Now that the diamond supporters have made a nice 1 handed axe....

People can't stop complaining eh? What if you dropped one of the best rare items for (insert slot)? You'd complain it's OP as fuck and demand from GGG to delete it?

I know I complain, but I complain from lack of stuff, not for abundance of items that enable you to do shit in game. Do you people even know what's OP? OP is when something enables you to be godmode without any threat to your self - or that everyone wants that item and nothing is better at all. That's OP. Everything else is just very nice and something you aspire to in this kind of game...go out, rape mobs. If you want a real challenge, use a build that challenges you . If someone makes an uber build, meh, who cares, it doesn't affect me at the slightest. Nor should you be affected. It's the same as if someone drops 6link 1000 ES vaal regalia...fuck, I know I want it, I want it bad, but I won't go to forums and cry that it's OP BIS POS and it should be deleted. I'd go to forum and say why the hell it's 1:1.000.000 drop and I want it without having to play 10000 days for it - and it's only useful for one of my toons so to gear them all it would take 2-3 lifetimes at the rate it's going \o/ .


Ah well, guess fun in games is really a forgotten art with a lot forum goers :P
Novalight wrote:
People can't stop complaining eh? What if you dropped one of the best rare items for (insert slot)? You'd complain it's OP as fuck and demand from GGG to delete it?

I know I complain, but I complain from lack of stuff, not for abundance of items that enable you to do shit in game. Do you people even know what's OP? OP is when something enables you to be godmode without any threat to your self - or that everyone wants that item and nothing is better at all. That's OP. Everything else is just very nice and something you aspire to in this kind of game...go out, rape mobs. If you want a real challenge, use a build that challenges you . If someone makes an uber build, meh, who cares, it doesn't affect me at the slightest. Nor should you be affected. It's the same as if someone drops 6link 1000 ES vaal regalia...fuck, I know I want it, I want it bad, but I won't go to forums and cry that it's OP BIS POS and it should be deleted. I'd go to forum and say why the hell it's 1:1.000.000 drop and I want it without having to play 10000 days for it - and it's only useful for one of my toons so to gear them all it would take 2-3 lifetimes at the rate it's going \o/ .


Ah well, guess fun in games is really a forgotten art with a lot forum goers :P

You've done a good job at missing the point entirely. The problem is not whether or not the items are overpowered, the problem is that unique items are supposed to be unique, not rares with high stats.

The design philosophy behind the uniques in this game is that they're supposed to enable builds that otherwise don't exist. What build does a Lioneye's Glare enable? Using a bow?
sry ive seen godly and godlys dont lose hp wich wuold pretty much be a smiter with life tap
IGN: danknugsblazedopeswag
Barry wrote:
Who'd have thought that people donating thousands of dollars would be such a detriment to the game in the long run?

I did, actually. I've discussed this with several devs, from the unique perspective as the guy who first went Diamond and thus had the very first opportunity to tap this 'create a unique' system. From the start I was fascinated with how the process would go. Surely this would lead to spectacular imbalance, overpowered gear and general mayhem in the unique department.

Well, yes and no. You see, a Diaternal doesn't get to dictate the stats balance-wise. We get to pick the flavour of the item, oversee the artwork, name it, and give general ideas of what we'd like it to do. I'm obviously very hands-on so for my second unique and onwards, I've tapped my experience to actually formulate specific ranges of mods, but for the first I basically just said 'low level one hander as two hander with reduced magic find, increased attack speed, lots of burny goodness and heaps of damage please'. What they then came back with sort of blew my mind (250%-300% increased damage remains the highest basic amount on any item), but since it was a low level item, I suppose that's okay. This was before racing, though, which I suspect is part of why they made the thing so damn rare.

(That and high level people were dropping them like candy in end-game areas which drove the cost of what should be a relatively valuable twink item through the floor.)

So you can't really blame the Diaternal supporter for whether or not the item is 'best in slot'.

What you can blame them for is which slot and what level. I'm fairly sure I've made the lowest level unique and that was only because I knew I'd be doing more. No one wants their legacy to be the Unique Rusted Spike or Glass Shank or Goathide Buckler. You're going to see a LOT of Diaternals aiming pretty high. It's a thousand bucks, give or take. Of course they're going to be ambitious. This is part of why GGG tapped Brother Laz. He has designed some of the lower end uniques, doing if you will the drudge work that no one who's paid a grand really wants to do.

But I've talked to a lot of item designers over the past year and the one thing that remains consistent is none of us want blatantly overpowered items. As I said to one such designer yesterday, the only thing worse than putting an underpowered unique into play is putting an overpowered one into play. I mean, most diaternals get some hate at some point anyway, because everyone online thinks they can do better, but guess what, if they can't afford it, tough boobies. Well, not exactly: those create-a-unique threads are pretty good and I do hope GGG peruses them, because we have a LOT of unique slots to fill.

I am not even sure if GGG is going to get a unique in for every single base item before Release. I think that'd be a mistake, personally. A unique per base item has been a standard of any 'finished' ARPG I've played.

