Zombie´s suck since latest Patch - 135% resists... Endgame Summoner screwed. Help us Pls

Temple piety 1 shots lvl 22 20q zombie with lvl 20 minion life 20q with lvl 20 minion resists with 20q and purity.
sepiacalamari wrote:
Temple piety 1 shots lvl 22 20q zombie with lvl 20 minion life 20q with lvl 20 minion resists with 20q and purity.

That's not really a surprise considering the time she need to kill players aswell.
IGN TylordRampage
zombies are good like they are right now !

im playing a summoner right now and if they where more tanky , ill be so op
Last edited by TeresaMino#6699 on Jul 18, 2013, 5:51:24 AM
sepiacalamari wrote:
Temple piety 1 shots lvl 22 20q zombie with lvl 20 minion life 20q with lvl 20 minion resists with 20q and purity.

If that's the case there's must be something wrong with how damage is effecting zombie and maybe summons in general.

I'm assuming your Zombies have over 17K in health. If it's a 1 shot or near 1 shot, it means that Temple Piety does over 60K in damage with 1 lightning storm. 17*4 (assuming 75% res) = 68.

If that's the case, no player control character can survive a hit.

TeresaMino wrote:
zombies are good like they are right now !

im playing a summoner right now and if they where more tanky , ill be so op

No offense but lots of the players are talking about maps and end game in general. Pre-map (except for maybe Merc Piety) and post Normal, Zombies are extremely good.

In end game they are still good but with the health and res, I figure they will live longer or my math is not adding up. It might be their AI though.
Last edited by Hereafter#1131 on Jul 18, 2013, 10:18:24 AM
tuccos wrote:
The Zombies were good as they were.

Resist or not.

Zombies with 12.000 15.000 or 18.000 HP die in a few seconds in L66 maps to Elemental damage.

A simple Dock Voidbearer kills a Quality 20 Level 20 Zombie with 14k HP faster than i can see....

Was it really necessary to give Minions -60 >> MINUS 60 resists from one day to the other ????

Do you developers have an idea what a huge change for summoners that is ?

I lose 7 15k HP Zombies in a simple L66 MAP in a few seconds to elemental damage enemies. i cant even re-summon them so fast they are dieing.

My goodness Beta or not, such huge changes just suck..... from 75% resist down to -60% in one patch ????

would not at least ZERO resists been enough ??? Why -60% ????

Is anyone at GGG playing a pure summoner and tested Minions with -60% resist in Merciless before you guys did that ?????

Its pure bullshit now ok... i am pretty pissed you just nerf the shit out of our builds without testing it by yourself before you deliver us this crap that breaks my interest in playing this game..


Bring the Minions back to some state where they dont die from everything with Elemental damage in 3 seconds

If you're quitting feel free to trasfer all your stuff to me .
Mark_GGG wrote:
Galadedrid wrote:
Can you actually just tell us what the Zombies' base resistance is?
Based on breakpointing the code as a zombie is created, it looks like a level 20 raise zombie gem currently creates a zombie with 32% fire and lightning resistance and 64% cold resistance (0% chaos). That's subject to change with future balance tweaks.

A level 20 minion/totem elemental resistance gem adds 23%/22%/22% respectively (more with quality), bringing that to 55%/75%(maxed)/54%. Necromantic Aegis or the purity aura can be used to further enhance them.
Galadedrid wrote:
I suspect it's somewhere around 30% at level 20, which means in practical terms my Zombies are taking around 280% the elemental damage any (sensible) player at that level would.
Two points out of three, I guess? They're actually taking a lot less damage than a player at that level would if said player didn't invest in resistances (because players have the -60% penalty). If you want the zombies to keep up with a player that does stack resistances, then that should be being compared to zombies that have been built to augment their resistances too - comparing a player with lots of resistances stacking to a zombie with no bonuses applied to it's resistances should make the player look much more resistant. There are fewer ways to raise their resistances, but they start with a lot more base (32%/64% compared to -60% across the board), so need fewer boosts.

Do zombies have a base armor or evasion chance?
No sorry guys tucos is right. It's garbage now. it was balanced before, now its useless. im not going to dump everything into zombies that are still too weak even then. i know what im talking about, been playing summoner since closed beta. if you want to struggle through that now then go ahead and have fun with that unfun class. im done with that class, and im done with this game. until things are fixed im not going to play this anymore. GGG you are going to lose players. the way the zombies were was hard enough in high level maps. good luck messing up your game.
ya i solo'd every map in the game with a summoner with crap gear......So i call bullshit(this was about a month ago)

Malone wrote:
sepiacalamari wrote:
Temple piety 1 shots lvl 22 20q zombie with lvl 20 minion life 20q with lvl 20 minion resists with 20q and purity.

That's not really a surprise considering the time she need to kill players aswell.

well you are doing it wrong

distract here with a totem, sneak your minions up the otherside, let them explode on her, do it again and she is dead.

Pro tip-Don't bother with Piety in temple, just not worth it for the one or two random times you die.

Last edited by DuckYourHead321#1854 on Sep 29, 2013, 12:55:27 PM
Holy whine brigade. Summoners always been insanely powerfull good for game it got fixed now

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