Anyone else tired of finding common uniques over and over....?

Cant beleive this thread .... This is a RNG game and for sure some will be more fortunate than other.

Drop more good uniques , well i say get more IR and IQ and you will get them , that's one of the way.

the other way is to clear map at light speed with a full group, and dont waste time.

for the common unique , well if they remove them at high ILVL , they will be less unique drop in game and you will find another Way to complain about not getting any unique cause they just cant make it rain. Same with the Super good rares.

P.S : RNG come and goes

My 2 cent

i think game is fine like this and if we remove IR and IQ from the game it will enhance the gameplay at every level for everyone ! ( and yes i mean harder to get loot , so less Rare unique )
but his will keep a better economie for longer as no one will just do IR and IQ run all day.

No, because I've quit before ever finding more than two uniques.
Path -to- exile
gravisnation wrote:
Cant beleive this thread .... This is a RNG game and for sure some will be more fortunate than other.

Drop more good uniques , well i say get more IR and IQ and you will get them , that's one of the way.

RNG doesn't really have anything to do with why I made this thread. You can't really run much more MF than I am running so thats not a problem.

gravisnation wrote:

for the common unique , well if they remove them at high ILVL , they will be less unique drop in game and you will find another Way to complain about not getting any unique cause they just cant make it rain. Same with the Super good rares.

Honestly I would rather hardly ever see any uniques at the end of the game than the way that they have the game now. If the developers aren't content with the drop rate they made from above common uniques then thats on them. You can't just try to cover it up with tons of common uniques that most players don't want.
Standard Forever
This thread is full of spoiled people. The vast majority of people playing (including me) get excited over ANY unique dropping.
Baldrick wrote:
This thread is full of spoiled people. The vast majority of people playing (including me) get excited over ANY unique dropping.

Not sure how you do that but more power to ya.

Although I don't really know how you can claim "The vast majority". I see complaints about common uniques all the time.
Standard Forever
iamstryker wrote:
Baldrick wrote:
This thread is full of spoiled people. The vast majority of people playing (including me) get excited over ANY unique dropping.

Not sure how you do that but more power to ya.

Although I don't really know how you can claim "The vast majority". I see complaints about common uniques all the time.

I do because I don't see them very often. They are only 'common' to farmers (not that there is anythinng wrong with that, I am trying to become one myself). I admit I am guessing about the 'vast majority', but I have been around long enough to know that most people who play these games don't spend hours every day farming stuff. It's a smaller set of players that do that.
I see a lot of players that are not farmers who burn out pretty fast because they don't find the game rewarding. Or they might then become farmers who find tons of common uniques and start to feel the way I do.
Standard Forever
Been farming now for 3 weeks with High IIR IIQ.

'Tis like combing the desert(spaceballs),

MonstaMunch: "You're just jelly because you can't afford to mirror my rod. It's 100% reel."

GooberM: "How does that not warrant a good ol' stabby-stabby?"
Last edited by didevol#6543 on Jul 23, 2013, 1:38:04 PM
Not tired of finding common uniques, no.
Argument 1)
If you don't want it leave it on the ground. If you think you can't sell it leave it on the ground. If it's crap then leave it on the ground. crap uniques aren't any worse than the crap whites they are laying next to. You don't pick up every white you see expecting to get something out of it. Why would you expect any different from any other crap item?
Argument 2)
Having low level uniques drop in high level areas is amazing for Altoholics, such as myself. Especially in HC. You can, preemptively, farm entire gear sets for dead characters. If you aren't an altoholic or you don't play HC then refer to argument number 1.
Argument 3)
This one has already been made but -> Every once in a while I look at a unique that I've seen a trillion times and it hits me. Hey I can use this and make a completely out of the box build centered around it. Not caring if it makes it to end game or not. It's just something different and fun to do.
Argument 4)
A unique item is not meant to be overpowered most of them aren't even intended to be rarely seen. Some are actually meant to be underpowered in every way but 1. What they are meant to be is exactly what they are called ... unique. An item that is unique to it's base type. You know what your getting the moment you mouse over it. Unlike the non unique rares in which can roll any number of stats. If you mouse over one and don't like what you see then refer to rule number 1.

Don't screw over the people who actually enjoy having them drop b/c you don't want your stash full of them. That is your own fault not ours.

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