Anyone else tired of finding common uniques over and over....?
No drop is better than "low" drop.
Maybe low is the wrong word because there are some very good low level ones. But i think the message is clear. Right now those common uniques just kill the excitement instead of creating some. At 70+, even earlier, those garbage like items can't be any progress item and because they are common they are not even worth a trade. The game has no Loottable, mobs drop items <= their level. So to bring the garbage out it requires a new item drop system :O I don't see this happen. English is my third language, there will be bugs.
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" Exactly this. Right now when I see some unique dropping I'm rather like "oh man again some crap that kills my stash" and I'm very, very surprised if this happens to be some useful/expensive item (almost never). IGN:
ZENofWar [lvl 88 Blood magic cyclone Marauder] ZENofArts [lvl 80 Cast on crit Quill Rain Scion] |
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The common uniques do have a purpose, perhaps not for veteran players but when new players find one it encourages them to think outside the box of cookie cutter builds which is a big part of the attraction of playing this game.
Keeping new players coming is important, don't whine away the reasons they may decide to stay. Fight censorship |
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" I don't think I see your argument. You say that common uniques dropping like crazy at the end of the game is helping to keep new players around? I wouldn't think that there would be much merit to that at all. Lets say that common uniques stopped dropping from item lvl 60 monsters and above. This wouldn't stop new players from getting them so whats the problem? Standard Forever
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" exactly this. Besides, there is a recipe for uniques: -1 unique -1 rare -1 magic -1 normal all of the same type, giving 5 chance orbs, equaling 1 scouring 1 chance. You all know the value of alch, and keep in mind 1 scouring + 1 alch equal a chaos orb. I leave the math to you what an item is worth at least. And getting the set together is definitely not difficult at all. Heavy Quivers (blackgleam) and Paua-Amulets (Sidhebreath) are common, as are other common-unique's base items. IMHO, you can't ask for more... |
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I guess this is why I made the thread, to see how many people are happy with the current set up. I personally don't at all care for that recipe. I don't think its worth the time/effort to gather the materials to get 5 chance orbs, much like I don't think its worth the effort to try to trade the common uniqes. I would prefer a recipe for any 2-3 uniques, or even more.
Standard Forever
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This reminds me of my joke thread I did a few weeks back.
Basically I said that there should be a different color separating the rare and common unique items. The thing is , that not only does rarity separate rare unique items from common , but so does power and to an extent function. The average rare unique does not enable builds , but takes a build and makes it op. Now this doesn't mean that these items are the best all the time. but for one specific build or two they are. Even the arguably weak ones. (this is particularly true of the ilevel 60+ uniques) This is an attribute that is almost entirely not shared by the common uniques. Almost none of the common ones can be considered the best choice for any build. even the much valueed high I level searing touch staff can be replaced if you find two wands powerful enough. Again this is not true for most of the rare uniques. even the low level ones. And I think that is the inherent issue here. We try to think of the two levels of unique as one level. when clearly they are not. And this disappoints us. They don't even act similar. I honestly think GGG should create a new rarity level for the rare unique. The 5 chance orb recipe is built as a floor for the common unique items. what would make it worth it is if like the chaos recipe it went to 10 chance if the rare magic and unique were unidentified . But beyond of that people have to realize is that this game is designed to eat up time. It purposefully take an unreasonable amount of time to acquire wealth , because that is how they keep people playing. .. Until said people start to value their time more than grinding. this is especially true when you get end game and perhaps even before that Last edited by Saltychipmunk#1430 on Jul 11, 2013, 11:15:14 AM
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I'm not tired of finding common uniques because I love the unique drop sound and visual effect :-)
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" There is one problem with this recipe: it requires you to keep ton of garbage items just to get rid of one unique. It doesn't solve anything just force you to keep 4 times more junk. Better make vendor give 1 chaos orb for each unique item. Something people would feel is right for an item that is unique. IGN:
ZENofWar [lvl 88 Blood magic cyclone Marauder] ZENofArts [lvl 80 Cast on crit Quill Rain Scion] |
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" the problem with that is that most people will not pay a chaos for the majority of common unique items. also we have a formula for chaos orbs I want formulas for the other orbs my question is why not just make it 5 chance per unique and remove the silly matching recipe or at the very least remove the normal item requirement so its just the rare unique and magic item |
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