your argument. Seriously.

Hilbert wrote:
It was a simple answer against a trollattempt like "lol u mad because you can't keep up"

Fight fire with fire? Precisely the sort of response a moderator...feels the need to moderate.

Hilbert wrote:
Don't you agree it would be much fairer for everybody if the gaming time each day would be limited in such races?

For example a long race(1week-1month) with 2h a day it doesn't matter when this person plays but the maximum playtime is limited to those 2 hours within 24 hours.

I think that such a race would be very interesting, but we already see the results of that sort of thing in the shorter-term leagues such as the 3 hour races. There is still a great disparity between players, partied or otherwise.

I'm of the personal opinion that if a person has more time to do something, they have every right to be better at it than someone who doesn't. This ranges from anything to playing a musical instrument to fly fishing to tennis...to playing an online game.

Hilbert wrote:
Charan wrote:
For the record, you cannot compare this race to a typical race where 'shortcuts' are not allowed, simply because this isn't a distance-based race testing how far a person can travel within a set duration. It's a progression-race, to see how many levels a person can achieve, AND it's an endurance race, to see how long said person can stay alive with those levels.

Of couse I can compare it.

A common problem to Action-RPGs called rushing.
There are 3 barriers in Act 1 and 3 barriers in Act 2.
Not including the act boss.

Every single barrier can be be skipped with the help of another character.

The only hindrance is getting to the Forest Camp but even that is possible.

Now imagine there would be an additional barrier that players having an open quest have to kill a certain amount of monsters to get to the next area on the main path, then rushing would be impossible.

If rushing were truly a problem, as you call it, GGG could quite easily do things such as level-restrict areas, make ALL quests mandatory and significantly increase their difficulty. A common playstyle to Action-RPGs is rushing. I'm not a huge fan of it but I'm not really the competitive type. If you want to gain as many levels as possible, you might rush, or you might just learn where to hunt. But if you want to gain as many levels as possible *without dying*, you WILL avoid known problem spots. I feel like I'm repeating myself here. Not cool.

Hilbert wrote:
I will try such a rush on HC once the Race is over.
The only area where I think it might fail is the Broken Bridge Bandit in Act 2.

It's an endurance Race how much time you invest not how good you play.

How well you play is a very broad concept. Again, it's more than just clicking the mouse. It's knowing the game. It seems to me you're unable to fully comprehend the scope of the meta-game at play with these races, which is a shame since I felt I made it quite clear earlier when I said there's only one rule: survive.

We shall return to that in a moment.

Hilbert wrote:
Imo there should be 2 types of events.
First unrestricted race: Most time invested wins
Restricted race: All Players have the same time they are allowed to invest.

When Open Beta arrives and custom leagues can be purchased by players, I truly hope that you are presented with such an option to run this idea, and that you are willing to fund it.

Hilbert wrote:
Charan wrote:
With that in mind, skipping quests, selective hunting and wise avoidance of known difficulties isn't cheating, it's bloody smart play. It's knowing the game. There is no rule that says you have to do everything. The only rule is 'survive'.

This isn't a towerdefense game.
If somebody wants to keep leveling on fellshrine ruins for a week he won't die.

Not sure why you'd bring tower defence games up, but okay.

And yes, he or she can keep leveling in Fellshrine, but the reward vs risk factor, and the fact that it's hardcore and thus attracts a certain type of high-risk player, will likely drive that character onward.

Hilbert wrote:
Also you have to look where "smart playing" led to in Diablo 2.
It became a sad corpse of a game just because they combined "smart playing" with 3rd party software.

Now imagine that in PoE.
A maphack that shows all monsters and the map.
A quit under x HP/ES function and what you got is a corpse of a game that got potential.

I cannot begin to express how irrelevant that is. I'd cry strawman except the logical fallacies make me twitch. It's something like that, though. Wooden man, perhaps. Point is, playing within the parameters of the game is incredibly honorable but won't always win a race like this. Playing within the acceptable parameters of the meta-game, including alt-f4ing for the time being, is smart. It's part of that greater goal: survive. HACKING is stupid because it's cheating, and if you get caught, you will be banned. Being banned is the opposite of surviving in the meta-game. It is not smart, it is destructive and unfair. Everyone can theoretically alt-f4, or hit escape quickly, or skip quests, etc. The moment you introduce real cheats, the playing field is by definitely no longer fair. And everyone else feels the need to use them. GGG is well aware of this issue (they played D2 you know, in case the subtle influences weren't apparent) and run these closed, short-term leagues precisely because they discourage cheating of that nature.