And there have always been 'best in slot' uniques in ARPGs. They're impossible to avoid, because uniques have the unfair advantage over the supposedly numerically-superior rares in that they can do things rares cannot. Really crazy, innovative things that bypass the lackluster judgmental scale of 'bigger numbers'. And it would be remiss of GGG NOT to explore and experiment with what uniques can do.

So far, the main points of contention for 'overpowered items' are not Diaternal creations. Kaom's Heart, Shavronne's Wrappings and Lioneye's Glare are all very obviously GGG designed. This is also worth keeping in mind when you level your blame-cannon at Diaternal supporters.

And Chris has expressed his displeasure regarding Lioneye's Glare quite openly.

Thus while I think it fair to consider that this trend of 'strong' or 'overly strong' or, heaven forbid, 'best in slot' uniques at the upper end is a result of Diaternal design, I must say it's like blaming smoke for fire.

Ultimately, every unique is GGG's call.

PS That axe has me rethinking the power levels of my future uniques. That's a game-changer right there.

Alright, I'll retract what I said in the post you quoted. I'm aware that most controversial uniques are GGG created and I know ultimately GGG controls what gets into the game. Still, dat axe.

Do you have any insight as to what the process is for uniques that get patched? Will I hold on to my Lioneye's current stats when they destroy it, effectively raising its value to that of a small house?
sry ive seen godly and godlys dont lose hp wich wuold pretty much be a smiter with life tap
IGN: danknugsblazedopeswag
Barry wrote:
Will I hold on to my Lioneye's current stats when they destroy it, effectively raising its value to that of a small house?

Chris wrote:
I'm speaking personally here and this doesn't reflect what GGG may or may not do with future changes to this item or to the game.

I personally completely agree with you and think that it should have a drawback. When it was rebalanced in the past, the power level was set a little too high. I regret that it wasn't fixed before Open Beta because it's a bit rude to change items that a lot of bow users are using. I don't know if it's going to get changed, but it's a situation that I don't like being in.

They don't really seem to know yet.
square0 wrote:
Barry wrote:
Will I hold on to my Lioneye's current stats when they destroy it, effectively raising its value to that of a small house?

Chris wrote:
I'm speaking personally here and this doesn't reflect what GGG may or may not do with future changes to this item or to the game.

I personally completely agree with you and think that it should have a drawback. When it was rebalanced in the past, the power level was set a little too high. I regret that it wasn't fixed before Open Beta because it's a bit rude to change items that a lot of bow users are using. I don't know if it's going to get changed, but it's a situation that I don't like being in.

They don't really seem to know yet.

Yeah I have read that post that's how I know they're going to neuter the item, which I'm all for. I was just hoping Charan could give us the inside scoop.
sry ive seen godly and godlys dont lose hp wich wuold pretty much be a smiter with life tap
IGN: danknugsblazedopeswag
magree wrote:
Can someone create a good physical dagger, claw or sword? My melee shadow and ranger feel left out since axes will not work with whirling blades. :(

Sorry, I am making a special caster staff
Barry wrote:

Yeah I have read that post that's how I know they're going to neuter the item, which I'm all for. I was just hoping Charan could give us the inside scoop.

I'm riding the coat-tails of others here, because it was deteego who made it clear that they can't just patch an item once it's in. This is why renaming my sword was such a hassle as well. Basically, it involves changing the item as it drops 'from then on' (thus legacy items). To fix this, they need to backup the entire database, effectively 'destroy' all the old ones and replace them with new ones.

It has happened before, but mostly during Closed Beta (Limbsplitter being the most obvious case in my memory). I think LG will be legacied, unfortunately, BUT I do hope that GGG will at some point do a sweep. This may mean some downtime, which of course is something GGG is famous for *not* having.

I was very outspoken regarding the rebalancing of LG when I took a good look at it, and was thoroughly amused when Chris responded to the call with a personal, rather than official, stance. I reckon someone in the office got the evil eye regarding the implementation of that bow as it stands!

So I don't have any insider info, other than knowledge that changing uniques once they're in isn't anywhere near as simple as it should be, from a player/designer's perspective.

This is why I'm concerned right now at the trend towards very powerful Diaternal uniques. Chris taught me the term 'power creep' and yet here I see it, not so much creeping as leaping.

Hopefully I can make some solid profit from GGG's lack of foresight.
sry ive seen godly and godlys dont lose hp wich wuold pretty much be a smiter with life tap
IGN: danknugsblazedopeswag
magree wrote:
Can someone create a good physical dagger, claw or sword? My melee shadow and ranger feel left out since axes will not work with whirling blades. :(

I tried to make a claw sir, but they said it wasn't possible the way I wanted it. D:
I need more purple titles
Ocylix wrote:
magree wrote:
Can someone create a good physical dagger, claw or sword? My melee shadow and ranger feel left out since axes will not work with whirling blades. :(

I tried to make a claw sir, but they said it wasn't possible the way I wanted it. D:

How is that possible? Did you want it to be a fire cat or something?
Invited to Beta 2012-03-18 / Supporter since 2012-04-08
Zahndethus wrote:
magree wrote:
Can someone create a good physical dagger, claw or sword? My melee shadow and ranger feel left out since axes will not work with whirling blades. :(

Sorry, I am making a special caster staff

Wait, there are other weapons than swords?

I...don't understand what this means.

crazy, isn't it?

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