You really nailed yourself into the coffin by bringing up the third-party cheating issues of D2 here. Really.

Good luck to all the racers still going! You've entirely more fortitude and skill than I ever shall. Also, probably far better ping. ;)
Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.

Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here.
Hilbert it seems like your arguement is I would do the bare minimum to get to the next zone and farm higher level mobs to rush my Exp up. I might be wrong but that is what it sounds like.

When what I actually did was farmed certain areas for a safe level to pass into the next zone. Ex:

In a typical 3 Hour Race players would generally run in this order:
Hillock @ Lvl 1
Mudflats @ Lvl 2
Flooded @ Lvl 2 or legde @ Lvl 4-6 (depending on discovery of flood)

Now when I started this race I told the people I was in mumble with that you shouldn't hit ledge @ 4 in this race as its not a sprint so even if you find upper Sub first take the time to find flooded to get the skill point and exp. Then I did 3 laps of Ledge followed by a direct line path threw Rocky Climb killing at least 70% of the mobs including Forsaken.... In fact the only places I actually never killed the majority of the mobs would be Terrance / Ship Grave yard as early 1 isn't time/xp worthy and 2 isn't safe at lower levels.

I did how ever skip side quest that did not award me rewards I felt I needed at the time. Ex. I don't need 2 regret points at lvl 4 so Fetid Pools quest is completely unnecessary.

That is just a few examples of how I've been doing this race. Have I invested a lot of time early. Yes and so have the other top 10 players (not counting ones who were defaulted top 10 due to the 5-7 #2 deaths yesterday). So simply put if not me then someone else. And being as its a race that I wanna win staying ahead as long as I can is my goal.

Now I've just broke down a little on how I've ran this race so far and have yet to call you any names in the process if you wish to debate this any further I would recommend you find the mumble information for the (semi official) PoE Mumble server and get on I'd gladly go back and forth there with you. But per Forum Moderator this will be my last post on the subject.

One last thing the idea that anything should be fair in life is a pipe dream as nothing ever is to begin with but its how you as a person tackle the challenge that makes you a champion or a loser.

Fayded 78 Marauder - 1st Place One Week Race (09/11/2012)

IKnowYouLoveMe 24 Ranger - 1st Place 2-Hour Party Race (09/15/2012)

Fayded 76 Marauder - 1st Place (Tie) One Week Race (08/23/2012)
Last edited by Fayded#5131 on Aug 29, 2012, 9:42:11 AM
Honestly, from what you're describing, you're not even doing anything special. Skipping quests with respec points as reward or using good farm areas to level up quickly and be safe in other areas later on, all that is pretty standard. I haven't done Fetid Pool, Medicine Chest on Normal or Church Dungeon with almost all my characters that I leveled the past few weeks, heck, I Phase Run through half of the areas anyways. There is just no point in wasting time on areas where you don't quest or can't farm save and efficiently, not to speak of areas that are filled with Necros.

If that is an "unethical" way to level, so be it.
IGN: Yeph
Without reacting to anyone personaly I'd like to clarify that rushing in a game like PoE should be allowed for a number of reasons.

1) first, its a skill to being able to rush and know how to rush effectively. The gameplay of PoE is based on skill. Thus people should be allowed to rush.

2) the race is about staying alive and reaching a level as high as possible. Not about fully completing content.

3) for the long term apeal of a game like PoE people should be allowed to rush. Once a game gets older people tend to enjoy specific parts of the game. Like high level pvp or endgame content. If you played true the content over a thousand times and you are forced to playe true the full content the game might lose its apeal. If people are able to "skip" to the parts they enjoy most the game will be enjoyed for a longer periode of time.

4) rushing will enable specialized gameplay experiances that woulnd't be possible with extra limitations and bariers. One of the main examples is low level dueling. Being able to use all 12 quest given skillpoints on a very low level allows for low level specilization/personalization.

Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It's the transition that's troublesome.

Hardcore to the bone.

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